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A member registered Sep 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Honestly, I expected something like that to be the case, I can fully agree with you. I am considering doing an update to this game later and I will definitely address this if I do. Thanks for playing :) 

This is a very good game! I honestly don't have any major gripes on it. Well, actually, the later levels were quite challenging and I just gave up a bit after thinking about the answer to the puzzle too hard. I like the idea though. This could make for a very relaxing mobile game, good work!

This is a pretty good game, good job! My main complaint is that the presentation was a little confusing to understand. The tutorial was a bit lengthy and I think you could've found better ways to teach the player the primary game mechanics. Some enemies weren't introduced until later and there could've been separate levels to teach enemy mechanics. However, with the time constraints of the jam I can somewhat look past this.

The difficulty did also ramp up a bit too  fast and overwhelmed me a bit in some places, but thanks to the x10 lives I was able to clear the entire game! For future projects, I would suggest creating a much slower difficulty curve and having more difficult levels much closer  to the end.

I do like the idea of re-directing bullets that are not controlled by you, that creates a micromanagement type gameplay that is quite interesting and can be explored in a variety of ways. Personally, I would've loved to see the player ramp up in the number of bullets they're firing or fire different types of bullets. This would make the bullet redirection a lot less straight-forward and create different gameplay scenarios.

Overall though, a good submission! The gameplay and presentation just needs a lot more polish and development time, but the core concept is solid! I enjoyed this. Good luck on the jam :) 

Ok, this is a very funny idea, I enjoyed this! My only real gripe with the game itself is that the font and some UI was a little difficult to read, but I can look past that due to the short time constraint that these jams have. Anyways, I could see this being developed into one of those games with multiple different endings depending on which routes you take. It will be interesting to be a side character in a main game and slowly develop  your relations with other characters as the main character progresses the story.

Oh, the lack of sounds and the static window was also a bit annoying, but it didn't hurt the experience too much. It was a bit too short too. Other than that I think this game just needs a lot more polish, development, and time for it to truly shine. Good work!

That aside, you could even experiment with the idea of literally not being able to have any free will due to being a side character. Maybe some actions are just completely blocked because the main character won't allow it. Finding ways to disobey could be a primary game mechanic and it could turn into a fun little game. Good luck in the jam! :) 

I do like the idea of summoning enemies to attack an AI controlled player character. However, I have a few issues with your game. For one, the controls are very awkward, having to constantly switch between number keys and arrows and up and done and my hands are constantly dancing around the keyboard. It is very difficult to get used to and I would recommend developing a cleaner control scheme.  Additionally, if you don't position your enemies properly the bunny gets stuck in the corner and becomes unable to be attacked and it is basically a soft lock. This game needs a lose condition and the bunny needs a bit better AI to make for a clean gameplay experience.

Again though, good job on submitting something to the jam! Your entry just needs a lot more polish and time to develop it and I'm sure it'll be very fun! Good luck on the jam!

Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, level 15 is quite a hard one since it was added at the very last moment, I wanted to have a final challenge-type level. You did pretty well though, many others got stuck around the level 12 mark. Thanks for playing!

Pretty cool idea! So let's dig into this one. My main issue with this is that the gameplay itself is quite shallow. It boils down to just micromanaging two buttons, upgrading your resource gathering, and then sending out troops to delay the ship a bit so you can have some time to get more resources. It's actually quite simple to win. If this idea is expanded a bit further I would suggest adding some additional depth to the gameplay so you can put a bit more thought into your actions, but your current implementation is perfectly fine as a prototype!

Also, a minor gripe, but using the mouse to click on the pause menu and then needing to swap to arrow keys to traverse the menu was a bit inconvenient. It would have been nice if I could purely use the mouse for everything.

That aside, I do like that you added pause functionalities and the ability to disable the sound, it really makes the game feel a lot more polished. I actually smiled a little when I saw that you included those features.  The presentation overall is quite good and the visual style is quite cool. However, I think the music could use a little bit of work. Overall though, great entry, and good luck on the jam! :) 

Something about the music and the tons of men running was just extremely hilarious to me. Great work on that front, haha! 

