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A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like the concept,

But I felt the game was very short. I also felt like I can just choose growth and always win.

I think this would be nice to expand upon, also if you have multiple cacti maybe you choose which ones use which resources.

But needs to be slightly longer. with more choices.

The first few rounds are all growth or nothing, and there is no reason to choose nothing, so everyone will always choose growth ( I think😂) so maybe changing that up a bit would be nice

But Good job!

I actually thought about something similar, where you spawn units first and then send them together but that would defeat the purpose of the cooldowns😂

but maybe it feels better to strategize that way,

I may do a build with this and see if people like playing this way more.

Also, you're right about the spells/units

Thank you so much for feedback!

I like the game,

I had a similar concept in mind that I wanted to work on, the tasks are funny,

Idk if there was an easier way to to do the gatsby one other than writing random stuff for a wordcount of 300, but it feels like having the text file there should do something but I couldn't use it😂

but I like the concept, its a good game, good job!

I really like the presentation of the game, 

The art is really nice, and the puzzles are good (got stuck at some of them bc the monkey was acting up though😂)

It took me some time to understand how to play tho, 

so maybe with the intro text (or even better after during the first level) give some explanation on how to actually play.

But really nice,

Good job!

I like the game,

The art is really nice and it feels good to play.

The controls are nice, I think it would feel nicer to move towards the direction of the mouse rather than the opposite though. Although it adds a nice intense feeling to the gameplay.

I also feel like the shield goes away too fast, maybe it should be held to keep active and then it recharges instead of using it then waiting till it can be used again,

I also think the camera is too close, and the zoomed-out version is too far, maybe a dynamic one where you can change it to how much you like it would be better

There were some movement jitter every now and then but nothing game breaking,

I think adding some extra combat, powerups/upgrades, a bigger world, and maybe some procedural generation would be such a nice idea to expand. I'd love to this going further

I really like the art at the beginning unfortunately I didn't much get the story behind it.

I like the concept, but the game feels slightly lacking in terms of understanding what's going on in the game,

So maybe adding health bars to enemies and even the player. I'd also think it needs some effects and particles and definitely sounds.

I understand the black void thingies are damaging but I couldn't get the characters not to go there. 

I think an in-game tutorial helps a lot when the game is downloadable, it feels a bit annoying having to go to the page and look for controls when you've already downloaded the game.

But like I said, it's a cool concept, and I think it would be good to expand it.

Good job!

I really like the art and music.

The slippery movement would maybe fit in better on a bigger level, or maybe with better acceleration/deceleration curves.

I also think you need a bit more objects to drop on mice or maybe some other way of attacking them.

but its nice, good job!

Thank you so much,

The fire lets you burn a tower for 5 seconds "freezing" it
once you select it and hover over a tower a button should appear. I should have made the button appear without hovering as soon as you paid for it tbh.

Tmpro seems to glitch out whenever you go full screen for some reason I haven't found a way to fix that just yet,

But thank you for the feedback!

The demon is a bit OP tbh😂
its a spell, you can disable towers for a set amount of time you click on it and then you select a tower.

I'll make sure a pointer is active after selecting it so that its a bit more obvious.

I also had a plan to do some tutorial levels but never got to it 😂

I'll try to do some rebalancing of levels some time in the future.

Thank you for your feedback :)

Yes, the game is intended to be gone linearly 

But I wanted to leave the possibility to see all levels in case you get stuck on one level I wanted you to still be able to see the others.

Maybe I should make it so that if you lose you keep most of your souls/bones so you don't have to repeat all of the levels.

During playtesting, we just farmed up on the first level since it has no towers.

Thank you for your feedback :)

I really like the game,

I'd love it if there was a way to remove/replace tiles, or maybe undo the last tile placement.

With the tiles being in random order and without the possibility to see all tiles, it's a bit frustrating to have to do the entire level just because the one tile you need just never came in time

I didn't know the camera movement was a thing so an in-game gesture to the possibility would be nice, I also didn't know about rotating fields till a bit late.

I think if you add more levels, polish up a bit more (I'd love to see fight animations for example), and add a story to it, it could make for a complete game.

Good job!

for some reason going full screen just disables all text. Text also seems to be acting weird on mobile builds.

Not sure if this is something I do or just unity being unity 😂

But thank youu!

