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A member registered Jun 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey there, you never updated the zip to have a license file. Anyway you could do so?

Hi there, I just pushed an update that should fix this issue. It was only occurring the second time a repeatable quest got past 100 ticks. Apologies for the delay. Thanks for playing!

Hi there, I just pushed an update that should fix this issue. It was only occurring the second time a repeatable quest got past 100 ticks. Apologies for the delay. Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Hey! Thanks for playing, really glad you like the idea! There is definitely a lot of potential in the game. We hope to keep iterating on the idea and taking it further. We did create this game in two weeks as a part of a game jam. Keep an eye out for updates as we continue!

Thanks for playing! And providing feedback. Honestly with the feedback you gave I’m surprised you made it to the end. With any luck we will update it more to add more content and balance the game! 

To address some concerns you had: Yes the content is sparse, but there is a lot going on in the game so a lot of the focus during the jam was getting systems up and running. More content is always easy to add though once systems are in place. Some systems that we spent a good amount of time on were: 

- having the ability to have ordered quests

- rewards that can be unlocked (seats, money, more that was cut) 

- how things unlock through “research”

- having to purchase the research item that was unlocked

- moving patrons around and unlocking seats

- having things auto click (though they’re invisible they are there. In fact you start with 2 of them just to make the grind a bit less)

All of this was to help make the tavern feel alive and busy. Keep in mind this is all visual too it takes extra time to get that going. I didn’t want to just post text on the screen and call that my incremental game (no issues if that’s what your game is or what you’re used to in an incremental game it’s just not how I wanted mine to be). If that was the case it would have been easier to balance the game and have more upgrades because everything takes less time visually when it’s text.

With another week or two we had many more plans to make a more fun idle experience. 

For example: 

We wanted new drinks to be introduced as new eras were introduced which would give you more gold.

We threw around the ideas of actually having to brew and cook and store those items and serve the items that were liked from different eras to the different patrons. This idea would allow for hiring cooks, brewers, etc instead of just clickers to serve. 

However, we had to ship a game in two weeks. That’s hard! But, we will likely update it to be a bit more progression wise so look out for that! Ideally every quest would have a useful reward but often those ideas were cut (for the jam) because ultimately it was easier to just make it cost money and show up.  As for the mute button it would take me no time to add but I’m not able to update the game for the jam yet 

The scroll was cut content that we forgot to remove visually. Maybe it’ll come back in an update

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! And providing feedback. I’m glad for the most part you enjoyed it and could look past the sparse content and towards what the game was trying to accomplish! 

The auto clickers are there but they’re invisible. In fact you start with 2 from the beginning and can add 2 through quests. We had ideas for upgrading them and making them click faster as well (cut due to time). Ideally you would know you had auto clickers / helpers around the bar visually. The scroll was another cut idea that we had forgotten to take out visually. With any luck we will update the game and add more content and balance the game further. Thanks again for playing! 

(1 edit)

Recently finished an incremental idle game jam! Would love to get some feedback! Here is the link:

Good news... you find yourself running a tavern in an empty void. Where is this void and how did you get here? STOP ASKING QUESTIONS THERE'S CUSTOMERS TO SERVE.

Use your handy dandy quest board to hire folk to bring you handy dandy things like supplies to build new stuff for the bar... or just some sweet cash.

Hey how these customers getting here anyways? I said stop asking questions and sling drinks! Or don't and let them serve themselves, who can wait around forever?

Thanks for checking it out! Have suggestions? Let us know!

(1 edit)

Thank you! Fantastic asset pack btw. Very nice that you have it in godot!

Hi there! Could you include a license with your asset pack? I recently purchased and want to know if I can publish with it. Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for playing it through and thanks for all the kind words! I watched your entire stream and have a bunch of things that I've noted to fix or alter! 

Level 34 is easily the most difficult level  (I think 29 is the second most difficult) and I actually meant to remove it for the jam but forgot ! The time you beat level 34 was actually a bug! But I was a little relieved to see it happen as I was afraid you'd give up on the rest of the game and  I wanted to see your reaction to the portal mechanic as its kind of a new addition to the game! It was super super fun to watch you play! Also something I think most have missed is that the achievements also unlock different hats to equip for your cowboy but we only have two to choose from and you can only do it from the main menu (the hanger icon) at the moment. It was one of the last additions to the game before the jam submission deadline so we're looking to make it more obvious and accessible so that way people are motivated to 3 star every level! Here is one of the hats that we have planned!

