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A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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yay, Invader Zim pig was reference for that 3d model!

Nice small game. At first I panicked, but could understand all mechanics fast and, well, nothing went wrong in first try.

This is really some high-quality stuff,  especially that twist with red guy. Visuals and sfx are so good too.

Really beautiful game. I love such bug-themed games a lot.

But as for gameplay, I think you need to work on AI and combat, as for now fighting feels somewhat tedious and bugs aren't really feel as a danger. Tho maybe it gets better later, I somehow stucked in stones in location when you meet frogs for the first time. Also, player weapon range is too short as for me.

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Nice game concept with some nostalgic vibes. Sometimes feels unnecessary hard, like, player probably wont make it through second night if he don't upgrade gun; also it's barely enough battery to go to the depths and back, and player feels too slow. Also, would be good to have possibility to reload manually. Nevertheless I completed it after third try. Interesting concept, I bet with some finetuning, new cool upgrades like for battery and walking speed and new adventures it can be good game.

It's cool to have something where you can kinda attack and defend using that rhythm mechanic. But the big problem with the game that's not synchronized with the music. So attacks that you should click don't land on music beats.

There quite a few games which are submitted to, like, 10 jams. But I think jam owners doesn't bother about it.

Very nice game. Instantly reminds Yeti flash games era. And quests and upgrades make gameplay really addictive! The only thing I missed is possibility to end run on key click.

Good little game, at first I was thinking that it's unfairly hard but then understood how I should play and completed it on second try. Would be cool to have some other attack ability for player, like fire a rocket once in 3 seconds or smthin like this.

Looks like fun little game with really pretty pixel art. Unfortunately, I couldn't find third password, only one words that I found was "stoned" and it didn't work.

I liked rotating pigs.

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I liked pink pig but didn't like green one.

Interesting concept. I'd like to play more, but game ends when I build rocket. So I shoot like 10 bugs and it's the end... I thought there will be more targets :(

Anyway, my few suggestions about game design:

- as Imp said, block building will be very annoying in long run. No one would be able to remember all buildings, so player would need endlessly go look for recipe, place blocks etc, it will take a lot of time for not very interesting process.

- camera control is kinda very hard atm

- prob game balance should be adjusted, now you can place few factories and have endless materials.

- I think building menu should be reworked. Smaller icons, few rows, so that all buildings could be seen without scrolling. Also would be cool to have two menus, one for houses, factories etc and other one for turrets and walls.

Overall, could be cool game, waiting for version where I'll have enough targets to shoot them manually using every turret.

Btw, it reminds me old game Incoming(1998). There was a lot different vehicles(planes, tanks, helicopters etc) which you could control to fight aliens, but also there was strategic mode where you could build base. Maybe at some point you would like to add some vehicles which you can control, not only turrets.

Well it was definitely tense experience, especially first part. Liked the visuals, and sounds are huge addition to overall mood.

Tho in terms of game design there's few things which I didn't like.

- main thing is that light is very scarce. And it's ok for gameplay, tho it bad for visuals. Half of the game I was wandering in total darkness, not seeing where I step. I think it would be much better to keep small light when player can't use it, not remove it completely.

- it's possible to block your walkthrough by spending light mindlessly. And the only way to continue is to restart from checkpoint which is really not cool. Maybe you can respawn light in places where it was if player spends all, so at least player can come back and take light, not go to menu and restart.

- at some point I was feeling that I'm playing "Got lost in night wood simulator" coz I was just wandering in circles without light, maybe some paths aren't highlighted enough.

- Last key for door - really wasn't obvious that I could take it, looked more like lagged interactable icon to me. I think it should have at least some emissive light or smthin like this.

- And well, light is really scarce. There was many times when I wanted to light some objects just to look at them, enjoy their stylization but I knew that I couldn't do it because I'll loose then.

But overall it was cool experience, nice game.

(2 edits)

Great visuals, music, world, mood... Well, I bet, you already know it. So I'll make some gameplay feedback:

- too pixel-huntinish gameplay. There was few times when I couldn't understand what should I click for few minutes, searching randomly point on screen which I should click to progress. Especially it's related to transitions between scenes. So maybe you'll want to think how to make interactive parts more visible to player while keeping overall style.

- a little annoying that you should move mouse up and down to progress through dialog because you need to click your dialog window and NPC window. I suggest that player should go to next line just by clicking mouse anywhere.

- backpack puzzle. Well, it's tedious. It has some unclear rules because some items can be placed over other ones and other couldn't. Probably I wouldn't been able to complete it without tips, which is kinda bad in terms of game design.

Otherwise great work, keep it up!