That aside, this was pretty fun. My main complaint with the game is the lag during certain points of it, I guess this is caused by simulating so many entities all at the same time. Additionally, I think the game got a bit too hard a bit too fast. I only made it to level 5 before dying and lost most of my men in earlier stages. There were just so many projectiles being thrown around that it was very difficult to not lose men. Some of the turrets also seem to fire predictive shots, and even though they travel slowly it makes it quite hard to traverse safely! Other than that I think this game just needs a big coat of polish to make the gameplay really hit. 

Overall, good work, and good luck in the jam! I do like the idea of navigating through a tower defense, it has the potential to create very interesting gameplay scenarios if explored further.

Oh wow, this was quite a subversive experience! As others have said, I wish you didn't have to start all the way from the beginning and wait for the game to progress every time you died and see the ending cutscene animation. There isn't much to do while you wait to get back to the main gameplay. I never managed to score that high, I guess I just suck. Great job on the visuals and feedback loop, the animations are very smooth and satisfying. This is a solid entry! Good luck with the jam!

I like the idea, the floaty controls on the golf ball make it quite challenging to maneuver around the levels. What this game really needs is a big coat of polish! The music got very repetitive after some time, and a little irritating actually. The camera is also a bit jittery whenever you start up a new level and I had a few issues starting up the game for the first time in regards to my mouse not showing and my browser freezing for a bit. Other than that this is a good implementation of a simple idea, good work and keep making games!

Good presentation! I got stuck at several points throughout the puzzle but I guess that's the entire point, lol. The music is pretty good though it got a little repetitive for a game such as this where you're spending a lot of time thinking about what to do next. It may be a good idea to have a variety in the tracks are you progress through the game. I also found several of the visuals quite bright, you may want to use a bit less post-processing effects. Other than that the game is quite funny, good work!

This game has the potential to be an interesting puzzler, it just needs a lot more polish and it'd be pretty great! My main complaint with the gameplay is that the controls were a bit too awkward to work with. I needed to constantly think about which tools were where and what I needed to do with them in order to get them to do what I wanted them to. If this game is expanded further I also think it would be a good idea to not introduce all of your tools so quickly, as I think that could easily overwhelm players with too many variables that they need to think about. Introducing the tools one at a time and slowly showing what they're good at in separate levels would go a long way in teaching the player how to navigate the world!

Other than that, I would've loved to see more levels to see what else you could've done with this idea or where you would have taken it. However, I guess you ran out of time.

The presentation was pretty good though, and I do like the idea of a puzzle game where you play god to reach a desired outcome! Good work and keep making games!

Maybe I'm just a noob, but I had no idea what I was doing for most of the game, and even then I barely understand what is going on but I think I get the general gist of it. 

I think the feedback from switching turns could be presented a little bit better, just to more clearly communicate the message that the phase has switched. Maybe there could be a pop-up that shows or some other visual effect. An undo button for your moves would also be quite nice, so I didn't have to restart from the beginning every single time. I was scratching my head a lot trying to keep track of what I needed to do and when to progress in the game. I feel like I progressed by just sheer chance.

That said, your presentation overall is top notch and this idea is definitely quite interesting and unique. The little bits of lore and story were also quite intriguing. Great work on this! Good luck in the jam!

Good idea, unfortunately, there isn't that much content in the game to mess around with. There are two main gripes I have with this. One is the control scheme, the controls were extremely awkward, especially for me who could only play with a keyboard. I'd recommend that you change the unit control to be based on something else so you do not need a unique keybind for each creep type.

Additionally, the camera movement was very strict and made me feel quite cramped when moving through the maze. Maybe this is intended, but it made it hard to look around and see what my creeps were doing and where they were at.

The other thing that I would note is that this game is surprisingly a lot more challenging than I expected it to be! If it were expanded into something more I would definitely try to ease the player into the game more. Having a wall of text and then immediately getting thrown in was a bit overwhelming. I'd also add just a bit of player feedback when your units die, you're taking damage, your current score, etc. The lack of those things made it hard to keep track of the state of the game. Beyond that, I think you'd just need a bit of polish to emphasize the gameplay!

That aside, the idea of having to be on the enemy side in a tower defense game is a really cool idea! I would definitely like to see this fleshed out more and it could evolve into a very interesting game.   Good job on submitting to the game jam! Good luck with the jam, and I hope to see more from you in the future!

