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A member registered Dec 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


  • Fixed a lockup bug when a bunny was attacked at turn end after confirming the turn end with the dialog box
  • A bunny on the burrow will now immediately escape when the last carrot is collected
  • No more tooltips for bunny UI's not being displayed
  • Items dropped by hurt bunnies regain their proper color and glow

Thanks for playing! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. (Beware the chicken of DOOOOM! ...Or just use it to draw off your other enemies...)

Fun take on the genre! Mouse is wonky, recommend playing with WASD or arrow keys.

Yeah. It works. I completed it. Had some fun messing around.

I don't understand the wall clipping.

Yay I won, lol. It's a bit too tall for normal viewing, and the red borders don't show properly, so it wasn't immediately clear that they were fatal. Nice work tho'.

How deep is this, lol?

I would've liked the split cooldown to be a little more clear, I kept hitting space and wondering why nothing happens. Like, maybe just change the text to "press space to split once charged" or something.

Once you get a little better at it, the fact that it returns at a constant speed gets really annoying. I think it should speed up as you get deeper so it doesn't take so long to return. You can speed it up by holding space, but IMO not enough. (I am not a patient man, lol.)

...Sudoku is a game of numbers on a grid, you're using it as suicide/reset (sepukku, perhaps).

That was fun. Good job. Controls awful, can't see jack, cross roads by gunning it and hope you get lucky. But hey, eventually I made it through.

I don't think "Sudoku" means what you seem to think it means, lol.

Gave it a whirl, got to level 5 (Grasshoppers) but couldn't get past that after a couple tries.

Plays well! Mouse control worked great. Very good clarity and distinctiveness on the enemy types. I liked that it auto-paused when I accidentally clicked off of it, life-saving feature, lol.

If it was trying to do anything new with the genre, I either missed it or didn't reach it.

Had a weird bug once where I came back to life (with one health) after I died, and could keep playing underneath the death dialog box. I then died (hard to dodge lol), came back to life again, and died a final time. Couldn't replicate. No idea what that was about.

I think the game would benefit from some sort of health indicators, both on pud enemies and the player avatar, better indicator of when you get hit, something that makes it clear where the player's hit box really is, and maybe a less noisy initial background (sometimes hard to pick out the shots).

Nice work.


The grab-and-rotate block could use some work. I could not figure out what was going on and just kinda moved the mouse randomly until it got where I wanted it. XD

Ah, this is great! I hope you make more levels.

Not bad.
- I pretty much just maxed out the movement? Didn't seem to be an issue. Maybe it should've been an accelerator.

- At the end, I can't see the mouse, lol. Couldn't click on the menu.

- Had some issues with the mouse controls at first. I'd try to look around and the mouse pointer would just exit the frame. I couldn't get near the buttons.

- Computer really needed sound. I basically paid little or no attention to it in my winning run.

- It's hard to tell whether you're going to hit an asteroid. I kept hitting things I thought I wouldn't.

- I thought the screen disable lasted too long.

Very nice. I would suggest having a level indicator.

Nice update, it feels much better to play now.

"Play Again" button doesn't work.

Plays alright. I would request a signifier of how far behind you the cave-in is, and maybe how fast it's going since it seems to speed up.

Doesn't seem to be any real need to not have a go-backwards button.

What are the black things that hurt you supposed to be? ...My daughter really wants to know, lol.

So can I pile up all the letters in the Credits and set them on fire? XD

Nice. Got to 18750, level 4. Had to fullscreen it to avoid clicking off the screen when trying to shoot. I wish the trees had health bars. I thought the fruit would stop respawning as the trees die, but apparently not.

Yeah, this could be very helpful. I know jams that are run on that struggle with getting a decent quantity of feedback to participants (or any feedback, really), while Ludum Dare just... Doesn't. In Ludum Dare, if you want feedback and are willing to leave feedback in return, you'll get it.

BTW, a lot of people complained about being distracted by the view-blocking effect, so I've made it a mask/dimming effect. Seems to be better for most people.

Ahhh yeah I could definitely make that bigger. It's not really bullets, though. I think I'm running into the limitations of dumping people into gameplay without any tutorial or instructions. It's "capacitance" energy that powers all special abilities (currently just the hammer and shotgun). And the bar is kinda the worst place to look at it, it's also displayed on the character and on the mouse pointer. But nothing in-game tells you any of that... I think perhaps it'll be clearer when players start without any special abilities and buy them over the course of missions, getting a little video of how it works before each purchase.

Thanks again. :)

Hi, thanks for trying it out and giving feedback! Always appreciated. :) Which particular GUI elements do you think need to be bigger? What sort of screen were you playing on (PC/phone/tablet)?