Thanks again for playing and big thank you for streaming it I loved watching you play.  We are looking to publish this on the app store and the google play store later this year I hope you'll check it out when it hits there! 

I've also got a newer build that significantly improves performance loading level to level on the web version of the game and adds in a little loading screen as well (also fixes most the music scratching issues on the web version). But haven't tested it enough to publish it yet :)

(1 edit)

Hello again! I am back after the new update for the windows download.

  • I love your music! Its calming and reminds me a lot of stardew valley (which just has fantastic music) 
  • I find all your sprites very charming!
  • I liked how the lights turned on as I passed them.
  • The spider picking you up and carrying you back to the top was pretty fun!
  • I did notice that if I hold left or right into a wall after jumping I get stuck!
  • Character movement feels much improved since the first iteration of the game I played

I can't wait for the rest of the world to be created and perhaps a story to be built around all these interesting pieces you have in the game. Right now there is not a lot to do but I can see you guys have put a lot of work in and are working towards making it even better! Keep up the good work!

(also the spider seemed to be behind the tiles in this area)

Hi there!

  • I played both game modes of your game. I really like the mechanic of having to out maneuver the minotaur or the Spartans depending on who you are playing as. I actually think this kind of game would be a fantastic simple 5 player game where one player is controlling the minotaur and the other 4 need to work together to defeat him.
  • I enjoyed playing the spartans more than the minotaur I felt having multiple units to move made it more dynamic. Though as stated in the description of your game the minotaur is hard to catch with them! 
  • I love the risk of having to go into the light to complete your objective
  • It looks like you have made significant progress over the last month! Keep up the good work and it'll just get better!
  • I think visually it is difficult to tell where I am going or where I am headed it would be nice if there was a marker on the ground where I last right clicked.
  • I also find it a tad frustrating not being able to see all the walls or see the maze unless a spartan is lighting the wall up. I feel like it is intended but as the minotaur I have no idea where I am going (Spartans get some light when you play as them so its not as bad)!
  • I also spent a solid amount of time falling of the edge of the map because I liked watching him fall down haha!

I think the core mechanic of your game is really fun and has a lot of room for growth and ideas. If you focus on improving visuals and adding sounds it will turn into something great!

Hi there!

  • I played both game modes of your game. I really like the mechanic of having to out maneuver the minotaur or the Spartans depending on who you are playing as. I actually think this kind of game would be a fantastic simple 5 player game where one player is controlling the minotaur and the other 4 need to work together to defeat him.
  • I enjoyed playing the spartans more than the minotaur I felt having multiple units to move made it more dynamic. Though as stated in the description of your game the minotaur is hard to catch with them! 
  • I love the risk of having to go into the light to complete your objective
  • It looks like you have made significant progress over the last month! Keep up the good work and it'll just get better!
  • I think visually it is difficult to tell where I am going or where I am headed it would be nice if there was a marker on the ground where I last right clicked.
  • I also find it a tad frustrating not being able to see all the walls or see the maze unless a spartan is lighting the wall up. I feel like it is intended but as the minotaur I have no idea where I am going (Spartans get some light when you play as them so its not as bad)!
  • I also spent a solid amount of time falling of the edge of the map because I liked watching him fall down haha!

I think the core mechanic of your game is really fun and has a lot of room for growth and ideas. If you focus on improving visuals and adding sounds it will turn into something great!

Thanks a lot for playing! Do you mind if I ask how far you made it through the game? As for the number of aliens killed equaling stars  achieved for a level I've struggled to decide if I should directly call it out or not as how that works! I'll consider adding an explanation in the game! The instant retry was a huge bonus in frustration levels for players and was definitely a core design philosophy. I also think the game tends to feel more natural and less frustrating on a mobile device which is our targeted platform. I will definitely add a try button on the level complete screen! Thanks for giving such a detailed review!