I'm a noob, btw, xD:

Ok, this is a little embarrassing, but I was just stuck on the robot thingy thinking I was supposed to kill it for about 5 minutes, until realizing that this was mainly a platformer game. That aside, this is a pretty simple concept, and you executed it quite well I think. However, the level design I think was a bit lacking. This may have just been an issue with the resolution, but there were several "leaps of faith" in the jumps where I had no idea where I was going to land and if I needed to switch afterward, this resulted in me dying because my jump was poorly placed in relation to the level. On that note, the music changing a bit every time you swapped sides is an interesting idea, but it got a bit irritating especially when you needed to swap several times in a short period of time.  I think it would be best if the change was very subtle.

Other than that the implementation of the core mechanic was straightforward and quite clean, great work to all of you for making an idea come together!

Interesting concept, the music, and presentation are very good overall! I almost lost the game but just barely managed to cling on for dear life and win when it swapped back to the enemy phase. One thing I will say though is that I think that the gameplay for the enemy side could use a bit more depth. There isn't much to do after you place down your units and there isn't much strategy to where you place them. Also as you already mentioned the balance is a bit weird, but I think that's a side effect of the concept. Other than that, great work!

Also funni little thing, an illusion of choice smh.

Smashing enemies was quite satisfying, good sense of polish overall on this entry. However, as others have said I do think it's a bit too difficult and gets hard quite fast. I also found the font used in the How To Play menu a bit too difficult to read, I had to squint my eyes a little to make out the words. I do like the idea of how you're trying to protect your gold stash, but it does create this weird scenario where if you lose a bit of gold you're more likely to snowball into losing more gold and then losing. Perhaps the game could use a bit of balance or tuning on that front.

Overall though, a fine entry, good work!

This was quite a humorous game, and a very solid presentation all around! Both the visuals and audio clearly communicate the intent of the game. My only real complaint is that I think that the gameplay drags on a bit, my suggestion would be to make the game much shorter but get more intense as time passes. Heck, maybe you could experiment with reducing the timer to something like 30 seconds, or even 10 seconds. Then, have the fishing gameplay go really fast with lots of bumps and turns. Good job overall though, great entry!

I can appreciate the idea, but I definitely think you over-scoped! Making something this complex within 48 hours sounds like quite a challenge. I will note that I found it difficult to see in this lighting, but there isn't much else to say. Good job on finishing something!

I understand the concept, but the very small changes in abilities from fight to fight make it hard to notice if anything is changing with the encounters. For me, the gameplay felt the same throughout the entire experience. I do also wish that there was a tutorial as I didn't really understand what was happening at first. The art is pretty good though, and I see potential in this idea. Nice work!

I like the idea of this entry, it just needs a lot more polishing to really stand out! The controls were a bit confusing at first and I became unable to drop the apple a bit into my play sessions, this is probably a bug of some sort. This could be a solid arcade-style game with a bit more work. For example adding more interesting AI to the snake so it's a bit more of a challenge to manage, adding third parties that make it harder to feed the snake, etc. Good job and good luck!

Very good presentation, my main complaint with the game is that I feel that the difficulty progresses a bit to fast for a newer player. I managed to complete a few levels but it took a lot of effort to gain the skills necessary to overcome the challenges. That said the music is great and the game is solid overall, good work!

I think you forgot to upload the game or something else happened, unfortunately.

Now that you mention it I think I completely forgot to take another look at the player's hitbox heh, I did keep adjusting the hitboxes of bullets though. Thanks for the feedback!

LMAOOOOOOO! Glad you enjoyed it :). This is my favorite piece of feedback.

Wow, thanks for the absolutely MASSIVE post of feedback! Yeah, I completely agree with you, this can be expanded in a multitude of different ways and I may revisit the idea or game later. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

I was expecting this to be boring but it was quite satisfying to get into the picture frame and take pictures looking all stylish! Great work on the presentation, this is a clean execution of a simple idea. I could see this expanded further by adding external modifiers like birds or apples, maybe interactable objects, etc, that all influence how you take your picture. You could also put this into a WarioWare-type game as one of many minigames you could play! 

(2 edits)

Took a few tries but I managed to beat your game! You know I was expecting this to be a game where the goal was to avoid the line, but your interpretation of having to yank the fisherman into the water completely subverted my expectations, good work! Level 3 was a bit hard for me and took a few tries but I REELED in that win, lol.

