For shooting stuck its left and right borders and corners. And for a slowly walking it’s pretty much any wall, I think it might be a collision/physicsMaterial kinda problem :)
Max Nitals
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Quality game, good music, intuitive UI. Only often it is not clear whether the dam will visually protect from water. Also, the cursor when building and removing dams is not always where it should be. The camera work was done very well, but during the game I wanted the camera borders to be a little further away, because it was inconvenient to look behind the buildings that stand on the edges of the island. Very good work overall and a great idea of use the theme.
There are a few things that confused me. At first I didn't think that the button could be shot multiple times, so I went to the edge of the map and the machine gun shot me down with ease. And then when I realized that you can earn currency on the waves, then on the 4th or 3rd wave a machine gun spawned near me and shot almost all my HP and I died, hoping that there was a checkpoint. Unfortunately there was no checkpoint :D
But other than that it was fun to play. There was even lore with dialogue. Visually, the game is a bit reminiscent of Zen from the first Half-life. Good job!
I like sidescroll shooters, but i thought that in this game enemy's bullets were too fast and most of the time you not even have a chance to dodge them. It neede more speed on the ship, or less speed on a bullets. I don't know maybe it's only me but in sidescroll shooters it's one of the sutisfying asspects that you can dodge them.
The art, music and aiming/shooting are good. Good work!
Thanks! For some reason, the idea popped into my head that I wanted to drag the cubes like physical objects so that they flip, roll. Although I understand that for such a game it would be more logical to make a static movement. I wanted to create situations where you carry a cube, let it go, and it accidentally rolls into a force field of the wrong color and comes back. And you're like: "Damn!" Haha
Thank you! Yeah, a lot of feedback mentioning camera movement problem and grabbing cubes, i will surely check on this problems in the future works.
About Splitter mechanic
You know, when i'm started making levels there was just a change color of a force fields mechanic. And previosly i never made a puzzle game before, so i started to notice that such a small number of mechanics transforms game into "Find a very obvious course of actions". So i added new ones, and there was no such problem for me after that.
About mesh colliders:
Yeah, I understand that primitive shapes are easier to calculate on a computer and I totally agree that it's better to place primitive colliders. But if only Unity had an easier way to arrange colliders. They have to be moved for a long time and each is a component of the object. Perhaps there are some tools for this that make this process easier.
Hmm, i'll try. So at the start i was going to the corner, where blue crystal is on a rock, i tryed jump to it couple times and then goes to the yellow crystal in the spikes. I returned it to the center and then i tryed to pick up red staff, that floating near the center and i just goes through it. At first i though that i can't pick it up by the purpose, but it looked so pickupable :D so after i died at the trap and restarted the game items started to pick up. So i can't really provide more specific, may be it was button mashing stuff that glitched the game, i don't know
Enjoyed the game! I felt really frustrated sometimes when after death i was respawned being stuck between two big bubble enemies and died again :D I would be place them at spawn position after death, i guess, like in a last room. But anyway, i really liked art of the game and most of them all - Music. Liked music so much. For some reason it reminded me of a first Ratchet and Clank game's music. Is there a soundcloud or spotify of other works of Xanderpitz?
I enjoyed playing your game, but unfortunately I encountered a nasty bug due to which I could not pick up any items on the level, except for crystals. After restarting the game, I realized that these items could be picked up and went through the game. I liked the idea of a game with a gradual transformation and the inability to go to certain areas already transformed into a person.
Wow, thanks for such an extensive answer! Sorry for not implementing tutorial, that was my first jam so next time I will immediately allocate time for this :)
Yeah, i had in mind that idea at the start, that you can jump and recreate cube in air, but with current movement system it felt clamsy for me and i deside to make level just for one jumps for now. Thanks again for your feedback
I liked the visuals, atmosphere, music, sounds.
But for some reasons it took at least 1 minute to load from grey screen to start a game (didnt played it on potate machine though) and also so long level number showing. I liked idea of showing numbers like that overall, but why it takes 10 seconds to show what level i am on? That was my only two concerns :)