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It looks like your windows download for 7/25 is a linux build. Keep it up I love the little mole sprite he is such a cool character! I tried out the one for 7/23 and it looks like you guys made good progress since the beginning of the jam! 

Also can he climb walls? I was having trouble getting back up to the places that I fell down!

I reuploaded the Windows Version, it should work now.

Atm my Molk is not supposed to climb the walls, this will come later when he will be able to leave the tree inside, with the new version there is the spider to get you back to the top

Indeed, despite the fact that I was called away for some family issues on Sunday it had been a very productive weekend.

Eventually you should be able to climb ladders on your own and the "spider lift" will be used at other places that have no ladder...