So I've had this struggle building within me. I have a pretty solid and steadily growing Twitter account that's quite easy to manage and it has helped me build a small little community around my game. Some other developers have suggested that I start a Discord in order to further grow that community, but I've been torn on that decision because I don't really understand Discord that much. I lived in China from 2011 - 2019 and Discord came out during that time, so when I exited from behind The Great Firewall of China there were a lot of things that were new to me that others had years of experience with.
I'm currently part of a few servers, all aimed at game development in general rather than that of a specific game. I use them to get help when stuck on a coding problem or to get feedback on some artwork. What I don't understand is why someone would join the Discord of a specific game, either released or in development. I can understand for a massive game like Undertale or something, but for a smaller indie title? Yet it's those smaller indie devs that are recommending this to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad idea, merely that I don't understand the purpose.
Whenever I have an update on my game, I just post it to Twitter, and if I was to open Discord, most people in it would probably be from my Twitter followers and frankly I wouldn't even know what to tell them. "Hey guys, remember that tweet I put up? Well here it is again but in Discord!"
So to my original question, why do you join the Discord of a game developer?