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A member registered Jan 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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How did we misspell "heroes" lmao

no worries. Tbh, didn't know you wrote it on the page since the jam page just has a download button, without sending you to the game page. Also the game is quite nice in general, good job. 

LMAO go play some other game

Amazing. My only problems are:

1. Level 9 is the most difficult level, and the levels in general feel just randomly shuffled. Level 1 is not a tutorial. 
2. Beating level 15 doesn't do anything, an ending card would be nice. 

Still, nice job.

I tried to type go, run, walk, forwards, rump before I looked at the comments. Your tutorial needs a tutorial, esp when you literally explain how to jump. 

Amazing. That's it. 

The art's amazing, the music is fun and the concept is super intersting too. Only when playing the second level did I realize it had to be on the corner and that's so cute! The game's a bit short and level 4 can easily be beaten with only one STOP. Still, a lovely game. Nice job!

Great idea, turning the P-switch from the Mario games into a whole game. Loved the art and sound design. I do have to say, the level where you jump through the coins and turn them into two platforms afterwards has an unnatural difficulty spike, being the most difficult level. Maybe if you rearranged some of the levels it would flow more naturally. Great job still!

I loved the game. However. How the fuck do you unselect a piece. in a normal chess game I just keep selecting them while thinking and this literaly made the game unplayable for me, as I keep softlocking myself. 

Yeah that's a good one. You could also use a combination of graphic tablet + mouse. But the game is very beatable with just a mouse))

It would maybe be better to tweak how much damage those other two were dealing because they annihilate the survivors

Looks great and the music is nice. But the gameplay is super confusing, yet at the same time I won so I guess it's also easy... 

Very fun, but there just isn't enough variety and it gets stale pretty fast. 

(1 edit)

Make a tutorial

Funny story and pretty fun mini-games. Loved it. However, the music, to be frank, is not good and the fact that the mini-games just go on and on is kinda annoying, like I feel like there should have been an ending if you're making a game with this kind of story. Still, nice job.

Loved the idea, the game is pretty fun, however the graveyard and swamp are completely useless and the game is just too easy. Still, nice job!

Well that was... short. Nice idea but this feels like the first level or smth...

Nice job!

sorry but I got bored before I could reach it. The art looks good tho!

A pretty fun concept but it's waaaaaay too easy

Pretty amazing!

I enjoyed it but it was waaay to short and the fighter class is so much better than every other one, it's not even close.

Thanks xD

Where is the Roles Reversed?

What do you mean? Surely there's like a variable? Or are you role-playing as the block lol

Great idea and fun puzzles. I would prefer for the dirt to turn into it's block form faster tho.

I love this game!

Insanely creative!

This is amazing, looking forward to the full game. 

Amazing, had a blast!

Amazing, I just wish it was longer!

L not even in top 3 uploaded. 

I cried...

Thank you so much!

Це неймовірно! (нажаль не вийшло розкрити вбивство але у мене з цим завжди проблеми) )

Thanks, we realized that to late, unfortunately. But we'll release a new version of the game, hopefully more fun - fixing all the bugs. 

It's even, but the main idea of the game is customisation of the dice, you can go to the shop and buy new parts of it. Then open the inventory by pressing I. There customize the cube! But dash and some others, unfortunately, don't work...

Amazing game. Tiny self-worth after playing it. The only thig that helps is that there were like 8 people making this. 

If you have bugs like the music loading twice or the levels not working, use the Return To Main Menu feature. But there are some major bugs that aren't fixable like this, dash doesn't work, since we forgot to update the export templates. So we had to use the older versions, creating lots of bugs. After the jam is over we will update the game, removing these stupidass bugs. 

It doesn't work