I originally made this game for Ludum Dare 44 and I've been updating it weekly since, hoping to finish it up this year but you know how life goes. It's a brawler about fighting on the roofs of cars, jumping about and kicking opponents to the pavement.

This week I added delivery vans, and what they brought with them was fog of war! Delivery vans are tall - tall enough that you can't see over them unless you're on one. Fog-of-War is almost always challenging to implement and this was no exception, but it's working and uploaded now! Try it out for free in your browser on a PC or Android device.

Have fun riding around on cars and trucks and kicking enemies to the pavement in Cyborg Highway:

It's a work in progress, but has been playable and fun since it's Ludum Dare origins.

Cyborg Highway is a work in progress but it's very playable, fast and fun! Might be good viewing, kicking people off cars and stuff.

Just thinking about this, by any chance were the slowdowns occurring when a unit got eliminated? If so, that's an intended "cinematic" effect.

Hi, thanks for trying it out and leaving feedback! Always appreciated. I'll bet you could get your score up with a little practice. ;)

What sort of instability did you experience? What browser are you using? I'm trying to keep it running well in WebGL/HTML5, but it can be a struggle sometimes. Chrome and Firefox seem to run it better than Edge. So many people prefer to be able to just jump in from their browser that I hadn't given much thought to including downloadables. I'll get a set in later this week.

  • I'll be adjusting the knockback (right now it's the same as a kick, which leads to weird angles). There will also be other weapons, including a magnet harpoon for pulling enemies towards you!
  • There's a whole set of vehicles planned! Different cars, big trucks, little trucks, garbage trucks, taco trucks, wood chipper trailers inexplicably left running... Hoping to get at least a few in next week!
  • Lane merging/splitting, off-ramps, on-ramps, and passing trains are all in the plans.

Thanks again!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Stick around, I'll be adding more content every week!

Gorgeous graphics. Doesn't work on Edge for some reason; worked fine in Chrome. Played great, but I didn't "get" a lot of the mechanics. I have no idea what the numbers on the bottom left and right actually do.

I had a lot of trouble playing the web build. At first I couldn't figure out how to control it at all, I kept trying to drag up from the spider. When I finally figured out how I was supposed to play, I had another problem: I kept dragging the entire game instead of the jump indicator! (Browser: Edge) Not sure what to do about that. Neat concept. Would've liked to see the flies at the end of a play.

Nice. The AI seemed challenging; I had to "trap" it to win. The powerups could've used a description, although I was able to figure them out.

I like the concept, the graphics are well done, but I think the gameplay needed some sort of additional challenge. Maybe a third, unmoveable sheet and a time limit or scoring?

Thanks for playing and commenting! Agreed on all points, I appreciate the feedback.

Oh, I wouldn't say the text is fine yet, lol, but yeah, a certain amount is inevitable. Could space it out better, definitely. Did you see 'UUUGE wall o' txt in the description? None of the help was in the original Jam version, it wasn't even written, I ran out of time... I had to write the help text in the game description after the jam had already locked submissions, lol.

The 2nd level was a particularly bad place for a difficulty spike, in hindsight. If you fail the first mission, there's a special mission just for that scenario, and if you fail the third mission the game plot continues with only a slight difference in descriptive text. But mission 2 just sends you back, and there's not even any random elements to make mission 1 any different. Oops. I'll fix that. Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it. :)

Thanks again for the feedback. :)

Thanks for trying it out!

Lol I have got to nerf that second level.

Which text(s) in particular do you think needs simplifying? It's already hard to reduce without losing critical information.

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

Hmm, maybe I should just nerf that second level, seems to be hammering a lot of people. The undead beasts outpace their allies, so if you just wait for them and slaughter them as they arrive, it quickly becomes 6 vs 4 and straightforward to win.

There's no friendly fire in the game. I guess by specifying it for the ranged units it made you wonder about the other units? I'll change their text.

I agree that the animations need to be slowed down. And maybe an ability to rewatch a turn (everything but the AI is deterministic so not too hard to code).

Do you think an in-depth breakdown of how turns are resolved would help? I'm worried it would just put people off, but... I think I would like it if I were playing.

...Let's see:

Fast unit movement (chariots and beasts) is resolved first before and then after other units.

If two units moving at the same speed are ordered into the same square, the friendly unit moves and the enemy unit bounces off.

Units moving at the same speed can follow directly behind each other, but will bump into a unit leaving in a different direction. For example, if you move north into the square of a unit moving north, you can, but if you move north into the square of a unit moving east, you'll bounce off of it.

Most attacks happen at the end of the turn, but bumping into an enemy unit attacks it immediately, even if it's leaving the square you're attacking. Chariots inflict their side attacks as they move.

Unit deaths only happen at the end of the turn after all attacks are resolved. Dying skeletons and zombies don't get their regeneration abilities.

...I guess that wasn't that bad?