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A member registered Sep 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hahahaha reee. To lazer-thingie sou arese? Making the sounds was really fun though ngl!

Great controls, sucking the bomber enemies felt really satisfying...but .. Poor Nessy, she never hurt anyone :(

Loved the theme, loved the idea of gaining abilities that become your vechicle of moving on (in the game and as a character in your life), the graphics were very cool as well. The battles needed a bit more polishing, but overall I liked the game, great storytelling!

Question, is there way you can win the final boss and have a different ending?

I had alot of trouble getting the game to work, I like the theme alot and the idea of the core gameplay loop, but I just couldn't play for a prolonged amount of time because my Kobolds sometimes just sat there instead of attacking. With a bit more polishing this could become a really fun game. Great idea.

Ok this had no reason being so well made, this was a great game, one of the best if not the best game I've played so far. The graphics, the music, the theme, the gameplay, everything was great.

Now sometimes the boss would just "fire me" with full health and a full timer, I am not sure why that was the case. And one thing that I would have changed would have been to remove the cutscene-restricted movement, it kinda got old that every time I died and I was fired up to try again I had to stop moving for the first dialogue part. 

Other than that, the game was great! I absoloutely loved it!

Thank you so much, I feel like this high risk high reward has alot to offer, but maybe in a different way, running out of ammo and constantly having to pick that back up might get tedious very fast. So I am thinking of using the mechanic in some kind of a power-up way in a future game. I am glad you enjoyed the game, thank you for playing.

Yeah, I thought the ammo counter it looked slick and well intergrated, turns out it's just not visible enough, and I have to accept that and fix it. And I am also aware of the airstrike meta that I want to patch up. Thank you for your feedback and for playing my game, it means alot.

Thank you for playing the game, it's so incredible that someone actually played what I make, I can't begin to describe the feeling, I am really glad you enjoyed it, thank you so much.

Thank you so much for playing my game, all the feedback is more than welcome. I am planning on adding a level indicator, but a remaining mobs count would also be a good idea, unfortunately my music skills are pretty much 0 so I don't think I can add a BGM to the scene, but I get what you are saying. The boss idea shouldn't be coming from the superiority you feel over the mobs, but instead from the way you power up by changing phases every time you die, and the fact that the enemies come to you, rather than you going to them. Again thanks for the feedback!

Wow what a beautiful and unique game, loved almost everything about this game, the sound, the aesthetic, the feel. Great job!

Definitely had fun playing the game, solid visuals, atmosphere and music, the main gameplay loop was also pretty nice. The only note I have is, currently there is no possible way I don't think to avoid getting damaged at all, no matter how well you play, and it might not be much of an issue, but I would love to master a game like that and outplay the enemies to perfection.

The visuals are definitely your strong point here, definitely 10/10. I would love to see a more developed game in that style. Cheers

I took the requirement of the boss in a game design sense rather than the "boss in a job enviroment" meaning. So what makes you a boss is that instead of doing the hunting yourself, progressing through maps and all, you are the one being hunted, and at the same time instead of powering up through levels, you do so by changing phases every time you die,  in the same manner a boss would in most games. For the theme, I went with a more literall approach, you need to literally stand on the edge of an attack to absorb it's powers, hope this clarifies that. Thank you a million for playing the game and for your input, I think the ammo generation rate has some room for tweaking as well!

Thanks you so much for playing the game and commenting as well. I am really glad you enjoyed it, cheers!

Thank you for playing my game and for your comment! I am glad you enjoyed it!

I actually had fun, the game got stuck in the beggining, and there are some issues with the instructions, namely that you shoot with the left button rather with the right one, but overall that was fun. Adding links to your channel in the credits was also a nice touch! Well done!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support. Honestly!

First of all, thank you for the detailed feedback and for playing the game, I was thinking maybe I could make the absorption some kind of a currency that you use to get permenant upgrades through levels (if I actually make this a bigger more refined game). Also I will definitely be limiting the jumping to a certain height, because I've seen too many of my friends abusing the airstrike meta right now. Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it!

Hey cats, it's good to see you again haha, also thanks :D

 I will be following your projets in the future. Cheers mate!

