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A member registered Nov 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think we can upload the apk to itch, have uploaded mobile games before so

Is there a rule that the submitted game should be a PC game? I was thinking to make a mobile game and wanted to know

it slows down when the ball is in the white circle so that you can shoot better

Thanks for playing

Nice idea of not having the player to reset the level if one shot was screwed. 

Had fun

Do check out mine,it's a golf game too

Loved the game. Had fun playing it and will continue to play it. 

Godzilla had a heart attack playing this game.

Don't forget to rate mine


Don't forget to check out mine

Nice game, Kind of similar to mine don't forget to check it out

That was a very interesting take on the block breaker genre. Enjoyed it a lot, 

Great. Had fun. Nice Idea on the jump.

The idea is nice and matches the theme.

Some of the things that need to be worked on :

- A score bar 

- Some sort of tutorial to figure out or write it in the description

Thanks for posting those links mate. I have a new version of the game with better 2d car physics already made but can't upload it due to jam rules.I will surely check out those tutorials.

Thanks for playing.

Dude you deserve to win this jam with that big brain idea of yours. I watched mark play it on stream and could not resist to try that out by my own. Waiting for more levels and a full build

Great addictive/engaging game

I really liked the idea of "You are responsible for your own victory or loss" . A great memory game

That is a really nice idea. Loved the gameplay and art. Was imagining sfx by my own because the game would have been even more fun with those

The scoring system is bugged. Thanks for playing

That's not lame cause the scoring system is bugged. It works inversely to the amount of fps you have which is clearly not how I meant it to work.Thanks for playing

Might want to rethink about the controls, like movement on one skimo and shoot on another is better than splitting the movement since it's very hard to keep up 3 buttons at a time in order to jump.

Great puzzle and has a potential for a full build,

Oh gosh, I love this idea especially the one where you have to build platforms with weights, much brainstorming has been done for game design I assume.

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U jumpscared me by suddenly changing the enemy into a big mammoth spider,but loved it

I loved the idea and was totally into eating those flies. Liked how you have kept some tolerance for the webs hitting the flies.

Really loved the idea. I called my friend just to check out the online mode. A full build is all I need now

Man I am stuck on level 1. It took me a while to get down then it took me a comment to realize that the arrow board can be moved. but still not able to figure out how to do it.

But a great game, its just that I am dumb.

I think this is the first multiplayer endless runner I have seen.

I loved the concept and I would be more than happy if you make a full build

I just loved playing it and will continue to play this one till I finish it.

Waiting for more levels

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Just fantastic, you killed it

Oh my gosh, that's a great idea. Loved playing it but sadly haven't made it to lvl 3 yet.

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Yep the controls need refinement. Also the scoring has some bug I think because it is not increasing as I intended to so dont feel bad about the score. Thanks for playing

Nice art and fun

Damn the game is well made. Great gameplay and you definitely dont need to make a jump button.

Just tweak the gravity somewhat because sometimes I was floating in air very long time but I wanted to stay on ground and push the rock.

Great art work, great audio, great gameplay. This was my first tower defense game and I got to say you might have pulled me into the genre.

Definitely loved the raw art for UI. Great concept , had fun swinging. Just one point that I found can be improved - The distance between anchors should be such that the player can quickly click on the second anchor after clicking on the first, cause everyone is not a flicker in fps games xD.

I loved the walking through the mines after remembering them idea. Just one criticism that please add an instruction at the beginning of what we are supposed to achieve, I realized later on that it is collect those color spheres.

Thanks for playing. There's your link

The idea is cool,but in my opinion you should have taken it much further with the consequences of having more ships like slow movement, enemies getting bigger, enemy spawn rate increases, enemy moves fast. I am saying this because I was just madly collecting ships only and the enemies had no chance to come closer. Maybe you can make the ships destroy when they hit bullets of your own too.

Fun casual game. I had only one complaint - 'When I first played the game I thought I need to go between the pillar since the top and bottom of them where same color as spikes.' If you think the same then try make them look like they are in the background

Definitely worth playing.

Loved the concept and art. Also brownie points for the last dialogue, lol.

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It was fun to play. Great idea but maybe the mirroring of controls is a bit too confusing. You can keep the mirroring for some levels which are special. Also please add WASD control

Great art. Awesome concept. It deserves a full build and to be published.