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A member registered Aug 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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oh, i just realized, that holding shift while writing does actually change the command and therefor makes commands invalid although looking exactly the same.

Could not quite figure out what to do. The instruction at the beginning to “edit /Home/Log” did not do much (just opened an editor with the /Log file not /Home/log it seems).

Had to look into the repo to get some of the commands available. I think a help command listing all available commands would help. Seems to contain some sort of language parser - interpreter. I don’t do Rust, so it was too much for me to figure out the rules or how to run the language from source code alone.

I am a little confused, is there anything to do beside moving around? I could not interact with anything in the level.

The look of the display is nicely capture. As mentioned below though, clicking the buttons on screen would probably work a little better, especially considering that my keyboard is QWERTZ and you seem to use QWERTY. Making the layout very hard to use, even for the secret game.

Mh, got kicked out of the game after a minute or so by windows-defender. Claiming some “Bearfoos.A!ml” to be a Trojan.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sorry for the late answer, i was still making improvements, which are now finished and live. The sword mechanic is and was in the game, but they are left behind when you die, so you have to die to see a sword lying around.

Now the game contains tutorial levels which should explain most mechanics.

Difficulty is also improved, i hope.

Ah, i see. You the ‘new game’ gets loaded in the background, you have to close the ‘Main Menu’ (with Escape or the X in the top right) to get to the actual game. Maybe, i should not have started in that view or switch view automatically.

Nice atmosphere, almost feels like it could be a nice screensaver as well.

Really nice, i think adding hotkeys to the abilities should make the game less fiddly and more strategic.

Nice game.

Was it only me, or is quick heal way more efficient than the big heals?

Hm, i actually think i am going to try that out.
I was going to explore it a little more before moving on anyway.

sorry, :D
negative points certainly is not a nice feedback for any player who does not know what the game is about. 
Maybe i should have kept it out for now.

Yes, lack of ingame explantaion is indeed a problem, sadly i really had to rush it in the end because i couldn't get myself to continue working on it earlier.

Thanks for trying though.

Thank you,
Initially i thought about animating the rotations and yes maybe having a range indicator certainly does sound like a useful tool for the player to get a better feeling of what will happen.

No, you have to create the constelations shown at the bottom.
Doing so will earn you points, and you get a new Constelation you need to create next.

There is no final state in this game where you, decide that you have made it or not.

Instead, the idea is that you carefully plan your rotations so that you can possibly get a constelation multiple times in the same turn, much like you would do in tetris with trying to stack multiple rows.

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"My arms hurt", i wonder why :D .
I like the art style and general look. 

Was there a particular reason to control the character via rotation and forward/backward?
I would assume direct movement would make more sense in a top down/isometric view.

I was able to talk to the old lady, but other than that i was unable to interact with anything, did i miss something?

Something makes this looke quite special in a good way.
Though i don't think i like the sliding/accelrating controls.

The jump feels hard to control.
A double jump that is not as high would probably better.
You couldn't realy do anything when you are falling and the entire floor was attacked. 

Nice effects, for sure.
And a well polished pacing.
Although the music is nice, it gets a little wild, when it splits melodies for a while.
After 4th wave i think i got used to the controls.

Ah sorry, i think that was not quite obvious.
The "Board cleared" message always appears whenever you cannot score any more points
aka there is no more 3x3 rectangle that could be of the same symbols.

Its just that you get less points (counted at the bottom), if you dont get all the symbols on the board.

The only sad thing is, that you can't use die on yourself to loose the game.I think that would have been funny just for the joke :D.

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As far as i could tell there is only a cooldown on mining. Every other action seemed to even overlap.
You could 'buffer' the shield command by just typing "shiel" and then make some "gun"s in between to activate the shield with just a "d",
wich was a realy big plus for me conceptualy.

Really great entry, although simple in Design it gets you going somehow.
One question though: Is there a "good" ending possible?

Hahah, nice catch "Sourceode" -> fixed.

Not gonna lie though a lot of the decision in terms of gameplay and interface for this game i made in a rush. 
So i programmed the movement and scalar controls the same way and just used the x-Axis for the value.
Also, for me it made it feel slightly more like sitting in a control room.
But i can totally see why that is irritating.

Anyway, thanks for testing and giving feedback.

I'm glad you took the time to try to understand the working.
I sure planned on a little tutorial,
but i sadly had to cut it to a very long explaining text on the game page.
It definetly is not super intuitive.

(I even think there is a bug with the movement control after the swarm gets bigger,
from what i intended it should be more agile, than it currently is when having lots of drones )

So i appreciate your comment.

No sorry, i have never done anything with rust before

I get an error when trying to start this :

thread 'Compute Task Pool (2)' panicked at 'Failed to execute glslangValidator: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden." }', C:\Users\tezza\.cargo\registry\src\\bevy-glsl-to-spirv-0.1.7\src\

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Is going up/W supposed to be a jump?

Because i could not get past the first floor.

Now it also works from the itch client, thanks.

looks definetly nice.
At first i thought about adding a similar system to my game, but i thought it was too time consuming for now.

I have few comfort suggestions though:
- i think it would be nice, if you enter a command, it automaticly jumps to the next line ( at least if it was entered via mouseclick).
- the game seems not to be downloadable from the client.
it works from the browser, but on the client it does say something of "cannot read build of undefined" , maybe the client does not support .7z ?

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Nice concept, although i would reduce the steepnes of ground a bit. It sometimes feels a little cumbersome to navigate through (waiting for the jump cooldown).

It would be nice if you could hold down the keys to move quickly.

The third level repeating itself, when finished is intended? 

Really nice,
I had trouble, when moving between screen espacially when i wasn't going very fast.
Because then it always ended up shooting in both directions, because the scroll effect moved the mouse to the opposite site of where i wanted to go.  

Really good ambience.

The change between the two drawing styles was a little strange,
not distracting, it was fitting, just a little weird.

i had a strange behaviour when starting the game for the first time:

it would always crash/disappear when i clicked start. 
Once i used the map-editor and saved the map i was able to play it.
Does this make sense to you ?

Otherwise a neat game.
My complaint would be, that a bit more introduction could be needed.
for example i was not sure why some armies seemed to move at different speeds or how many man spawn each turn, i felt like it was different in some castles from other castles.

Graphics an ambience is realy nice.
There is a little Bug though:

Pressing left arrow at the start (so you are on the leftmost side of the screen) gives you a 'free win'.
For some reason you then cannot fall when stuck to the left side of the screen. 

And more will be.
But mostly to tidy up the code for now. 
A lot of messy code was created in the finishing hours of the development, 
in order to add/balance some more game mechanics in time.


Good game, 
but it seems i get an error every time i loose :

> Highscore list does not exist.

Took me a while to figure out you start the game with spacebar for some reason.

Uhh, i would have to check that.
I have not seen that myself so far,
thanks for the feedback.