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A member registered Jun 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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I love the increase decrease sounds as well as the ominous mario-boss-level-like sound effects / music! The art is very impressive and captivating! It took me a few goes to figure out the pouring lol, but quite addicting to replay levels trying to get better scores. The new challenges appears at a good rate, well done!!

Quite addicting! The way the towers stack is quite satisfying. I love the backgrounds and art too, nicely done!

WOW! Very impressive movement controls - super unique! Heaps of potential! Maybe some of the big trees looked a little low-res? But the jump button changing depending on which side you were on and having to swing around to build moment is very clever! Nicely done!! 

Very creative idea, I love it! Felt challenging but in a good way, would be easier if I could control the amount of thrust, maybe that would've made it too easy though? I love the sound effects and art style! Fits very well. Nicely done overall, quite fun!

Seriously fun, the gameplay felt well balanced, I played for ages! The chaos was difficult, but not punishing, which was a good balance too. Music and sound effects really helped with the vibe, nicely done!  

Fun take on the theme! I loved the atmosphere and the animations, very fun and relaxing, nice work!

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Great minds do think alike XD. I love the idea, fits the theme really well. It'd be cool if the slider worked outside of it's area as long as you're holding down, so you can focus on the hole rather than what your mouse is doing. The retro aesthetic is really good too! Really well done!

Thanks!! I might've made the music too quiet but it is there! - it pulls the whole vibe together I think    :) Thanks for playing and for the suggestions!!

Cool idea! Very tricky puzzles at times, but fun vibe with them music and sound effects, nicely done!

I love the art and the aesthetic! A restart button would be good. The animations are very cute, matches the vibe well. Nicely done!

What a great game! All the puzzles were really good, difficulty ramp was perfect - kept it engaging the whole time. Enjoyed it the whole way through, and quite a unique idea, well done!

Wow! You really captured that 2000s mmo nostalgia! I love the narrative in the chat idea! Nicely done!

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I like how the map wobbles as you go down the hill a little bit, so you get a really strong sense of speed! Fun idea! Maybe the wilhelm scream gets a tiny bit repetive if you fail a lot in a short period of time, like me XD, but that's really minor issue. Well done, the puzzles / level design is very good!!

The controls are really fluid and satisfying, the world art and level design is so good -- very polished, well done!

WOW! Managing all those different scales is so chaotic and fun. Very creative idea! Didn't take too long to figure out how to play. Nicely done!

The art is incredible! Physics is responsive and satisfying.  The otter is so cute, and the whole game is very charming. Very nicely done! 

Incredibly fun! Getting a really good combo feels so rewarding! Maybe hold shift to move up and down faster would've been good, but super fun, great art, nicely done!

The score screen feels super rewarding watching it tally up. The controls are super unique and works so well that I'm suprised I haven't seen it before. Music is a strong vibe. Nicely done!!

Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment and for playing the game!!   :)

That's a great suggestion! I was worried about it being too easy with a level-restart button, but I really should've added it in and spend the time to add a few more levels to balance it out, especially if the changing shapes feel frustrating at times! Definitely wanna add that when the Game Jam's over! Thanks!!

Once you figure the UI out it's really good! -- Just took me a while to figure out I need to buy the computer parts first lol :) I love the idea of scaling a server and the retro-y casual vibe - very fun!  Game over screen looks especially good too! Congrats!!

Wow very impressive! definitely needed the controls on the screen, as it takes a few goes to figure out how to play without reading any instructions XD, so that was a good call! The visuals are really unique and interesting, and so is the gameplay - genuinely so fun! Doesn't feel too unfair, constantly feels like the perfect amount of challenge. Would've been good if I could restart with spacebar rather than the mouse, but really good job!

Visuals and polish is really impressive! The puzzles are unique and fun and the difficulty scales well. It would've been more satisfying if the last block of each turn fills in, rather than immediately showing the win screen. Really nice work!

Really feels like a mech which is good, felt like you were a big robot, feeling the sense of scale! Secondary weapon would've been good as a different button...I accidentally press CTRL+W and closed the tab, but nice work, fun overall!

Took me a lil bit to figure out what to do, but real wow moment when you figure out the scaling between domes! Very cool concept! 

Huge fan of the art style and the aesthetic! Coolest menu too! Quite hard to control the up and down, as others have said, but very impressive overall!

Love the retro NES vibe - the sound and the graphics are really good! The puzzles were fun, ramped up well. Nicely done!

Love the aesthetic, it fits very well! Very impressive game for how much time you had -- especially when it's so cohesive! Nicely done!

Love the aesthetic! Quite fun building up the towers while trying to defend them from getting shrunk back down, nicely done!

I wasn't good at it but it was quite addicting! I especially enjoyed the objects filling the screen at the start - that looked quite fancy!  

Very unique! The narrator and comedy quite enjoyable! I wasn't very good at many of the games, but I still enjoyed it!  Nicely done!

Really challenging! It's good! I kinda wish I could choose the starting direction manually, rather than waiting for the right time! But the puzzles were really good, the planet physics and turning them on and off were really fun, nicely done.

Thanks!! Yeah, I didn't explain it too well in-game. 

But yeah, that's as intended, at the start of each new hole, you replay all the shots from all the previous holes with spacebar, before getting to make new ones again with the mouse. So you've gotta choose your shots carefully, as you've only got a total of 5 for all the levels.

Thanks for giving it a try!

More challenging than it looks! Visuals and aesthetic is super super strong -- very impressive! I kinda wish the song speed ramped up a bit maybe, but quite a unique idea and stunning visuals, nicely done!

Very impressive graphics - the aesthetic is very distinct and fun. Difficulty ramps up quickly, but nicely done!

The aesthetic is really good! Took a run to figure out what was an obstacle, but very addicting after that!

Very creative! So fun leaving paint splotches everywhere.  The sound effects and aesthetic is super fun too - very polished! My only suggestion is very minor - would be wasd+space movement as well as arrow keys. Great job!!

Hard to place the parts in the right spot - a preivew might've been good, but I really love the idea! 

The art is so amazing! The resize mechanic is done quite uniquely! I wish I could move it as well as resize it, but very cohesive, nicely done!! 

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That earth art animation is incredibly stunning! Love the atmosphere, minor nit pick is the gap between popups where you're just looking at the planet felt a little long after a while. But unique idea, nicely done!

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I really the art and aesthetic!! A garden tool as pool cue is a great idea! Pacing could be a little quicker - like quicker to charge up & quicker for the fruit to slow down, but there's so much you could do with it! It's so creative, nicely done!