Write here your ideas!
I was surprised the Spikes includes a stun function. I sort of expected that to be a different building. So Spikes only does damage, and Leslies' Ice Trap does the stun part. I was going to suggest a Tar Pit for that purpose.
So my idea is: split the Spikes into two buildings: Spikes and a stun / slowing down building. So in any given square one can only build one or the other.
Later on in the game, RP production slows down considerably in relation to the cost of items. Maybe introducing a tower which boosts RP gain from kills within its radius would help this.
Another welcome addition would be a 'max' button for buying things. I stick to using x1 as choosing x5 inevitably requires me to go back to x1 as it is. A max button would save a few clicks after each rebirth.
Great fun game. I hope that you're still planning on improving it :)
Another thought would be to get rid of the cap on RP per level and Rebirth award MP. My Rockster rebirth upgrades are in the billions now so it would take almost 10 days of 24/7 playing to upgrade all three one time each.
I have no idea how much time or effort it takes to alter something in a game. I am purely a gamer. My programming knowledge began and ended in 1982 on the Spectrum 48k with:
It would be nice to add new guns upgrade that change the picture! ex. Gunshot would be changed to Multi-shot, like Shot gun but Multi-shot is a better name if already is called Gunshot, also maybe you can add a boss that have a ton of health more than rockster! and I would like to see a new update about tickets, i see a lot of it in other games, so basically(just realized i spelled basically right the first time) you earn like 1m and get a new ticket or like %200 of earning per hour or so, and I know that you are very unproductive but thats okay, it will come out in the least moment you even realized!
Teleport. A 'From' and a 'To' so it takes up two squares on the map. It needs to be ridiculously expensive - something for when the map is getting full of weapons. It must be ridiculously slow to reload, much slower than a Rockster navigating the entire map.
The idea is one puts the 'From' base in the last square and the 'To' in the first square and any monster that occasionally make it to the end gets sent back to the start.
Catapult. Sends the monster backwards a small distance - a fraction of a square. Can be upgraded to increase the distance in small amounts. Takes up a square on the path.
Similar in effect to the Stun function but without slowing the monster, but gives one something else to play with.
Perhaps: the amount it sends the monster back depends on the speed of the monster.
Monster Regeneration in exchange for Rebirth Points.
A square on the path. It restores some of the Health of any injured monster as it goes over it, and has a chance of returning a teeny amount of Rebirth Points as it does so.
Called a Healing Station or Hospital or Clinic.
Could work like the Spikes and have one upgrade option for healing Health damage and another upgrade option for healing Health as a %.
It would not be very efficient for building Rebirth points, but would add to the gameplay options.
Narrow path: no overtaking.
A square on the path that makes the path appear narrower. Monsters may not overtake one another on that square.
The main purpose of this is to make sure a Rockster is in front of any Ballys so it takes the fire from Gunshots and Laserguns so it is not wasted on the Ballys. It also slows the Ballys when that happens so they are vulnerable to any Spikes on the previous square or any Guinshots or Laserguns behind them.
It might be it is not effective 100% of the time and so has 'Effectiveness' as an upgrade %age.
Style or 'Kissing Gate' or Turnstile. A square on the path that can only contain one monster. If there is a monster already on that square, monsters start stacking up behind it until it has passed over.
A Rockster will hold up all the Ballys behind it. Rocksters that have appeared from Instant Spawn Chance will get spread out.
This will be like a very effective 'Stun' or 'Sleep' function, so will need to be very expensive.
Turret ideas
freeze turret, flame turret, slam turret to deal area dmg, stun turret.
Monster ideas
Stun monster to stun turrets. Initial 5-sec cooldown upgrade for more coins. initially worth 30 coins.
Boss Monster for a lot of money, but takes 15-sec spawn time. 2000 hp, and can also stun. stun cooldown 15 secs. initial speed is 0.50. Initially worth 5000 coins.
Bolt Monster. extremely fast but has low hp. initially worth 15 coins.
Healer monster heals other monsters in a radius by initially 25% of hp with 10 sec cooldown. for boss, heals 5 hp. upgradable. Initially worth 50 coins.
Rebirth ideas
You should add a part on the turret rebirth upgrades that you can upgrade their base stats in. Also, you should add upgrades that let us exceed the cap value.
Using some of the other comments I've seen with some of my own ideas.....
With xxxxxxx RP you can "Re**something**" in which the game "soft resets" and you have to re-unlock all the structures. Each tower gets a new buff or something that is upgraded with RP. Including some form of a 100% chance to instant spawn mix in a random tile placement restrictions so that you can't simply rinse and repeat the exact same layout every time. Not sure what's possible but another addition would be to have turrets aim at target that you click to add some "control".
Add modes, I would also recommend adding a title screen in case the player wants to change modes. Here are some things I have:
Start new game
Change mode
Modes: Sandbox: Have infinite money, Spawn monsters, and Infinite rebirth points. Master Mode: Items are much more expensive, monster upgrades are cheaper but gives monsters more strength than usual, monsters give less rewards.