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A member registered May 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hi, I'm making a raycaster game on pygame, but it's too laggy! Here is the code for it, and let me know what i have to fix

import pygame as pg

import numpy as np

from numba import njit

def main():


    screen = pg.display.set_mode((800, 600))

    running = True

    clock = pg.time.Clock()


    hres = 200  # horizontal resolution

    halfvres = 150  # vertical resolution/2

    mod = hres / 60  # scaling factor (60° fov)

    size = 50

    posx, posy, rot, maph, mapc, exitx, exity = gen_map(size)


    frame = np.zeros((hres, halfvres * 2, 3))

    sky = pg.image.load('skybox.png')

    sky = pg.surfarray.array3d(pg.transform.scale(sky, (360, halfvres * 2))) / 255

    floor = pg.surfarray.array3d(pg.image.load('grass.png')) / 255

    wall = pg.surfarray.array3d(pg.image.load('Wall.jpg')) / 255


    sprite = pg.image.load('Zombie1.png')

    sprite = pg.transform.scale(sprite, (500, 800))

    spsize = np.asarray(sprite.get_size())

    enemies = np.random.uniform(0, 50, (100, 4))

    while running:

        for event in pg.event.get():

            if event.type == pg.QUIT or (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE):

                running = False

        frame = new_frame(posx, posy, rot, frame, sky, floor, hres, halfvres, mod, maph, size, wall, mapc, exitx, exity)

        surf = pg.surfarray.make_surface(frame * 255)

        surf = pg.transform.scale(surf, (800, 600))


        # Efficient enemy rendering

        render_enemies(screen, posx, posy, rot, enemies, sprite, spsize, halfvres, hres)

        fps = int(clock.get_fps())

        pg.display.set_caption(f"Abantonian Forces 3DRM - FPS: {fps}")

        screen.blit(surf, (0, 0))


        posx, posy, rot = movement(posx, posy, rot, maph, clock.tick() / 500)

def movement(posx, posy, rot, maph, et):

    pressed_keys = pg.key.get_pressed()

    x, y, diag = posx, posy, rot

    p_mouse = pg.mouse.get_rel()

    rot = rot + np.clip(p_mouse[0] / 200, -0.2, 0.2)

    if pressed_keys[pg.K_UP] or pressed_keys[ord('w')]:

        x, y = x + et * np.cos(rot), y + et * np.sin(rot)

    elif pressed_keys[pg.K_DOWN] or pressed_keys[ord('s')]:

        x, y = x - et * np.cos(rot), y - et * np.sin(rot)

    if pressed_keys[pg.K_LEFT] or pressed_keys[ord('a')]:

        x, y = x + et * np.sin(rot), y - et * np.cos(rot)

    elif pressed_keys[pg.K_RIGHT] or pressed_keys[ord('d')]:

        x, y = x - et * np.sin(rot), y + et * np.cos(rot)

    if not maph[int(x - 0.2)][int(y)] and not maph[int(x + 0.2)][int(y)] and not maph[int(x)][int(y - 0.2)] and not maph[int(x)][int(y + 0.2)]:

        posx, posy = x, y

    elif not maph[int(posx - 0.2)][int(y)] and not maph[int(posx + 0.2)][int(y)] and not maph[int(posx)][int(y - 0.2)] and not maph[int(posx)][int(y + 0.2)]:

        posy = y

    elif not maph[int(x - 0.2)][int(posy)] and not maph[int(x + 0.2)][int(posy)] and not maph[int(x)][int(posy - 0.2)] and not maph[int(x)][int(posy + 0.2)]:

        posx = x


    return posx, posy, rot

def gen_map(size):

    mapc = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (size, size, 3)) 

    maph = np.random.choice([0] * 10 + [1], (size, size))

    maph[0, :], maph[size - 1, :], maph[:, 0], maph[:, size - 1] = 1, 1, 1, 1

    posx, posy, rot = 1.5, np.random.randint(1, size - 1) + 0.5, np.pi / 4

    x, y = int(posx), int(posy)

    maph[x][y] = 0

    count = 0

    while True:

        testx, testy = x, y

        if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:

            testx += np.random.choice([-1, 1])


            testy += np.random.choice([-1, 1])

        if 0 < testx < size - 1 and 0 < testy < size - 1:

            if maph[testx][testy] == 0 or count > 5:

                count = 0

                x, y = testx, testy

                maph[x][y] = 0

                if x == size - 2:

