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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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I hope I'm not echoing everyone else here too much, but you did really really well this jam. Something about these puzzles scratched that brain itch - challenging, satisfying to solve and feels great when you're on a roll. There were 3 or 4 I couldn't make par on by one or two moves, but I sure kept going back to try every time until I had to move on.

Without remembering the pattern key from the title screens, it was a little harder to get some of them right. I think it would have worked well to keep that key around somewhere accessible during gameplay. However, some specific levels (Learning to Run, Turning it Up, and Remember the Rules) serve as pretty good teaching tools for overlapping order and which patterns are produced by which number of pins.

Plus I'm really impressed with the level editor and mobile version! Sfx is well done and the music you picked fits very well. This is a super solid entry for this jam!!

(1 edit)

Those puzzles are so solid. Since you never really "die" die, its super snappy to pick right back up once you figure out what you're supposed to do. New mechanics get introduced just in time and they're fun and intuitive. Even the platforming gets good in tandem with the puzzling, especially in Drop Dead (speaking of which I like that you named all the levels something clever).

And your artwork is awesome, too. I really love your animations on the checkpoint crosses and the slimes, plus the transitions. It all looks really good, feels good to play and is loaded with charm. I feel like you knocked it out of the park with this entry

*edit to say I really hope you get to continue and expand this with more levels and/or mechanics!

Great art, nice music that fits the gameplay. I found myself barreling through the first few levels with weaker drones just to get back where I was when mine was destroyed. Only when the drones got stronger did I feel like I had to be more careful, most of the time. There were a couple of times where there were so many drones on screen before starting, I couldn't keep it all together and set a good path and just prayed. It worked... sometimes! Maybe one in six or seven times. And as satisfying as it was to peek through the noise and set the path just right, I actually think I felt a little better when I set a path without as much prep time and it worked out well. This is a fun game and easy to lose track of time replaying, nicely done

That was fun. Different lengths of rope is a neat way to expand the mechanic and swinging around is fun. Falling down the mountain but catching onto something just in time is a little thrill, just not to have to make the slog back upwards. I encountered this (attached), I think I tried to set down a rope while jumping between this gap, got stuck and had to start over. 

Neat mechanics and a bit of story stuff happening is always good in these jams. Nice job!

This has great replayability and I found myself redoing most of the levels because I felt like I could get a better movement count. Taking the checkpoint with you helps get around the feeling that you'd lose everything on one move trying to cut down your moves, so good job with that mechanic. Another fun puzzle game this jam

That was a fun puzzler. I figured it'd be a lot to juggle at first, but the mechanics make sense right away. I felt like once they were all introduced and tested, it'd be time to open things up - then, the game ended! I see that you only made this for the jam, but I kinda hope you expand on it someday. I think the concept is very solid and lends itself to satisfying gameplay. The last puzzle took me a minute and a half but felt very good to get done. Art is really nice too, your animation on the bee and flower made things feel lively.

Hello! Your game kicked my tail but it was fun to play and I think I got a little better since I first played it a couple days ago. Would really appreciate it if you tried our game out as well

The music you picked really fit your games aesthetic. Lining a bunch of colors up and just downing them all together felt super satisfying (even if it was a happy accident for me once or twice). Tension builds and things get faster at a steady and fair rate. And it was simple to understand and drop into once you've played it for a second. Great job on this game!

I see a lot of folks saying the jump could have more horizontal momentum and I agree, but I kinda like it the way it is! After one or two times, I got the arc and landing them felt good. Fun game with no fuss

That was neat! I liked the effect behind being hit and going back to a checkpoint. Couldn't figure out the last puzzle but I did figure out that you can hit space to jump and shift to get a key one after the other. But aside from that, I got through all the puzzles just fine and they felt well designed for the main mechanic. The box in the last one was a bit slippery. Overall nice job

Love the art on this one, your sprite work is really good. Every level was just tense enough without being super difficult and moving around felt great too.

Also nice to hear George Winston's stuff here :) that soundscape fits well with this platformer, somehow. Maybe it compliments the quiet nature of being alone under the sea?

