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Type G4

A member registered Aug 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks, it wasn't originally planned so I'm glad you like it.

I updated the page to include the links.


I did not make the music as declared. But thanks for liking it.


Hey thanks, for playing. I did attempt to do it like Touhou 3, but still not good at it.

It was the browser version and language was German on Firefox.


The game mechanic of turning into a comet is very interesting. I did encounter a couple of problems:

I died and had to restart the entire level, probably needs a checkpoint at the boss. Restarting caused the music to go silent. Only sound effects were left. Then at some point she didn't turn back out of comet form and I was just stuck.

Good job overall though.

This is a great first part.

Don't know why Ran thought this was hard. Then again I did skip most of Pisces by jumping down the entire level. Getting hit does cause the character to freeze until you let go or change direction which is a bit odd.

Overall a solid entry.

Oh, we went for a similar type of gameplay of VN with a bit of walking around. The lack of any sound needs to be remedied, but I'd say you are on the right track.

Very cute. Honestly my favourite looking game this jam.

Good job.

I'm told to tell you to add prebird.txt

Hey there, there's not much time left to rate games left. Will there be an update? If not, it's fine. I just won't be able to rate it.

Yes, browser version. I walked out of school and went to the right. I saw Policemen and two other people walk along the road so I assume the game didn't crash.

As for the typos I don't remember exactly anymore. Sorry.

It was a fun experience.

However I got stuck after leaving school. It didn't allow me to do anything, neither walking nor opening the menu. But seeing as you have said it should be around 2.5 hours I think it is safe to say that it is a bit too long for a jam in my opinion. A couple of typos here and there but a good entry otherwise.

Shibey at it again. Another great game.

I found the difficulty ok, though having bullets that can pass through walls feel a bit unfair. Didn't go for the evidences though, but they add a good amount of replayability.

As always, suberb.

It's a cute short game. It's fun just mixing and matching clothes accessories, but I think having them snap to the correct position would be better. Perhaps gloves would be a nice addition too as well as having a wider range of colors via a color selector.

Good job.

Interesting concept.

It's a simple short story: open beginning, open end. I like that it doesn't take long to go through all the choices since this is for a jam, though I do find that it ends very abruptly. Also I had trouble following the story, especially the dog who takes a flower and then the old guy comes along and it ends.

The art is very fitting to the setting, though there is not a lot of it. 

Overall a good entry.

Intersting entry.

I thought Song of Morus was difficult with dodging bullets, but I couldn't tell if the bullets were targeted on the character or going to go past the hitbox. At least you are basically invulnerable.

Enemies popping out of thin air add difficulty, but feel unfair and sometimes they drop items that are outside the bounds for the player to collect.

Overall I think you did great.

I love the look of the game and the intro was incredibly good. 

Of course I decided to walk of the path into the void and that is still possible.

Collecting cats and solving the dreams was fun for a while, but when it came down to the last few it turned into running around looking for that missing puzzle piece. Especially looking for the last house took a few minutes. Perhaps you could make a minimap or have the leftover houses be more obvious.

Great demo, keep it up.

Very cute.

The game is very intuitive and fun. At the moment it's a bit short but of course it's for a jam. The speed is a bit slow and I don't know if the first puzzle you encounter is solvable but it's a great start.

Very cute.

The game is very intuitive and fun. At the moment it's a bit short but of course it's for a jam. The speed is a bit slow and I don't know if the first puzzle you encounter is solvable but it's a great start

Thanks for your time.

My idea was to tell a story with minimal gameplay, but it backfired with people expecting more gameplay but not getting it. But yeah, I should make the dialog portions more comfortable to navigate.

I ain't animating all that fighting. That's the sad problem with being too lazy with learning 3d. Thanks for playing.

Yeah, it was supposed to only be a kinetic novel, but I see how the free sections give a wrong impression.

Thanks for the review.

Thank you for your patience.

Glad you like how it looks. That's really the only thing I take pride in.

Yeah, I was going for a VN. The moving around came about because I was inspired by Cherry Tree High School Comedy Club, a VN using sidescrolling instead of a map to move around. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing.

What do you mean Typical G4 game? My games are the best, the cream of the crop. /s

I don't like reading, so having voice acted portions, even if not fully, made the the game so much more enjoyable to me. It is a bit long for something I'd expect out of a jam, and the backgrounds don't fit well with the characters, but overall a incredible visual novel.

Very cute.

I like the idea of a build your own magical girl, though the game feels tacked on rather than part of it. Also it feels weird pushing towards the stall only to turn around and kill somemore shoppers for more money.  

Good job all in all.

I like this, it's a start to a interesting puzzle plattformer.

The smoke mechanics are easy to understand and while not as intuitive ( why can smoke push buttons?) it does work magnificent.

The transform ability needs a bit of fleshing out but I do think this can very fun too.

Hmm, same here, game crashes after Wright makes his escape.

Also the sound effects don't stop after one starts, so there was that hypnosis beep the whole rest of the game.

Well, first you need to continue the story, but that is obvious.

Next I see that there is exp so I assume that at some point you had planned some combat where you can fight back. That would be great too. If you are making the mazes the main point, perhaps adding a puzzle to solve would make it more interesting.

It's an ok start.

I will say though that I do not like the flat black and white. It makes things hard to see. Also the game was stuck on a black screen after opening a box with the box cutter.

Would be interesting to see how you continue though.

Interesting story. 

It's too long for a jam game in my opinion but I do like that it is a complete story.

Interesting start.

I reached the market and that was the end? It's hard to tell where I can fit through and where not. Enemies where completely avoidable too so I cleared the maze in under a minute. 

Needs a bit of work, but has potential.

Very fun game. 

I really liked the rollerblade concept and the design of the magical girl.

Would be great to know at what times you get what rank.

Great writing, nice use of music and sound effects.

I like the concept of switching between two characters to make use of their strengths. 

The keybindings are a bit strange. The entire game can be played with the left hand on WASD, Q and Spacebar and the right hand only really has access to the space bar. Most people are right handed though so if you are going to make a one handed game, perhaps choose a second set of keys for the right hand. That way people can also choose to use both hands as they assign actions per hand.