(2 edits)

I did more than just pass the first week, I've build and EMPIRE!... After I had a good source of income I've created a few "labs" that looked identical to my main team, and I would hire/fire people until I found good fits for the team. Now my dream alone can make enough bread for the next 10 goals all by themselves. Thouroughly enjoyed the game, for me this should be one of the winners.

I can definitely see this game evolve to some kind of an semi-idle strategy game. 

Hmmmm, so that's how raid Bosses feel..

Great fit to the theme, stunning visuals, and a fun idea. I really enjoyed your game, I'd love to see more games from you in the future!

Ah that's a feels bad man moment right there.. Thanks for playing the game and leaving a comment, it means alot!

It seems like the game could use a small tutorial level to help the player understand that when you absorb the enemy powers you essentially gain ammo for that weapon. Thank you a ton for playing my game and for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

I can definitely see this being developed into a bigger game, the controls felt really responsive and fun. The gameplay made me think "what if celeste was a fighting game", and I mean that as a huge compliment. Other than some minor bugs I would say this was a pretty good game. 

I am really glad that you enjoyed the game, there was an ammo count on the bottom right corner, but you are 100% right about the wave count, I will be updating the game after the Jam is over with that. Also yeah I didn't want to restrict the player's vertical movement but infinite jumps can be used to kinda break the game, so maybe I will limit that to 3 jumps or so, or perhaps even better a limiter to stop you from using jumps once you reach a certain height. Thanks for playing my game!

The characters on Nature's Fury are pretty unique, but I am even more impressed with how much better your art has become in just 2 months? Is there a place I can follow you ? Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, anything really!

Ah damn, I get what you are saying, at least the game is finished and playabled. And you know, the fact that you had the little tutorial level in the beggining was a really great touch, not something you see often in Jam games. So don't feel too bad about minor bugs! Cheers!

I enjoyed the ship controls, and loved the black hole visuals. After a while I got used to remembering the position of the incoming objects even with the transmissions on. Having said that, I would have enjoyed some more variation in the main core-loop, maybe some kind of a ship upgrade in exchange for a portion of the money, putting you behind on your long term goal but making the game easier for you. Maybe the difficulty could also be increasing with the passing of time. Overall fun game.

Ok this was insanely beautiful, from the main menu to dragon, to the petals, everything was so well designed I am at a loss of words. The music was great as well. I have no idea how someone managed to get to 400 points on the pro gamer difficulty, but I am happy with my 100. I would love to see more games with Medea's art style. Awesome work!

Damn, a progression indicator would have been a great idea, you are absoloutely right, after the Jam is over I will be adding that, thanks for the feedback. I am really glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for playing and commenting.

I was already doing that,  after I saw you had a submission yourself. ^^

Will there be a sequel to the game where you work as a Mc'Donalds employee? The gameplay was actually more fun than I expected, loved the zelda reference and graphics in general. Only note would be that some times things wouldn't work as expected, I would yell at people and they would just not stop doing their thing, or I would be trying to cut a ticket for one customer and another was actually getting it, maybe if you could use the mouse to aim all of your "moves" to make it more accurate it could work even better. I had fun though, well done!

Glad you enjoyed it man! Thank you so much!

Awesome graphics, cool animations and music. To be fair, the whole thing was actually stressing me out, but in a good way.  I wish I could work the register or restock the selves myself.  Or maybe even get more employees? Overall, I had a nice experience with the game.

I quite liked this one. The graphics were awesome, customer robots with baskets on their heads, that was a great touch. The gameplay was really fun at first, but after 300 points or so it got a bit monotonous, there was no change of pace or anything to make things more spicy. Having said that right at the end I had a robot just come and stare at me without dropping any items, and that was actually really funny, overall I enjoyed the game. Great use of the theme as well.

Ah, also, it would have been nice if I could change my setting (about the mouse sensetivity) while in the game, I had to refresh a few times before I got it right.

Ok the whole game is so well designed I wouldn't know it was made for a Jam. The music was perfect, the gameplay engaging, the graphics clean. I would have some kind of a level system to ease you into the gameplay. At first I was completely lost, but after about 15 minutes of playing around I got hang of it, I have yet to please the investors though. I will definitely be coming back to this one tomorrow. Well done!