That was fun! Neat concept and nice puzzles. I think you did really well teaching the player unusual concepts through gameplay instead of a popup like standing sideways in the 5th level. Nicely done, hope you get to expand upon it

Love the bouncy animation on your character! Movement feels great, color palette is a really good choice. Animation on other objects like the checkpoints make everything pop as well. The only thing I had trouble with was holding shift to pick things up. I feel like left shift is pretty awkward considering wasd controls and right shift wasn't working for me. Could be a personal thing here, but I feel like tap shift to pick up and throw would feel a little better. But that's a small thing in the face of how fun it is to play, so nice job here

Hey that was a fun puzzle game. The music is nice and fits well, attentive sound design, the puzzles gave a good challenge and the concept is interesting. Plus everything looks nice and polished, great job with the art. I did encounter one bug(?) in level 5 or whichever was the "pushup" level - you can get the characters stuck under the stationary block in the center of the floor and pushed into the floor by the 2 moving blocks that you affect with the flow of power. I somehow managed to do those things more than once and couldn't get out without restarting. It did help me understand that what I was doing was the wrong way to go about it though!

For one or two of those puzzles, I was able to put both characters near the battery at the same time and move around way more freely away from power lines. Felt sorta like cheesing it but honestly, still satisfying to solve even in a possibly unintended way. Anyway, that was fun! Awesome job to all involved

pretty good puzzle concept for 2 hours work! would also like to see more levels in the future

(1 edit)

Love the character designs and background looks especially great too! Would like a bit of a wider range on the sword swing but movement felt pretty much just right. Nice job

*edit to say animations are solid as well

Nice art and character design! I also got that bug when talking to an npc and an enemy attacks. Went back the second time and played with mouse and pickaxe instead of trackpad and pistol, way better experience that way. Didn't have to do much checkpoint sacrificing after that. Thanks, good job and congrats on submitting

Visuals are good, the effect combining the two waveforms into one color looked and felt smooth. A leaderboard! Some anon made it way up there as of writing this. I could just be bad at it but this game is hard right out of the gate. A lot of mechanics to get down pat before I can really get a good score and that first bit is super tough, but it's something I'd wanna get better at. Congrats on the submission and hope you keep developing it some down the road

That was fun! I thought I was good at it and then I hit a wall at level 5. But that frustration lead to better satisfaction when getting past the challenge. You really did well with the diversifier and I love the blinkers you gave the cars, very pleasing to look at and play overall. Congrats and great job

Hey thanks for streaming our game! Glad you recognized the RSE soundfont, those horns can't be beat in an orchestral piece :)

That's some tight platforming man! Nice control over the jump arch and even a little bit of momentum based stuff with the side facing spikes, right? Nice. Maybe I imagined that last part but what I'm saying is, movement feels great and any missteps were my own since the control over your character is pretty much total. Feels good to move.

Smooth, skillful and polished animation, cool bgm loop, sfx are solid. Plus the concept is super cartoony and fun. It mixes platforming and puzzle really well. If you ever start updating this with more levels or something, that'd be sweet. I really enjoyed your game, congrats on the submission.

That was a lot of fun to play. I like the slower, more deliberate pace of traveling around and fighting other ships, repairing your own, etc. The dice game for a cannon hit is a neat idea and upgrading your cannon = more die is well thought out too. Ended on Gentleman Pirate, I didn't think that was too bad... no Pirate King though.

The art is top notch in this project. I'm not at sprite artist so it's always especially impressive when things like shading and object depth can be communicated so convincingly, and with little color to boot. Seriously, great work. The music was also really good, perfect for the atmosphere! I most enjoyed the intro/final screen tune. And the composition while on the main map screen really complimented the gameplay.

I think only 2 things really stuck out to me. First, maybe have a different sound effect for when you successfully barter for something and when you don't have the right trade item to do that. Second, I'm not a huge fan of screens with gameplay info having a timer before they go away. For someone like me that has to read things a couple of times to get the gist, it can be kind of a hinderance. That's just personal preference, I guess. Anyway, good job and congrats to all of you for this one. Awesome game.

Hey, on the way to check out your work now. here's ours! hope you enjoy.

Cool concept! The lasso is a neat take on the space invaders sort of formula. I like the idea, I bet it'd be even more fun with a controller. Feels good taking out a whole row.

