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A member registered Mar 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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it was indeed (to both collision and golang :P)
Thanks for the feedback!

thank you!

Very fun to run stuff over with the cart :P

Awesome game! Thanks for rating mine :D

thanks a ton!

Screwdriver fixes a building in the water area

thanks! Glad you liked it!

Thanks! We'll try to add that after the jam.

Very  very fun puzzles and level design!


Thanks for the feedback, I do in fact remember :)



Thanks for the feedback!

Very confused, unfortunately i was unable to understand the gameplay

Neat concept!

Very deep game - once the alerts dissapear you really feel yourself slipping away.

Original and unique, Enjoyed!

Very well polished - one thing i would add is a way to regain health

overall an interesting management game. Enjoyed!

Oh. thats unfortunate.


Sounds great!

(1 edit)

Game is a little boring at first, but puzzles evolve quickly. Nice game! - art is something to work on in the future

Ill add that in a post jam version!

Interesting little project - hard to grasp at first, but liked it.

Suprisingly hard hitting for a jam game - good job!

Character creator didnt work right for me unfortunately - font choice couldve been a little beter.

Like the art style! - Bit hard to pick up - enemy respawn would be nice though.

Lots of games like this, but this one has a fair bit of polish - enjoyed my time with it

Interesting idea, though theres a bit of a lack of visual feedback in terms of your speed

The idea of chosing which controls requires some forethought, turning it into a platformer clevery disguised as a puzzle - polish it up, and release post jam!

Very interesting game - shoot em up and rythm along with the core gives me vauge necro dancer vibes!

Art is gorgeous, concept is simpple and arcade like - was able to play without reading description :)

Art is something to work on for next time  - you also wanta pay attention to your compression and scaling algos to avoid blurriness, overall a good game!

Art is uber polished - the ammo switching mechanic keeps you on your toes and reminds me of ratatatuie from last year!

Happy to review!

Short and sweet - enjoyed!

Really neat game - i liked the dynamic switching between the 2 forms!

pretty common type of game in the jam, but I liked the physics of this one - good job!