                    exitx, exity = x, y



                count += 1

    return posx, posy, rot, maph, mapc, exitx, exity


def new_frame(posx, posy, rot, frame, sky, floor, hres, halfvres, mod, maph, size, wall, mapc, exitx, exity):

    for i in range(hres):

        rot_i = rot + np.deg2rad(i / mod - 30)

        sin, cos, cos2 = np.sin(rot_i), np.cos(rot_i), np.cos(np.deg2rad(i / mod - 30))

        frame[i][:] = sky[int(np.rad2deg(rot_i) % 359)][:]

        x, y = posx, posy

        while maph[int(x) % (size - 1)][int(y) % (size - 1)] == 0:

            x, y = x + 0.01 * cos, y + 0.01 * sin

        n = abs((x - posx) / cos)    

        h = int(halfvres / (n * cos2 + 0.001))

        xx = int(x * 3 % 1 * 99)        

        if x % 1 < 0.02 or x % 1 > 0.98:

            xx = int(y * 3 % 1 * 99)

        yy = np.linspace(0, 3, h * 2) * 99 % 99

        shade = 0.3 + 0.7 * (h / halfvres)

        if shade > 1:

            shade = 1


        ash = 0 

        if maph[int(x - 0.33) % (size - 1)][int(y - 0.33) % (size - 1)]:

            ash = 1


        if maph[int(x - 0.01) % (size - 1)][int(y - 0.01) % (size - 1)]:

            shade, ash = shade * 0.5, 0

        c = mapc[int(x) % (size - 1)][int(y) % (size - 1)]

        for k in range(h * 2):

            if 0 <= halfvres - h + k < 2 * halfvres:

                if ash and 1 - k / (2 * h) < 1 - xx / 99:

                    c, ash = 0.5 * c, 0

                if not (int(x) == exitx and int(y) == exity):

                    frame[i][halfvres - h + k] = wall[xx][int(yy[k])]

                if halfvres + 3 * h - k < halfvres * 2:

                    if not (int(x) == exitx and int(y) == exity):

                        frame[i][halfvres + 3 * h - k] = wall[xx][int(yy[k])]


        for j in range(halfvres - h):

            n = (halfvres / (halfvres - j)) / cos2

            x, y = posx + cos * n, posy + sin * n

            xx, yy = int(x * 2 % 1 * 99), int(y * 2 % 1 * 99)

            shade = 0.2 + 0.8 * (1 - j / halfvres)

            if maph[int(x - 0.33) % (size - 1)][int(y - 0.33) % (size - 1)]:

                shade *= 0.5

            elif ((maph[int(x - 0.33) % (size - 1)][int(y) % (size - 1)] and y % 1 > x % 1) or

                  (maph[int(x) % (size - 1)][int(y - 0.33) % (size - 1)] and x % 1 > y % 1)):

                shade *= 0.5

            if int(x) == exitx and int(y) == exity and (x % 1 - 0.5) ** 2 + (y % 1 - 0.5) ** 2 < 0.2:


            frame[i][halfvres * 2 - j - 1] = shade * (floor[xx][yy] + frame[i][halfvres * 2 - j - 1]) / 2

            if int(x) == exitx and int(y) == exity and (x % 1 - 0.5) ** 2 + (y % 1 - 0.5) ** 2 < 0.2:

                ee = j / (10 * halfvres)

                frame[i][j:2 * halfvres - j] = (ee * np.ones(3) + frame[i][j:2 * halfvres - j]) / (1 + ee)

    return frame

def render_enemies(screen, posx, posy, rot, enemies, sprite, spsize, halfvres, hres):

    for en in range(len(enemies)):

        enx, eny = enemies[en][0], enemies[en][1]

        angle = np.arctan((eny - posy) / (enx - posx))

        if abs((posx + np.cos(angle)) - enx) > abs(posx - enx):

            angle = (angle - np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)

        anglediff = (rot - angle) % (2 * np.pi)

        if anglediff > 11 * np.pi / 6 or anglediff < np.pi / 6:

            dist = np.sqrt((posx - enx) ** 2 + (posy - eny) ** 2)

            enemies[en][2], enemies[en][3] = anglediff, 1 / dist


            enemies[en][3] = 999

    enemies = enemies[enemies[:, 3].argsort()]

    for en in range(len(enemies)): 

        if enemies[en][3] > 10:


        cos2 = enemies[en][2]

        scaling = min(enemies[en][3], 2) / cos2

        vert = 300 + 300 * scaling - scaling * spsize[1] / 2

        hor = 400 - 800 * np.sin(enemies[en][2]) - scaling * spsize[0] / 2

        spsurf = pg.transform.scale(sprite, (int(scaling * spsize[0]), int(s

Wasn't talking about that, on the forums, you said that my game wasn't working. This was because you only installed the executable and not the assets and other files needed to launch the game.

can you do sci-fi work?

