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Pip (Agapios Kokkos)

A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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The prompt at the intro of the jam did include 'word games' as a qualifier. I'd squarely place this as a thinky word game, as it engages semantic memory, and linguistic understanding across multiple languages. For sure, it's not a conventional thinky game, but thinking under pressure is still thinking :P

Yeah. I wasn't super happy with the main menu, but I couldn't nail down a design that properly worked for just keyboard with the left or right motif. 

Yes. If you open up the package you should find it available written C# and annotated for ease of use.

The 2 new classes idea sounds exciting. Just make sure not to burn yourself out! :P

Heya, now that the jam is over I made a WebGL with you in mind :P 
Hope you enjoy!

Heya, A post jam version of the game has been dropped focusing on polish and bug fixes!

Yarr, there be a post jam version out. I don't know why I be a pirate. 

In all seriousness, the post jam version mostly focuses on bug fixes and polish with a webgl version out. 

Heya, a polished post jam update has been pushed out for people to play with a WebGL version out aswell. 

Post Jam Polish/bug fix update is out! It would help massively if you left thoughts on the page :P

A post jam version has come out, but it's mostly bug fixes and polish, not new content and there's a webGL version if you wish to check it out! 

Give me a cryptic highly aesthetic game any day. This is my jam. :D

The art was stunning! Great job. The game felt smooth to play and nice to control! If you are to add screen shake, make sure you add the option to turn it off and/or turn it down. 

Numbers were chosen to make development time easier as the content of the dice could be erased or modified without needing to mess with texture variants or controlling each face texture differently. 

I'm glad that was the case. :)

Moving the windows has been added in the post jam release! :D

Would you be interested in getting pinged when that goes live?

Heya, I wanted to reach out and express that the way you worded your comment was quite harsh. While it is true there were many similar games to this one, and certain games will click more with some people than others. Stating that 'everyone else said' that this is not a very fun puzzle mechanic is somewhat harsh and lends itself to overgeneralization. I'm sorry to hear that you did not have any "aha" moments like many others did during levels 4-5. Please be mindful of the way your reviews are written in the future as we had no way of imagining what others would come up with and this type of review lead me to just feel bad about myself rather than find constructful information which I could use to improve as a game dev. I hope you understand that I'm not trying to shame you, or tell you to not give negative feedback and I'm certainly not trying to pick a fight of any sort. 

This is by far my favourite game of the entire jam. I lack the words to express how brilliant this whole thing is. Congrats!! <3

I love finding games which has similar concepts and styles and archetypes. It was fun to make a game which many other's made similar versions of during the jam. This was one of the best versions of the 'dice roller' archetype. 

ooh boy.. oh boy. Do I have thoughts on this game!
The take on the theme is fantastic, and the controls not only work well with good responses, but it's also something I've not seen before. 

On the negative side, I have no idea why, but this game gives me an unreasonable level of anxiety. The same anxiety I get from playing rythmn games. 

The techincal suggestion I'd make is: In the particle system that's making the little ambient particles tick 'pre-warm' in order to make them appear as if they've already been running instead of having them suddenly start emitting as soon as the scene starts. This would add a tiny bit more polish. 

I was hopping for a good time, luckily I was able to sit down and have a toadally awesome time with this :P

The graphics for the game, and the gameplay were good, I really liked the unique take on the theme and the way you interact with your boss is hilarious. 

The only thing I'd probably suggest is, to upload the images and gifs on the sidebar instead of the main text and perhaps to get an animated thumbnail as to help it stand out more. 

I have a soft spot for two things, physics based movement when done well, and resource management games. The visuals and audio for this game a sleek and on point. Great job!

A very charming game. A little on the easy side, but balance is not exactly an easy thing to manage. Great job overall.

Are you planning to release a GOTY edition?

This takes the dice on grid archetype and does something fantastic with is. Amazing job!

The game plays well with a meaty challenge for anyone wishing to meet it. It has a small tendency to over use invisible walls a bit in order to guide the player, but it never felt like I lost due to any invisible walls. The limit on how many moves you can make is quite good as it gives you an added thing to worry about. Overall I enjoyed the game and I think the art style while simplistic fit.

Fair, though path of least resistance has me and probably some other players result in just spamming, not that that's not fun mind you :P

overall fun game ^-^

Of course. It'll be a fun game to play once the postjam update game is out :3

I love seeing very similar games to the one my team made. It always brings to mind the differences in styles, aesthetics and mechanics. 

Such smooth clean graphics. Mmmm Tasty Vector Art.

Very interesting mechanics at play. I wish it wasn't on a D6, I wish you had used D8's instead and have 8 be maybe a screen clear but it rolls much faster and damages you a little maybe. I liked the pace of the game, and the variance of two enemies. I didn't really find a need to use the luck control mechanic, but it was neat in some corner cases.

I like the game mechanic and feel overall. Where I think the game struggles a little is at the very start given you're given a lot of information in a big text block. On the positive side, you're using non default font. 

Interesting concept, slightly frustrating gameplay. I think I've only seen 2 cow-boy style games through which at least puts it in a very unique aesthetic area. I'm overall a fan of the game though despite the mild frustration at the random firing direction mechanic.

It is always wonderful to see games which have the same archetype as my team's. I love to see the difference in mechanics, and style. The way mechanics were combined and the levels were laid out was wonderful. Truly a spicy experience in the best sense. 

Fun fact, when you look up the definition for the word Phenomenal, you get linked to the graphics of this game :P

 The only thing I would really complain about is that I wish there was more of it  ; - ;
It's quite short, but so richly atmospheric. In other words this game is like a chocolate cheese cake, extremely rich in flavour, and bad for my teeth.. minus the last bit... I shouldn't write reviews when hungry.

Thank you for indulging me! :D
The game was great fun.

The way the review started had me worried that it was going to be all negative and likely haunt me for way too long but the end put my mind to ease :P

The teleportation pads would originally would have lines (like translucent wires) to indicate where they go, so that it's clear which they are linked to but you'd still need to figure it out in a level with multiple. Same with buttons and what they hook up into. As for the keeping track of your best score in a level, I'll make sure to add that to the list as it shouldn't be too hard. 

We're planning on a small post jam update, would you be interested in being msged when it's out?

There will be a post jam update to fix the button problem and round off something things that were left on the cutting room floor.

Would you be interested in being msged once it's out? 

(The thing about the music cutting out is kind of sad and my fault in a way. Basically we have 4 tracks in the game 3 are public domain, 1 track I made myself. The track I made myself was originally too loud when I first exported it, so I adjusted it, but in doing so, I threw off the volume balance between the other tracks comparatively. This results in my track being extremely quiet, while the others play normally)

Heya, would you like me to message you once the post jam update is out so you can try it?
(It seems to happen with certain framerates a lot more)

Yeah, the bug with the buttons has been noted. Hopefully we're aiming to patch it out in the post jam release.

Neat game!
Originally I thought it would be a game that posed the question of "Would you rather fight 1000 dice sized goblins or 1 goblin sized dice beast" so I posit it to you dear developer! What would it be?!