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Well it was definitely tense experience, especially first part. Liked the visuals, and sounds are huge addition to overall mood.

Tho in terms of game design there's few things which I didn't like.

- main thing is that light is very scarce. And it's ok for gameplay, tho it bad for visuals. Half of the game I was wandering in total darkness, not seeing where I step. I think it would be much better to keep small light when player can't use it, not remove it completely.

- it's possible to block your walkthrough by spending light mindlessly. And the only way to continue is to restart from checkpoint which is really not cool. Maybe you can respawn light in places where it was if player spends all, so at least player can come back and take light, not go to menu and restart.

- at some point I was feeling that I'm playing "Got lost in night wood simulator" coz I was just wandering in circles without light, maybe some paths aren't highlighted enough.

- Last key for door - really wasn't obvious that I could take it, looked more like lagged interactable icon to me. I think it should have at least some emissive light or smthin like this.

- And well, light is really scarce. There was many times when I wanted to light some objects just to look at them, enjoy their stylization but I knew that I couldn't do it because I'll loose then.

But overall it was cool experience, nice game.