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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I hope you had fun playing it with your brother!

I won't record a video of the gameplay yet, but thank you for the advice.

Thank you for your Feedback!

I will keep your advice it in mind when overworking the manual.

The icons are intended to be placed before the first time playing, I used printed Sticker to add them. so once placedthey keep there. But they can also be printed as chips and be placed on each Level before starting to play the round, this can be decided by a game master or in the group, as you want.

Maybe I was just Lucky

(1 edit)

I uploaded the Manual and all files as a single Zip.

I like the game, but the Belial-Enemy was easy to defeat? was this intended?

hello aaron7eleven, 

the spider-elevator "Elaider" is indeed a future planed feature, to move up and down over bigger distances. The Elaider is only available with the brown spider.

the Jumpignons are not supposed to bounce you up if you are not jumping intentionally  from the same floor on it. Therefore it will increase the jumping high 5 times before the bouncing will have a cooldown, so you can reach different high with it.

thank you for playing "Das Volk der Molks/The Molk Tribe" and your report. We will improve the game and update unregulary, while we will add new features to play with.

sadly I am injured on my shoulder so the progress slowed down, but once I recover I will work on the game full time.


Missy from AtticaeGames

here you can tell us everything you want to know or recognized about the game

please report if you find a bug, thank you

first: thank you for Playing and your Feedback
yes, it is likely a pink star nosed mole

1. we already improved the players "Jump", the next upload will show it

2. thank you, I will take care, that the next Upload will contain the Menu first
4. yes, I noticed the Sprites Glitch and already fixed this for the next Update

until the next Upload

MissyTerry (AtticaeGames)

Thank you for playing the game and your Feedback.

Yes, the Tutorial is in progress, I am currently working on it. There will be a short cutscene before you'll enter the Level you can already enter, so when you start to play you'll know what to do. Also we won't use Language as much as possible, so the game will be more intuitiv. Once we got the other objects to work, it will be also far easier to notice what to do, but we couldn't get the units or the collectable items to be working yet. We are still working on the game and will upload every time, one of the objects got to work how it shall.


MissyTerry (AtticaeGames)

Thank you for your feedback and your interest in the game.

yes, atm I am using a 36x36 Pixel resolution for the objects ingame, while the more progressed assets and the molk already became 114x114 Pixel objects. With the game development progress I will exchange all low-res objects for the higher resolution, since they are more comfortable for the eyes.

thank you for special telling about the ladder, I will take care of it.


Missyterry (AtticaeGames)

Thank you a lot for your Feedback and playing the game. 

As my workmate said, an introscene with explanation for the goals is planned, also additional mechanics and more level are planned in the future.

At the moment we are working on the basic mechanics and will update the game when there is progress done.

I reuploaded the Windows Version, it should work now.

Atm my Molk is not supposed to climb the walls, this will come later when he will be able to leave the tree inside, with the new version there is the spider to get you back to the top

(2 edits)

For maximum gamefun please install "Das Volk der Molks 2021-07-25", it's the most developed Version during the jam.

If you want to compare the game for the status when the Jam started install "Jam-Start-Exe" (Windows only). Feel free to comment, Feedback is highly Appreciated

I got the menu to work, but now the player get stuck in the Demolevel, so I am fixing it. since I got sick I couldn't finish working on the game in time for the jam. thank you all for your interest and patience

yes, sadly I couldn't get it to run yet, I am trying to fix this.

I got it exported, but the menu didn't show up, so there was neither way to play, nor to quit the game, am currently trying to fix this

Thank you, yes, I am currently trying to fix the menu, so it can be played.

yes, when I exported it as an .exe data I got stuck in the menu with no button to play or leave, so I need to fix this first

yes, I will export it as exe soon, but I need to fix my menu first

thank you for the message, I fixed the Unity Data, will export the .exe soon, once I fixed the menu. after exporting it I couldn't leave the game anymore, so I don't want anyone to get stuck.

it can be opened with unity, but I didn't know how to export it, and when I exported it, I noticed that there is no "leave", so I need to fix this before I can export it again.