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(2 edits) (+1)

Great visuals, music, world, mood... Well, I bet, you already know it. So I'll make some gameplay feedback:

- too pixel-huntinish gameplay. There was few times when I couldn't understand what should I click for few minutes, searching randomly point on screen which I should click to progress. Especially it's related to transitions between scenes. So maybe you'll want to think how to make interactive parts more visible to player while keeping overall style.

- a little annoying that you should move mouse up and down to progress through dialog because you need to click your dialog window and NPC window. I suggest that player should go to next line just by clicking mouse anywhere.

- backpack puzzle. Well, it's tedious. It has some unclear rules because some items can be placed over other ones and other couldn't. Probably I wouldn't been able to complete it without tips, which is kinda bad in terms of game design.

Otherwise great work, keep it up!