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A member registered Apr 20, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks man! Yes the ball physics were something that I'm not sure where I want to land. Currently it takes in the velocity of the paddle when it makes contact so more air hockey than breakout I suppose. And yea I think I might agree with the upgrades, I originally wanted a more vague system that has you figuring out what effect the item has based on its stat changes but I think I needed more feedback in that system for it to work :)

Yea good idea, if not there is a download link for the windows version of the game :D

what version of chrome are you on and what device? I have it working for mac and pc with the latest version

Nice game! Everything felt really well rounded and considered!

Really impressive game, had a blast playing it!

Blown away by how much you have managed to make in such a short time. The game feels like a super polished tight experience and one that I would play more of for sure!

some of the powers do damage to you on pickup, I ment to sort out a visual to explain this but ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback though man glad you had a good time!

5/5 all round! One of the most engaging things I have played recently and I would pick up a copy of this if it had a full release with highscores!

Really impressed with the world you managed to build using the assets it was super cool!

Spooky game!

brilliant little game! Super impressive the amount of depth and gameplay that you have managed to achieve during a short time period!

Feels amazing, super polished for the time!

Wonderful game! I would pick up a copy of this if it was a full commercial release!

Great Idea! I got a little motion sick unfortunately so could complete it :(

A really remarkable level of polish for a jam! Impressed by how well you managed to create a real feeling world with the assets and visual effects!

Awesome game and a really impressive level of polish for such a short jam! Great game feel!

Very good! I liked the tight excution of it all and the snappy pace!

Very impressive! I loved the concept and would be interested in a full game with this as a core! I did notice that the start menu on restart seemed to offset based off of where i died, not an issue just thought I would mention it :) 

The animations worked well and I liked the sheep talking it made me chuckle.

The intro was good, but I stuggled a little with the goal of the game after that. The music in 'Le Dungeon' bobs though :)

Great game! Very tight experience for a 48 hour jam! Would have maybe liked it to feel a little out of control faster (but maybe I'm just not good enough :D)

Nice one! It would be nice to have a little more Juice/feeback in the game, but it was fun voerall :)

Haha thanks! It's definitelysomething that we consdiered and as for the mountains I guess we are ghost pirates aye :D

We might have been testing android versions, *hush hush* ;)

Thanks man appreciate it!

Thanks! We are thnking about add some more level and gameplay for a future version on itch :)

Thanks for the fast reply! I tried again but didn't remap the controls this time and it worked fine :)

Hey, I seem to have a collision bug that kills the frame rate whenever I try to move on the ground.