  1. I have that written down in the TODO list of my backlog!
  2. Good call out! Its the small things that get ya!
  3. Oh no :( I'll look into this as well! Thanks a bunch for reporting it!
  4. In the final version of the game the title screen will only have two buttons one for level select and one for tutorial so this should help that issue (perhaps I will greyout the level select if the tutorial is unfinished)!
    1. Unrelated but I plan on adding some more text to explain some mechanics such as the lasers turning on and off every time you shoot and maybe some other confusing mechanics. Do you think  this would be beneficial or is it fine to let the players figure it out? Most people have stated they have had trouble with the lasers
  5. A YEEE-HAW would be so much better than the "Yay!!!" effect! Currently most the sound effects are temporary but this is a fantastic idea!
  6. Noted. Will add!
  7. Portals have a new sprite in the works and should be in the next update of the game! Mechanically did they feel okay?
  8. The music issue is known and I think it only occurs on the web version of the game. I have yet to look for a solution as web is not our main platform we are targetting.
  9. Thank you for the feedback on how difficult the levels were. I am worried about users dropping the game fast if its too difficult!

Wow thanks for playing through and 3 starring every level! It means a lot!! It seems like you had fun feels good to get some feedback after months (especially this last month) of hard work!

Wow! Thanks for the detailed review! 

  • You are correct we designed the game with mobile in mind first but figured for the jam we could provide a playable version in the web and for download (godot makes this super easy!).
  •  I think you're right the difficulty between getting some and none of the stars usually isn't too different its something I struggled to balance the whole time I was designing levels. Creating levels was easily the hardest part of creating the game as I am pretty novice when it comes to game and level design (my specialty is programming and my partners specialty is art work).
  •  There are definitely a few levels I want to remove or redesign because they are too similar to others or just flat out not fun.
  •  Interesting note about the physics I am not sure how I would change it. Perhaps it doesn't make sense logically but for game feel I think it works.  The project is quite far along for us to change the way the character moves as it would require redesigning levels which is a lot of work!
  • The music and sounds are all temporary at the moment and will be replaced in future updates
  • Those who I have played it on mobile say it is indeed more fun and somehow less frustrating on mobile! So its interesting that you get that from just playing the web version!

  • Can I ask if you played with a trackpad, since you said you were on a laptop, or a mouse?
  •  How many levels did you get to see? Trying to see where people fall off (one of the goals of adding achievements is so I can tell how far along someone makes it through the game via google play on android / game center on ios)
  • Lastly, how did you enjoy the aesthetics and the theming of the game? Does most of the game feel cohesive and apart of one central theme? (There are still quite a few placeholder art in place such as the title screen and the options menu so ignore those)

Again thanks for the detailed feedback! I am glad you liked our main mechanic!

Hi there! Here are some comments about your game!

-body temp doesnt reset when resetting from game over

-teach me how to raise my body temp at the beginning took me a bit to figure out.

-permanent upgrades might be fun so I can see how much further I can take it on my next run! Perhaps add a "distance" away from center as a score and procedurally generate some enemy bases and such or custom design it but make it feel expansive! I really like the setting of the game!

-Is there sound? It would add a ton if you get sound in the game! Wind howling, feet crunching in the snow!

-Make your bullets bigger. I can hardly tell when I am getting shot at and where my own bullets are going.

-I really like the art style of the game!

-I really liked the setting it felt like an arctic wasteland where I wouldn't know how far I needed to go to get to the next "base"

I assume all of this was done this month? Really great progress I think you can expand this into something great!

Hi there! I played through to the wizard I failed to find the item he was asking me for though... to be honest I forgot to look for it I was so engrossed with getting the coins fast enough to just make it to the next level! I had a bunch of fun with this game. The visuals are fantastic the ascii is very very well done. I think the controls are a bit tough to master. But, I weirdly I loved it? So I find it odd for me to comment about it but I feel thoughts about how it feels to someone else may help you get some insight into it! Great job and I hope you continue to improve on this!

Hi there! I played through to the wizard I failed to find the item he was asking me for though... to be honest I forgot to look for it I was so engrossed with getting the coins fast enough to just make it to the next level! I had a bunch of fun with this game. The visuals are fantastic the ascii is very very well done. I think the controls are a bit tough to master. But, I weirdly I loved it? So I find it odd for me to comment about it but I feel thoughts about how it feels to someone else may help you get some insight into it! Great job and I hope you continue to improve on this!

(2 edits)

Hi! If it has music I can't hear it when I play the game! Just trying to help and give suggestions so you can make your game even better!

(2 edits)


Good: I thought your game showed a lot of promise! I think your sprites are well done and the core concepts of the game are fun! Sneaking past the skeletons is awesome. It would be cool if I could move through the skeletons while I am sneaking but I did like how I could jump off their heads!