The gameplay was satisfying to pull off and I don't really have gripes with the game's current state. However, the tutorial was a little buggy in that it was skipping when I didn't want it to. I would also like to see some gameplay enhancers that make the combat sequences a bit more interesting as well as a bit more polish on the game overall. There were some grammatical errors in the tutorial too. Great work though, you actually blew my expectations out of the water! Keep making games!

At first I thought I needed to put the fruit on top of the snake's head, but turns I can just run into the body. I don't know if this is intended behavior but it trivialized the gameplay, there was no challenge whatsoever. I think this game needs a better lose condition and some third factor to add additional depth to the gameplay loop. It would be quite interesting to see how chaotic  you could make this with a bit more work and polish. Keep on grinding and good luck in the jam!

This game does not launch unfortunately.

(2 edits)

The presentation is quite solid, the art style is visually pleasing to look at. I probably struggled a bit more than I should have on the tutorial level, I died several times. I was very close to asking how to get past certain parts of it but I figured it out. I think the levels in general progress in difficulty and scale a bit too fast for the average player. So, some levels were a bit overwhelming for me. For example the levels that started introducing the moving underwater spikes killed me quite a lot.

I do like the concept behind the levels though, reversing the ground and body into water and the ability to swim can have some interesting use cases. Good work overall! I hope to see more from you all :) 

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(This frontward facing sprite is really funny, I'm saving it for later lol)
The game called me a loser and now I am crying :( 

(2 edits)

The introduction of the game's mechanics was done quite well. However, the lack of feedback from performing certain actions makes the game feel a bit dull, kinda spooky in a way. I could see this being a Plague Inc. type game if the gameplay is enhanced with stuff like random modifiers to your game, ruining your progress or otherwise leveling you up in some way. This game has potential, it just needs a lot more polish and fleshing out! Good work and keep making games!

I'm not exactly sure what to say here, but I think this is just snake except you don't grow long? The gameplay is exactly the same as snake otherwise, and it doesn't seem like anything new was tried here. Good job on submitting a game though, and keep making games!

Your concept is good, it just needs a lot more polishing and fleshing out. The presentation of the cards after you used them also left me a bit confused as to what was actually happening, I think the flow of combat moved a bit too fast maybe. However, I did have an easy time learning the core functions of the game, so good job on making the UI easily communicate that. I forgot almost all of what was said in the essay tutorial. 

I think I died on room number 12 to some red queen guy. If this is polished a lot more I could see it being a very good game, keep making games!

This was a very unique entry! I managed not to let to news know of my hyper embarassing death! I do wish it was a bit easier to lose though, I was actively trying to throw on my second run and I found that the detective was quite... stupid, lol.

Great job, keep making games! The art style is very cool.

Interesting concept and very good presentation. However, the execution of the priest's AI was quite lacking. I was making noises in several areas near the objects that I was bound by and he wouldn't look at these objects. It make it extremely difficult to get him to do what I wanted him to do and actually losing seems to be quite hard. If his AI was polished up I could see this be an interesting game with several levels. Keep making games and I'm interested to see where else you go in your journey! Again though, the presentation is very solid, the music is quite good!

(1 edit)

I managed to do it, it took a bit toooo long for me to figure out how the mechanics work, but yeah I get the general idea of this.

I wish there were more maps to map and some external gameplay enhancer to making the maps. For example, a thunderstorm or fog making it hard to see parts of the map or having limited markers so you need to figure out what the best route to chart the area would be.

Another possible idea is that men will traverse the map after you finish making it, and you'd need to be smart about making them not adventure through treacherous areas otherwise they'd risk and inevitably die.

This game has potential to be an interesting puzzle game! You could also take it in the direction of a simulator if that's more your style, and just make so you can mess around with the different features of map making. Good work, keep making games!



(Excellent presentation, would love to see this fleshed out more!)

Simple concept, and though the levels were a bit too on the simple side I can appreciate the gameplay mechanics of switching between the two angels. However, I'm too used to using the spacebar to jump... this resulted in me dying tons of times to regular spikes that could've otherwise been avoided easily. I would recommend not using the spacebar for something like that or adding an ability to switch control schemes!

The art style is rough around the edges, but if polished up a bit I think it'd look quite nice. I think it gets the job done. Keep making games!