Sure! sorry i didn't see this

(1 edit)

BTW, my game was not working on your computer maybe because you only installed the executable file. Try installing the other 2 files.

dk man, it just feels like something i;d see on scratch with the fonts and the graphics lol

the kingdom rush series, I got burnt out because of school

if you're a moderator come and hangout here

Nice game! Huge Scratch game vibes

(1 edit)

I see the problem!

You're going to have to install all of the files!

you only installed the executable! you need to install the every other file or it ain't gonna work

What does your computer say? it works perfectly on my linux computer

Sci-FI Tower Defense Game

Official - There's a sequel to the game coming up!

Hope you enjoy :)

My game

 Click here to play my game my game

So, my game isn't garnering enough attention (at all) but this isn't self promotion

download the game and tell me what you think

sorry for no pay :(

(1 edit)

I need artists for my game. I can do digital art, but on my tablet which my parents restrict.

So, I need an artist who can make assests for me, i need pixel art.

Please note, I can't pay any contributers to the game as I'm not going to monetise the game, however, anyone who does contribute will be highly credited in the game

good suggestion, but i came asking because i took a way too long break and there was like virtually no progress done from the nnouncement of the game till the now.

(1 edit)

The kingdom rush series, amazing games! I've only ever played the classic and frontiers tho

I think I've slown down a bit too much, which is why I'm here

alr cool!

I'm feeling a little burnt out and development for my game is slowing down,  I'm catching myself not working on the game and usually just on youtube

Any other fellow developers who experienced this, what can help get me more motivated?

the only social media I have is youtube but that is unrelated to game development I only post memes there

(1 edit)

also ive noticed that every single person that has offered to help make music actually make the style of music i'd need for the game!

idk man, i'd just feel bad by turning someone's offer to help make the game down

for now, you can make the main menu song. I'd like it really upbeat and intense. Good day!

Here's a tune you can make for now!

Title - The City

How it should feel - in the game, you're basically just fighting off cyborgs and cultists. There's alot of commotion, bullets firing and explosions.

I want the song to fit the mood and be really upbeat.

You make some fire music!

Here's a soundtrack you can make:

so, in the game, there is a cult that worships cyborgs that you have to fight

there is also a bossfight of one of the cult's overlord in the first level(subdivided into maps).

you can make the bossfight's themesong.

so, it should be a crowd chanting 'O Cykrog(pronounced: S-ai-krog) grant us your powers' and you just remix that into song thats really upbeat

you can make tracks for the game! I'll specify what I want you to create

after school, I'll give a few tracks I'll need for the game

y'all are good musicians!

I'll include you all, and credit you all for the amazing music you make

you make some nice music!

That's some really good music! It'd be good for maybe the credit section of my game where I show the credits! Most of the songs in game should be like intense



I'm developing a game 'The Wrath of Cykrog 2: Cykrog's Revenge'. I've started doing the artwork and I'll be doing the programming. However, I don't know how to make music and even if I did, it would not likely be suited for my game so I need someone else to do it.

I'm looking for retro, adventurous and upbeat music.

Anyone who makes me any asset for the game will be credited at the end of the game

I'm creating a new game:

The Wrath of Cykrog 2: Cykrog's Revenge

it's a sequel to my game Cykrog's wrath (the original game, if you want to play it)

when it should be released:

School work and not being in a really good mental state is slowing down progress, so expect it to release by end of year-2026

I've started making artwork for this game, Q & A in replies

Stay updated :)

yo guyyyyyyyyys!1!11!!11!1! Gues what1?1??

I mayd thiz websyd and it's so col!1!11!1!1!1

I cal it and it's for sharing chicken nuggie recipes!1!1!11

Dry ti out for yourself!1!1!11!1!1!

Guys you should only make Dino nuggies here

(Moderators please take this as a joke)

Cykrog's  wrath - A 2D Sci-Fi game made with Pygame

Age rating: 10+ (fantasy violence)

Click here to download my game

no problem!

you can advertise your games in the "Announcement" category