I like the concept,

I didn't realize I had to left/right click to choose upgrades (maybe an in-game indication would be nice)

But it's just enough to keep you engaged, I found myself playing multiple rounds

I'd say maybe have chickens collected and go to the same place and then you decide what to spend them on. Rather than collecting 2 chickens for left/right and then deciding oh I would love to move these chickens but now I can't.

This might also not be needed, but maybe adding some tradeoff for destroying eggs? so clicking on them by mistake is the whole concept, but maybe there would be a reason to destroy them so a chance of getting something out of them, so you wouldn't go around destroying all eggs, but if you have enough you would wanna consider reducing the number of eggs around for the chance of something good happening (just a thought)

But good job!

I like the art,

But the game isn't super engaging, its fun for a bit but then feels slightly repetitive, the boss animations are nice tho, 

Maybe if the boss can move around and then there are enemies from both directions or something similar,

But I like the idea,

Good job!

I was a bit frustrated with the wall slide to jump as it felt a bit too sensitive so I press left to slide on the left wall but as soon as she jumps she starts going left bc I'm still pressing and if I press right too early I'm not wall sliding anymore.

It certainly gets better the more you're used to it but it was a bit frustrating. 

idk if infinite jump with w was intentional but I wouldn't have kept going without it so glad it's in there.

The art is really nice, and the concept is cool,

The boss fight is a bit underwhelming but for a jam game, it's alright.

Good job!

The puzzles are really well made, the art looks really nice and the game is fun to play.

Some nitpicking, maybe have the enemies moveable killable only when the game starts, and then maybe allow some/all blocks to be moveable in the game, then when you press play you have to consider the stuff to do rather than just watch
But these are extra stuff, the game is good at the current state. Good job!

Thank youu
I'll definitely re-upload it after the voting period,
probably also adding updates and submitting to the post jam jam :)

It took me some time to get used to
After reading the description everything was clear.

Its fun tbh
I'd add something to keep the player engaged and maybe multiple levels but its nice. 
Good job!

The resolution only works if I zoom in?😂

I really like the concept of the game, stumbling around buttons and looking for what works feels fun.
I'd like to see more of this where you just run into more and more scenarios and like a fleshed-out story.

Good job!

Very cool game,

Loved the fast-paced nature of it.

I always love a you're the Monster games 

Good job!

Really good aesthetics (although might be slightly distracting, but I love the shadows.

The hand-drawn hints such a nice touch.

Very cool entry,

Good job!

I loved this 😄
I didn't think a FNAF reversed game would find its way into the jam😄
Very cool game, 
Good job!

I really like the art.

Very cool concept. I wish there were some audio to it.

I also like the way the theme is incorporated.

Good job!

Cool concept, I also like the father-son team dynamic 😄
Very creative, good job!

Nice game, the level design is nice, and the mechanics are cool.
The controls felt a bit unusual to me I would have gone with something like up for slow down for fast and left right for movement and then it could also work for wasd

But good job!

The game scales with time, but I think the scaling takes too long to hit a good speed, but yeah I zoomed out the camera and made the player movement a bit faster

I'm also considering up-down movement as well as left right so the player gets more control

Thank you!

I like that idea 😂
Maybe  in post-jam version😂
Thank you for your feedback

Very nice graphics

But a bit too hard to grasp and play

Cool idea, controls feels a bit janky though

using mouse could probably be nicer to play with as said below
But good job!

Simple game, unique idea 😂

I like the art, Good job!

I was expecting some dark to happen at the end😂
but cool nevertheless.

Simple game, and cool art. Love the fridge.

Good job!

Cool use of mechanics. Smart idea. I liked playing it

good job!

Really cool game, love the use of beans 

Good job!

I really like the concept.
But the game feel isn't very nice, maybe have the player be faster but then decrease the speed a bit when low on stamina

The player gets stuck on walls (maybe use a physics material with no friction)
overall the idea has potential with some polish 

Good job!

I like the idea and concept, of strategizing the number of clicks you have and clicking before you get to the platform to break it right away
This would be really cool with multiple levels
Good job!

The idea was to have them be an obstacle you have to avoid, so the screaming would let you know they're coming
But someone me forgot to add the collider 😂

Already fixed the generation timer (the area where you move around is also bigger than the screen so sometimes they're generated but you can't see them)
But new version would be uploaded post jam!

I really like the artwork
I guess we now know what's going on in cats' heads
They're just looking for the magic beans 😂