I had hard times trying to understand what to do at start. So on my first walkthrough I completed game by solving only final puzzle, because I could pick up the fourth piece without doing all other puzzles - probably bug. Also it's somewhat not clear in terms of game logic why Hovanets can't place boards without candle, or why you need exactly that candle etc.

Otherwise cool game, looking good too. Some sounds and ambient would totally add a lot to overall mood of the game.

Can't run game. Looks like it's webgl build, if you want your game to run in browser you should setup it on game edit page.

Цікаво. Чого не вистачило так це повороту блоків(чи я не знайшов як?). Ну і баланс страждає, через те що пушка летить повільно вона ні в кого не може попасти, а леза на якомусь етапі починають літати так далеко що моби спавняться ближче, і леза також не можуть нікому нанести дамаг. Тож простір для розвитку є. Схоже в цілому на Heretic's Fork.

Як на мене, забагато всього спробували впихнути в гру то ж не мали часу дошліфувати. Зате можна грати дохлою собакою!

Прикольно в цілому. Трохи залип, в результаті дійшов до 86 очок.

Awesome game! I loled hard when that guy put himself into small hole and rotated to enable torch. And it's looking really good.

It was interesting to follow game plot, too sad that it's ended so abruptly. But we all know how jams usually go, I bet you'll make it even more interesting in future time.

Oh noo, I just finished 10-day code marathon and you made me read code even in the game! 

But really, very funny game.

Would be cool if you play my pipe-game:

(1 edit)

Game looks interesting, but is really buggy. Tho I don't know what is bug and what is intended, so I'll just list things which doesn't work good as for me:

• Player controls: it feels really strange tbh. Like when in some games you get bad bonus which turn your controls to be opposite, and when you press right you actually going left. Minigame one is more interesting, but main character controls...

• It's hard to understand that minigame panels is interactable, I wouldn't know it if not read description. They're just very similar to background. If they were placed other side, so that player could see visible bright blue screen, it would be much better.

• Minigame is unintuitive too. I got that top numbers mean how many enemies left, but why bottom one goes from -100, then after damage it goes from -10000 to 0? I guess it's just non-initialized health value.

• Idk if there's more, but I couldn't pass past blue circle on ground, there's door which I couldn't open.

Also, bullets look strange(debug scale?), big enemies haven't health bar, but has same health as small one, which feels wrong. Well, I wonder is there more of game past that door, but I can't go there. And yes, in free assets note you say that you used some music, but I couldn't hear any, so I guess it's bug too.

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Honestly, I couldn't pass past 25 points. There's a moving platform, but it is moving so fast, that to reach it I should jump before I can see it, otherwise it will be too far away. Maybe there some mechanic to make it easier? But if so, I couldn't figure how to use it.

Well, I actually liked this game. The only annoying thing is invisible walls in places where some people stay, so I lost one my run because I wanted to possess overpowered FIB agent, but he was behind that wall. Other thing is that driving cars often a bit stuck in each other, but it's nothing.

(2 edits)

Hi, I would like you to play my game, and if you have enough time to complete it and watch final cutscene(could be done in 15 minutes) and make a honest rate and comment on the game.

In return, I'll do the same to your one, just rate-comment my game and notify me by making a post in this topic.

Game: Piping Out

Made review too, would be glad to see your one.

Well, the game is really atmospheric but as a game... eh. Main gameplay mechanic isn't really interesting, and also unintuitive how it works: at first I spent 5 minutes trying to understand how game works, then I gave up and went to read description, and then I spent 5 more minutes until got it. And then, after I lost before 4 nightmare I had no desire to replay game to look for next ones, so decision to restart game on failure is too doesn't really works for player.

But it looks good, especially TV light. Only thing which I didn't liked it's that hero head color is the same as bed behind it so it's indistinguishable.

Would be cool if you rate my game too.

Funny thing. Would like to have another level or two tho. But yea, I know how it is going, since I planned for this jam 10 levels and got only 5 myself lol.

Game looks good, but it's hard to understand that dimension changes if you don't know where to look. Would be good to have some more visual differences or cues to emphasize this. 

Dancing gnomes was really good, I must say.

Some more dynamics wouldn't mind. Also, don't know if this bug or intentional, but I thought that engine heat should go down during night.

And music... well, it's cool, but sounds like it was recorded very loudly and it's killing ears. And another thing which I'd like is to not start tracks from start after dimension change, because then you will hear only first 10-20 seconds of track everytime.

It's somewhat fun, but man, how much hard it gets with new cube sides... Really liked that bonus cards tho.

Nice game. Also, characters somehow remind me surreal entertaiment videos.

Huh, it's good take on classics. Somehow I completed game in just third run. And of course cool overall mood.