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A member registered Feb 24, 2014 · View creator page →

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I am sorry. I feel the serverless system doesn't work anymore. TBH, even during the game jam, it only worked half of the time.

The devlog is very detailed. The game is good.

Just a small feedback. It will be easier to play if there is a indicator showing which direction I got hit. There are several scenes in the game with multiple human enemies in front and I can't tell if they are shooting my npc ally or me. It's good that my HP is more than enough

When life gives you lemon, make a snake game. LOL

the gamepad integration is will in progress, I probably should have just disabled it for now.

But the way, how did you trigger than facial expression?

Thanks. I compose a normal version with Logic Pro first, and then convert them to chiptune for GameBoy

The new features are exclusive for the physical version for now

Created a new character althought she is not in the game jam plan. I can feel the character has flaws but I will keep it for now because of schedule.

This character is a preta (hungy ghost). Her motivation is to hijack a limbo train, escape her preta realm and find food. I don't think she will be in the upcoming content, but she surely is designed for the Limbo Express project.


  1. 1 extra level focusing on waves of weak enemies
  2. 1 extra level focusing on obstacle dodging
  3. both new levels shouldn't reused existing background design
  4. improve the 2 existing levels to be joyful to play

extra target

  1. an alternative main character
  2. localization
  3. more levels

Thanks for enjoying my game. I may add more levels in the future. 

The emoji must die!

(1 edit)

i wish lol

It kept the good old humour and get enriched with new gameplay system. As other say, it seems the good strategy is to keep enemies sleeping. It's a wonderful game. Good job.

In the begining, I was thinking "Oh no! it's the RPG maker turn-base battle system". ad then the game quickly finished the magical girl plotline and went to villain  presepctive, which is much better.

I like the battle system. Easy to pick up. And the game have good levels to show how the simple system can offer fun experience in diffierent ways. I died several times but so far finished the game. I also try my best to colelct all coins, although I don't know what is it for.

It's a nice submission 

Thanks for the feedback. I am glad the visual is appericated.

Yah! The whole concept of this game is to push player to the edge of motion sickness. The non-linear train exterior surface shump is a newborn idea. So the gameplayis still in the phase of try and error. On one hand, I feel I should lower the difficulty so that it's easier for new player. But on the other hand, I do feel this game has to be difficult to attract niche gamers. Maybe if I have more levels to flatten the learning curve, it will be better

I will keep develop this game. The current target is 2 more levels

The iso view is unique. The atmosphere is great. The sci-fi is also outstanding in the game jam. The plot hook in the intro is strong but the darkness maze is too tough. Sorry I haven't finished your game.

Nice pixel art, cute but also spooky in the basement. Sadly I think it's not finished. 

I liek the character design. the music is nice I actually stay at the menu page just to listen it for a while. Sadly the game is not finished. But I feel the fighting system is working, and easy to pick up. I will try again if you make an update.

I like the artwork and music, it's so relaxing. However, I don't actually get how to play the game. I only know the white blocks destroy another block and gain me 1000 score

Thanks for playing. So you have a Mega Duck

Thanks. May I know how much time do you need to beat the game?

The half-idle game idea is very unique. So far i still can't figure out what's the best strategy yet, but I feel this game has potential.  

I have to say I have died a lot. But then I figured out that I shouldn't aggreesively attack enemies, instead I should just embush at a safe spot or sometime just bypass them. I like the graphic and music.

Why rabbits? Is it a "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" reference? It's a fun theme interpretation. In the begining I really get a feeling that they are just background animals that i can kill but shouldn't. And then they started attacking me and I find out they are bascially the main enemies in the game.

I think the game will be easier if I can attack when moving.

Ah yes I got into this situation too in my first try XD

(1 edit)

I like the pixel art artwork. the music is also great. 
but i don't know how to progress in the game, i try the left bottom portal and the right portal, all just lead me to a empty room.

I have played the game 3 times before rating it. In the begining is quite difficult ( I play normal mode). But after I know how to use the bomb, it becomes easier. It's exciting, energetics. The music enhances the atmosphere and the story has its humour.  I like the game.

I think it will be better if player respawn with at least 1 bomb

wow. the bad ending. 

anyways, the game is quite a fun. I think it will be easier if i can control the movement and shooting in different direction. But I do see player already needs to press keys to trigger the weapons. The art style is slight scary but not too much, just the right amount. 

Thanks for playing my game. I am still fine tuning the camera movement, as the game mechanic is quite unique. I hope my next version will be less jarring.

For depth perception, it's indeed quite hard to feel the 3D position from a 2D screen. My current strategy is just keep moving to enhance the depth perception.

Thanks for the feedback. I will try to fix it in next game jam. I am glad that you don't get motion sickness as expected, I guess I can raise the level up. 

Limbo Express is indeed designed based on the lessons from the last few Song of Morus games. During Laments On the Brine, I learnt that a moving background makes the game feel much more intense. And during Skypatch, I leanrt that designing a stage based on real world  is difficult and time-consuming for solo team. And these inspired me to make a game with a speeding train in a surreal world.

For Norton's reaction, I hope it's alright.

I like the pixel art, it's vute. The game is easy to pick up and fun to play. Good job.

I like the game concept about reflecting enemy bullet, and the idea of picking side in the middle of a battle. But the difficulty of this game is really hard. The character hitbox is too big but the reflect hitbox is too small. Also, the character can't move when triggering the reflect ability, and the reflected bullet doesn't auto-aim the enemy. And sometimes the bullet hell is too dense, it's impossible to get the reflectable bullet without dying, or simply dodge. 

So I feel it requires lots of luck to win the game.  And ... is it me or the game directly quit when winning?

Thanks for playing my game and giving me feedback. Hmm. For softlock, I may think about it, especially when integrating game controller. The game control is quite new. There are lots of detail I still am trying to figure out.

technically, my positioning algorthm can handle jumping up, but it may be too complicated for player to handle, so in this game Song can only jump in and out.

I like that it's a parody of Isekai story. The ultrimate attack is hilarious.

Can't figure out how to dodge the boss's attack pattern, but I press buttons fast enough to kill it before it kills me, so it's good.

The survivors game system is working, which is good. Gamewise, I think it will be better if there are some background graphic that moves in normal speed. It will be easier to tell the movement of the game character.

The game fits the optional challenge, but not the theme. 

But I have to say. I really like your character and animation design. It's a 3d model mimicking 2d animation. It's sad that the game is not quite finished. I will check it again if there is any update

I was deadline fighting for my project so I only have time to play your game after the deadline.

It's a short but nice creation. The art is in great quality. The quiz for me is in perfect difficulty. It needs to think for a while but so far I don't need the hint. I also like the idea that game over is just waking up from a nightmare instead of a "Game Over" scene like games normally do. Can't wait another chapter, although I am not a fans of depression story. Hopes it get well in the later chapters, or at least offer player a chance to earn a good ending

I see the game is not finished but I do think the game core system is working quite well. Good job. The music is matching the game's atmosphere and i like the injury lens effect.

I suggest to ignore the "top view" and tilt just the main character a little bit. So that player can see the character in better view


Thanks. We are still thinking if we should extend the project.

Thanks. I made an engine library to reduce the tile uses in main game. But most of the visual and game mechanic is done with GBVM and event system.