I think the only thing about the lasso though is ship movement. Maybe allowing the ship to move while lassoing, but much slower. It makes it so you have a chance to dodge enemy shots instead of having to fully commit to your position while you loop enemies. Music is cool too, live band?

Just did. Cool game and neat idea!

This idea is so cool and ambitious, especially for a limited time game jam. I was never great at top down shooters so it's hard for me to say there, but I think you nailed the feel of the other two. I also really enjoyed the music and the swap of color and tunes between gameplay styles. Nice sprite work, too.

Hi! Checking yours out right now, it'd mean a lot if you checked ours out too for play/rate. We also worked very hard on it :)

It was definitely hard splitting my focus between the three actions all at once, but I got there! Cool submission. We'd appreciate if you check out our game too, we worked hard yknow?

Cool idea, it was hard for me to split my brain up to move, jump and switch. In a good way though! I had the hang of it by the end which I think means the learning curve is pretty good. I feel like fall speed being a little higher would be neat but I guess that would change the gameplay too much from what it is now. Level design is cool, vertical designs can be repetitive but these aren't so. Overall fun game, congrats on submitting it.

Checked it out and rated, cool stuff. Our game could use more reviews for sure! We'd appreciate it if you could rate and leave some feedback.

Cool concept for a score based game! It was definitely easier to play with keyboard for me. The enemies kinda showed up super fast and their projectiles were really small, but they got simpler to deal with once fully on screen and in their place. Otherwise, good job. Movement felt pretty good too; mixed with the simple concept of making the loop, I enjoyed this one.

Hi! That was fun, just played and rated. Appreciate it if you'd do the same with ours here, thanks:

For 24h of work, this is still real good. Jumping, falling and running could benefit from being a little slower and maybe the option to undo one tv screen guy instead of just restart the level. Those would be the two things I'd want the most if you ever update. Otherwise, the concept is neat and the character/animation is cute and well designed. I like the play/pause motif. Good job under the time constraint. I'd like to see if you update it once the jam is over for final polishing!

Just rated your game, here's ours! Hope you enjoy.

Congrats on the first jam! I like the concept of having laps and a finish in a platformer. I think once you flesh that out more, you'll have something really cool. The jumping could use a little more weight but movement felt good otherwise. Objective is pretty clear between the HUD and being clear on what you're supposed to touch and what you're not. Great job!

Boy that's tough.

Playing this with a controller was a dream, that's some tight platforming for sure. Run speed is quick and short hops are easy to perform. I didn't notice right away but it seems like when you switch the direction of your swing, it stays that direction until you switch back? I had to get used to that.

I really dig the art style and the animation, especially on the boss golem. That charge attack with the shoulders hunched in is great. I get the point of the game in this case is kind of to not beat it (?) for the loop theme, but I think having better telegraphed attacks would be good. There are a couple ground slam attacks that do super different things but look the same. Same with the chain pulls. I got him down to 25% left by just following and wailing on him. I wonder what happens if you beat him?

Anyway, cool game. The control is great, very nice sprite work. I liked the dialogue from the prisoner too. Congrats on this one.

Howdy! My partner for this jam (under GAME JOY) and I are playing your game as I type this. Here's ours, hope you enjoy:

This game was so hard for me, but super rewarding too. Making a game that's hard but makes you wanna keep playing can't be easy, so way to strike a great balance. An interesting take on a classic and the art and music are cool too (love that effect when you catch your tail). 

Those layers of scrolling background! Looks great and sells the speed since the obstacles and gas cans can't pop up that fast. I also enjoy the music and the sfx, cool motorcycle hum. I wasn't really sure what was affecting the countdown that caused me to lose. Overall, neat game. Also, killer art there on the main page.

I see it's been said already, but the game did get way harder without the guiding circle. I kinda like the difficulty, but it seems less intentional and I admit I couldn't get much further without it.

Otherwise, super cool stuff! It's a neat take on the Loop theme, the art (especially the bat) is cute and stylish, the music is good and I always like having different themes for different levels in a short game. Even with the circle thing, moving the bat feels responsive and quick. Nice job overall.