- I actually couldn't get past the first skeleton boss without dying! He shoots very fast and I thought I could "sneak" to dodge the bullets but that did not seem to be the case maybe you could implement it! 

-Respawning back and the start of the level was rough since it took awhile to get back to the skeleton boss! I got there 3x!

-I also want my raccoon to be faster he is a small little fast animal he should feel that way! However, I do like that he slows down when he is sneaking! It adds complexity to the mechanic. 

-Another thing was I had a difficult time telling what I could and could not jump on. For example I had no clue I could jump on the flags of the building in your screenshot. Try to make your land-able platforms "pop" a bit more!

Overall your game shows flashes of greatness and I would love to see you iterate more on it!


Good: I thought your game showed a lot of promise! I think your sprites are well done and the core concepts of the game are fun! Sneaking past the skeletons is awesome. It would be cool if I could move through the skeletons while I am sneaking.


- I actually couldn't get past the first skeleton boss without dying! He shoots very fast and I thought I could "sneak" to dodge the bullets but that did not seem to be the case maybe you could implement it! 

-Respawning back and the start of the level was rough since it took awhile to get back to the skeleton boss! I got there 3x!

-I also want my raccoon to be faster he is a small little fast animal he should feel that way! However, I do like that he slows down when he is sneaking! It adds complexity to the mechanic. 

-Another thing was I had a difficult time telling what I could and could not jump on. For example I had no clue I could jump on the flags of the building in your screenshot. Try to make your land-able platforms "pop" a bit more!

Overall your game shows flashes of greatness and I would love to see you iterate more on it!

(1 edit)

Wow I want to leave critique but this game is very well done keep doing what you are doing! A very good feeling platformer similar to celeste. Aesthetics are fantastic I love the dark mysterious vibe, music and sound fit very well with the whole theme you have going. The story started to pick up as well and I am interested in what is going on!  I loved that the lights turned on as I passed them! Can't wait to see this finished! Only issue I noticed was if I dashed into spikes I wouldn't die until after my dash was completed. The only thing that would be fantastic is saving the last room someone stopped playing in. I refreshed my game and lost my progress, I liked your game enough that I got back to where I was but some players might quit right after that! I figure its on the roadmap already though! Also why does interacting with the kitty kill me!?

Very cool and complete game! Awesome game to make within 2 weeks. There is a good amount of variance, the ability to beat your own high score, and a reason to keep collecting points. Very good feedback loops and very well scoped. The powerups as another commenter stated were interesting and there was enough to keep me on my toes. I also like the portals!

I think your game could really benefit from some more instructions / tutorial levels against bots where you help me figure out how the game rules work. This sprites look neat and the mechanics look neat but ultimately I had trouble figuring out how to do things!

Very cute game! Love that you did all of this in just HTML/CSS/Javascript! Great job!

(Prince dog in a cat game! 😂!!)

Very cute game! Love that you did all of this in just HTML/CSS/Javascript! Great job!

It looks like your windows download for 7/25 is a linux build. Keep it up I love the little mole sprite he is such a cool character! I tried out the one for 7/23 and it looks like you guys made good progress since the beginning of the jam! 

Also can he climb walls? I was having trouble getting back up to the places that I fell down!

Fun game! I would really like to have more control over my player. As it is now most damage is hard to avoid to where it feels unfair. I like how the levels seamlessly transition into the next level. However, I don't think I should be able to get hit by something from a cloud below the level I am currently on. Ultimately I couldn't get past cloud 4 without getting frustrated! Maybe you could add a currency in the game and let me upgrade the number of hits my character can take before resetting! Good work over the past month!!

Of course! It has potential! I didn't realize there were so many limitations on GBA games! Very cool to work within that limitation and definitely challenging! Can't wait to try the battle system!

(2 edits)

Wow I want to leave critique but this game is very well done keep doing what you are doing! A very good feeling platformer similar to celeste. Aesthetics are fantastic I love the dark mysterious vibe, music and sound fit very well with the whole theme you have going. The story started to pick up as well and I am interested in what is going on!  I loved that the lights turned on as I passed them! Can't wait to see this finished! Only issue I noticed was if I dashed into spikes I wouldn't die until after my dash was completed. The only thing that would be fantastic is saving the last room someone stopped playing in. I refreshed my game and lost my progress, I liked your game enough that I got back to where I was but some players might quit right after that! I figure its on the roadmap already though! 


