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A member registered Jan 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow! What a fantastic game! I could tell immediately that it was gonna be fun, and when the extra jobs got added in it was so crazy. My only critique is that I think maybe you should be given a slight bit of leeway with the AI catching you. Well done!

Well done! I though that perhaps the tutorial was too long and wordy, maybe making it so that the player tries to learn "on the job" would be better? Overall, very good!

A tough but fun game! Pretty much the same as other comments, although I would add I think it'd be great to have something that makes it a bit more obvious that you are currently climbing (rather than just noticing you're not falling).

Thank you for the kind words! The score is calculated by using specific "control" points that's generated when the word is displayed (each word is taken from a huge list of like 2000 names, the full name is shown on screen but the control points are very few and are generated dynamically). Then we find the closest drawn point to any control point, find the distance between, and add this up for all control points. It's a little more complicated than this in reality but that's the gist of it! Thanks again for playing!

I realised that too while testing haha! Thank you so much for the kind words!

Thank you so much for playing! Yeah that's definitely something I noticed as a way to cheese the game haha, I must think of a way to redo the scoring system to avoid that.

Well done! I really liked the cute Puffies, a nice switch-up from the usual goomba crushing.

That's a good idea. I'll make sure to add that in the next version. Thank you so much for playing!

Wow! The graphics, audio, the idea, its all amazing! My only critique is that it was a bit clunky to control, but otherwise a spectacular entry!

Really fun! I think a good addition would have been allowing the player to jump, so that you could better dodge some items while being able to grab others. I really enjoyed the music aswell!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'd like to add onto it in the future, so its good to hear you though the timing was well.

Thank you so much for playing! That wasn't my intention but now that you say it I do see the resemblance!

The graphics and audio were really good! I was genuinely creeped out while playing. I did think the sensitivity was too high, a setting to change this would have been great. Overall well done!

Cool entry! I love the idea of the endless waves, and the art is really nice! I do think it is perhaps too difficult, maybe making it so that the player can block or even simply that enemies come in distinct waves would be good, as this gives the player time to craft.

Makes sense about the "cheese". I would absolutely love to play more of this game if you ever expanded it!

I might be biased because I had a similar idea (although yours is executed much better), but I love the idea! I like your solution of having the two cameras so the player knows how to move. Well done!

Great idea! Unfortunately I found it really difficult to click and drag each asteroid, especially as they got smaller. But overall, well done!

What a cool idea! This way of doing puzzles is so interesting and really satisfying when you get it just right. Well done!

(1 edit)

This is by far the most fun game I have played in this whole jam. The idea is brilliant, the art is quirky, the gameplay is fun, I love it! Its amazing you even added a tutorial!

It seems like you can cheese the AI by hiding far to the left, more often than not the AI goes off to the right and you can score easy shots. My only REAL complaint is that it doesn't feel like theres any impact when you hit the player, so you end up just shooting until something happens.

That being said, I still enjoyed (and played) this game a lot. I started on endless mode with the goal of reaching 50k score... then 100k, then 200k... I think my final score was 206571 before I decided I broke the game enough. My ship was so small the shotgun blasts were 10 times the size (try and spot it! its near the middle on the top part of the screen), my cooldowns so low the laser blast was instantaneous, and my screen so full of enemy waves and elite enemies that I only had 2FPS. The player would spawn and then die only a few frames later, I didn't need to press anything. Spectacular.

Honestly, this is amazing. Absolutely well done!


1 million. I needed it.

Nice 2D dungeon crawler! I thought the hit detection from enemies could do some work, as sometimes I would be hit when it felt kinda "unfair" to be so. The art is really great too!

What a great idea and executed really well! The reactions are really funny and the variety of gameplay is great fun. I would say though that quite often the list of controls get in the way when you're starting a new stream, but that was minor!

Thank you very much! There is certainly a lot I can work on :)

(1 edit)

Really fun game! Would love to see this idea expanded further, a story of ronald becoming this reverse scammer hero (or maybe multiple endings where you could become the scammer?) would be awesome!

I absolutely loved the flute, it made for really great tension as it picked up! I managed to get a score of 45 before stopping, but I can definitely see myself coming back to aim for a higher score. Great job!

So much fun! I love how much more chaotic it gets over time, and you feel really awesome dodging between enemies and golfballs. Brilliant!

I was quite surprised at how unnerving the game felt just by walking around. It's a really interesting concept! I would say though that the start felt very confusing, before getting dropped into the main area. Great job and really impressed by it all!

Thank you very much!

I love how the game ramps up in difficulty, and even you restart it speeds up the pace. The chaos in stage 8 was so much fun!

Really fun game! The concept is great, and I love how many different ways you could go about solving a level. As others have said, a zoom out feature would be really helpful!

Really fun! The game plays very well and it is easy to pick it up. A cool idea to think about could be allowing the player to make their own combos that give more score the harder they are.

I really like the idea, and the game itself looks and controls very well. Unfortunately, it is very easy to cheese it by just waving your mouse around, making the game more challenging would greatly improve it!

SO much fun! I can't believe how great of a game you made in such a small amount of time. The multiplayer aspect worked really well and made for a really competitive and fun time. I also really love how much work you put into the manual and other explanations for the game.

Really fun! I thought it was quite easy until the last level. Changing the guards paths often got them stuck, which was a little annoying (but it was still easy enough to free them). Overall, great job!

Thank you so much! They were each some of my ideas, but I had some trouble with Unitys collision system that was taking too much time, so something for the future. I'm glad you had fun!

Thank you!

I ended up finishing really quickly by letting the enemy bring each tower low on health and I would finish it off. The visuals and sound effects are really great, and the game controls feel very smooth already!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you had fun, even if the difficulty needs some polish :D

Thank you! I'm glad you found it enjoyable :)

Surprisingly challenging! I had fun trying to get all the bricks!

What a cool idea! I loved getting each sigil one bone off completion, so that I could then bombard the hero with 3 skeletons at once. Brilliant!