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Ok this was insanely beautiful, from the main menu to dragon, to the petals, everything was so well designed I am at a loss of words. The music was great as well. I have no idea how someone managed to get to 400 points on the pro gamer difficulty, but I am happy with my 100. I would love to see more games with Medea's art style. Awesome work!

Thank you so much! This was my first time working on a game directly, I'm hoping to create more in the future and experiment with different styles/themes. I've created little characters for a friend's game before if you want to check them out :)

Nature's Fury


The characters on Nature's Fury are pretty unique, but I am even more impressed with how much better your art has become in just 2 months? Is there a place I can follow you ? Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, anything really!

Always improving! I'm only on Instagram at the moment - @w.ytchy. I only have my personal works up right now but will update with game art too