The mower controlled well. The games aesthetics are minimalist and nice to look at.

There is something truly satisfying about watching the grass get cut!


- Add some music! It would add a bunch to the feel of your game!!

-let me choose different mowers with different capabilities?

    -small mowers

    -big mowers


-I didn't think id make it through the pillars because I thought my wheels would have collision the whole time

-grass doesn't disappear from the front only after I wheel over it... logically it makes sense. But in a game I'd expect it to just cut the grass if any of my tractor touches grass. It is frustrating to me when it doesn't.

-Grass pressed against the house is uncuttable which is frustrating because I really want it all cut!

- The first level I have to clear 100% of the grass. I think its too harsh. It took me almost 8 minutes to complete that level and most people will not play a game for that long before dropping it.

-Overall, I think the game really needs a sense of progression. Either through story or upgrades or something and I can see a start of it with the money icon in the bottom of the menu screens. I am excited to see what it turns into.

 Looking at your before and after progress I can tell you 've been making great progress over the last month and the game is still early in development! I hope you make it into something great!


The main menu especially the difficulty selection is fantastic. Super fun to look at and watch. The game overall was pretty fun! The story was humorous and I had lots of weapons to try out and the gameplay changed enough from level to level that I was interested the whole time and invested in the story. Your game's page is also fantastic and well designed.

Good job getting this far! Can't wait to see what else you guys add! And how the story progresses!


- I didn't know I could swap my weapons or that I had multiple weapons until I read the control settings

- More sounds! I want enemy death sounds, text, player death sounds. MORE SOUNDS! 

- I want a "BWAK" when I die or something dramatic

- I feel like the music is too tranquil for the type of game (especially the first level) I wanted to be playing a rock metal chicken who is a bad ass, the boss fight on the last level was almost exactly the music I was expecting the whole time

-Foxes come out of nowhere after hitting a button would be cool if there was an indication that it was going to happen (foxes trapped in a cage or something)

-Foxes should patrol when player is above on a platform instead of just following the X coord of player (Fox was below me and I was on a platform and he stayed still)

- Green bounce platforms let me go right through ground (this is definitely intended but it seems odd/jarring to me)

- I have to jump to open a door and activate buttons because the chicken is too small to trigger the prompt

-Moving platforms are hard to time I think this is since they don't slow down at each edge

- visual indication on what stage platforms is on would be awesome (cracks or something)

- camera should pan to what door it unlocked or green bounce pad it adds so I can tell what I just affected

- assault rifle shoots like a shotgun?

- hit multiple times by the "spark traps" that appear and disappear. Give me IFrames or instakill me like other traps. Also most traps did not seem immediately obvious what they were until I got hit.

- auto reload should be a default setting imo

- enemies can come out of nowhere sometimes make like a "pipe" so it makes sense with the game world

Let me know if you have any questions to anything I said here! 

(1 edit)


The main menu especially the difficulty selection is fantastic. Super fun to look at and watch. The game overall was pretty fun! The story was humorous and I had lots of weapons to try out and the gameplay changed enough from level to level that I was interested the whole time and invested in the story. Your game's page is also fantastic and well designed.

Good job getting this far! Can't wait to see what else you guys add! And how the story progresses!


- I didn't know I could swap my weapons or that I had multiple weapons until I read the control settings

- More sounds! I want enemy death sounds, text, player death sounds. MORE SOUNDS! 

- I want a "BWAK" when I die or something dramatic

- I feel like the music is too tranquil for the type of game (especially the first level) I wanted to be playing a rock metal chicken who is a bad ass, the boss fight on the last level was almost exactly the music I was expecting the whole time

-Foxes come out of nowhere after hitting a button would be cool if there was an indication that it was going to happen (foxes trapped in a cage or something)

-Foxes should patrol when player is above on a platform instead of just following the X coord of player (Fox was below me and I was on a platform and he stayed still)

- Green bounce platforms let me go right through ground (this is definitely intended but it seems odd/jarring to me)

- I have to jump to open a door and activate buttons because the chicken is too small to trigger the prompt

-Moving platforms are hard to time I think this is since they don't slow down at each edge

- visual indication on what stage platforms is on would be awesome (cracks or something)

- camera should pan to what door it unlocked or green bounce pad it adds so I can tell what I just affected

- assault rifle shoots like a shotgun?

