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I really like the art at the beginning unfortunately I didn't much get the story behind it.

I like the concept, but the game feels slightly lacking in terms of understanding what's going on in the game,

So maybe adding health bars to enemies and even the player. I'd also think it needs some effects and particles and definitely sounds.

I understand the black void thingies are damaging but I couldn't get the characters not to go there. 

I think an in-game tutorial helps a lot when the game is downloadable, it feels a bit annoying having to go to the page and look for controls when you've already downloaded the game.

But like I said, it's a cool concept, and I think it would be good to expand it.

Good job!


Thank you! I admit that I lost a lot of time trying to fix the bugs while overlooked the feedback/game feel stuff, sorry for this. I want to make a real game with this idea someday.