So I was looking for a better name for the desktop app than "the desktop app"
...after much discussion, I'm probably going to go with just "itch", however they were some very cool suggestions like:
- Joystream
- Electric Toybox
- Itchomatic
- Itchy's Delivery Service
- Witch
- Lazy Susan
- Shelf
Some of these remind me of visuals I'd see in something like.. Bioshock Infinite? that kind of futuristic old-fashioned feel. Think old, big-talk ads like "The finest money can buy" or "The absolute latest in shaving technology", not sure if that helps conjures up images!
Anyway I really can't draw so if anyone feels extra inspired by any of these name & wants to have a go at a splash screen with some imaginary brand, I'll happily include them in the client. For fun!
It doesn't have to be one of the options above, anything cute/playful/humorous/refreshing you feel like drawing is up for consideration. (ideally transparent PNG w/a color scheme so that I can include it in a way that accommodates different aspect ratios)
P.S: If someone brings up the name "scratch" again I'll quit a second time