- hit multiple times by the "spark traps" that appear and disappear. Give me IFrames or instakill me like other traps. Also most traps did not seem immediately obvious what they were until I got hit.

- auto reload should be a default setting imo

- enemies can come out of nowhere sometimes make like a "pipe" so it makes sense with the game world

Let me know if you have any questions to anything I said here! 

(1 edit)

HI there! Your game is very simple and runs well! However, I think it can improve significantly! Add some more animations or some variation is zombie movement or guns! Your game actually reminds me a lot of boxhead/boxhead2play (if you've never played it before check it out!) its a flash game from a long time ago and it does what your game does but just all around is more engaging to the player. Sorry if this seemed harsh but I think you can improve this significantly and would love to see you do so! I also think having the bullets go through zombies and the ability to hit multiple zombies at once make it too easy!

(1 edit)

HI there! Your game is very simple and runs well! However, I think it can improve significantly! Add some more animations or some variation is zombie movement or guns! Your game actually reminds me a lot of boxhead/boxhead2play (if you've never played it before check it out!) its a flash game from a long time ago and it does what your game does but just all around is more engaging to the player. Sorry if this seemed harsh but I think you can improve this significantly and would love to see you do so! I also think having the bullets go through zombies and the ability to hit multiple zombies at once make it too easy!


- The aesthetics and music are on point! Very good job! Definitely remind me of GBA era.

- I think the story and dialogue are humorous and work well for what you're doing here!

Criticisms (I know your game is unfinished, but I figure all criticisms can help!):

- Music seems to have stopped once I got to take control of characters. It started again once I entered a new room

-Intro is very long as another commenter noted.

- I struggled a bit to go in and out of doors maybe make it easier to do this same with going up and down stairs perhaps snap the player into position if they're close enough to the trigger?

- Characters are static when there is no input try adding an idle animation to give it some flavor (though im not sure if this is a gba limitation)

- Your instructions list start as enter but it took me 5 minutes to figure out that after I get to the "start game / cancel" screen that "alt" needed to be hit to actually start the game

- there are also quite a few spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the game. I take it that English is not your first language and thats okay! But, you should get someone to review all the text in your game to make it easier for players to understand (also supporting translations for a game like this is a good idea)!

-After recruiting the first citizen, Danae, I had no idea what to do next. This is ultimately when I stopped playing I went through 3 days of practicing with her with no more progress. Perhaps the hero can give me more "hints" on what to do next.


- Adding some natural movement to clouds in the sky would do wonders for the asthetics

- Adding some "birds" or other wild life that runs away when you walk by could also add some small level of detail

-It would be fun if I could have fought Danae on the first encounter


What is variable secuencia? It isn't really explained or I missed it? I'm assuming its population size?


- The aesthetics and music are on point! Very good job! Definitely remind me of GBA era.

- I think the story and dialogue are humorous and work well for what you're doing here!

Criticisms (I know your game is unfinished, but I figure all criticisms can help!):

- Music seems to have stopped once I got to take control of characters. It started again once I entered a new room

-Intro is very long as another commenter noted.

- I struggled a bit to go in and out of doors maybe make it easier to do this same with going up and down stairs perhaps snap the player into position if they're close enough to the trigger?

- Characters are static when there is no input try adding an idle animation to give it some flavor (though im not sure if this is a gba limitation)

- Your instructions list start as enter but it took me 5 minutes to figure out that after I get to the "start game / cancel" screen that "alt" needed to be hit to actually start the game

- there are also quite a few spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the game. I take it that English is not your first language and thats okay! But, you should get someone to review all the text in your game to make it easier for players to understand (also supporting translations for a game like this is a good idea)!

-After recruiting the first citizen, Danae, I had no idea what to do next. This is ultimately when I stopped playing I went through 3 days of practicing with her with no more progress. Perhaps the hero can give me more "hints" on what to do next.


- Adding some natural movement to clouds in the sky would do wonders for the asthetics

- Adding some "birds" or other wild life that runs away when you walk by could also add some small level of detail

-It would be fun if I could have fought Danae on the first encounter


What is variable secuencia? It isn't really explained or I missed it? I'm assuming its population size?

Overall I enjoyed your game! I hope this helps and isn't too harsh!