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A member registered Mar 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice submission! I especially enjoyed the writing :) and the subversion of expectation (I assumed the purple guys would harm me on contact)

The artwork is simple but has a consistent style which is nice.

Good sound design also!

I had no vision for how the player should move the camera so in ended up moving the camera with an AnimationPlayer.

Thanks for the suggestion. Dragging the camera sounds like a good idea.

Thanks for playing! Enemy variety, better UI and pausing unfortunately didn't make it in before the deadline. And giving the player some room to make meaningful choices is definitely a necessity that I missed.

A very cool collection of mini games with great sound design!

I like the whole thing, from resource gathering to refining, production (though this part feels a bit long) and selling. Overall it feels like a complete experience.

I only wish there was more stuff, like ways to control which ores we get in the fishing part!

More like 4 and 3/4 of a day in my case 😅. But this time I got accustomed to creating tests alongside each new feature, which will hopefully pay dividends in my future projects :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback as well! The inventory UI definitely needs an improvement or a size cap since it covering the crafting button is game breaking.

Readability in general is a problem that I missed due to not enough testing.

What an absolutely lovely submission!

Charming art, great controls and sound design.

My personal favorite part is the blacksmithing mini-game (except for the metal pipe falling sound effect).

Almost assumed it was a joke submission and walked away after the intro xD

Great game! The game play is easy to grasp which is nice, but it also gets a bit repetitive after a while.
The art and sound assets are also very nice.

I got to level 2 where I managed to forge a weapon that nobody wanted and did not know how to put it down, right before I no clipped into the backrooms by walking into the top right corner : X
But it wouldn't be a jam game without some funny glitches :D

Thanks for playing! But I wish I gave the player more control over what they make, as well as time to make meaningful choices.

Thanks for playing! The idea was to use the player's attention as a resource by making things charge-up or speed-up when you press and hold with the mouse button on them... but I didn't find enough time to explain that concept in game, for which I am sorry.

That's a surprisingly high amount of not bad writing in a jam game, I'm impressed.

I'm not sure if there was a specific correct choice, but I think I made a choice I can live with.

Very cool. Feels like a well polished game.
I appreciate the in-game tutorial.

It felt very hectic at first, even after slowing down time to a 6s tic (so many interactions and flashing icons). Not sure if that was the intended experience, but a pause button would be most welcome.

And the sound design is very good!

Thanks for playing! And as the person responsible for implementing item interactions I am sorry for the confusion.

I'm glad you liked it! I'll be sure to pass on your praise to our lovely artist!

Thanks for playing, and sorry for the lack of introduction - I agree that in-game tutorials are far superior to info dumps in the description section.

Simple but well executed.

It feels like it's missing some background ambience, like the whistling of wind or rustling of dry leaves.

My high score was 36.

Quick and fun! Feels like a complete experience.

The boss battle was a nice finishing touch.

Nice music and SFX. Throwing pumpkins at crows was quite amusing.
I felt a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to click in the beginning, but got to level 5 once I figured everything out.

Controls feel nice, though it took me a couple of seconds to realize I'm suppose to pick up and place the pumpkins somewhere else.
I get why there is no sound, but I bet some SFX or VFX for digging/planting would make this game feel a lot more fun.

The amount of white blobs I had to kill was a bit much, but the game looks very cool and the song is great!

A fun and complete experience. The mini-games felt engaging and not too hard. I enjoyed the sticker book aesthetic. The ambience and sound effects worked wonders to set the mood.

I'm personally grateful that you made this game! I wanted to make a game about crating jewellery with mini-games for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure how to make it work. And now that I've seen first hand how fun crafting things with mini-games can be I'll definitely give it a shot!

A great game, very well put together. With so many towers the replay value is off the charts! The graphic style and music work together well too.

The scrap collecting mechanic was a cool idea. I also liked the repair mechanic at first... but after wave 15 the game started to feel like a constant fight against entropy. Maybe that was the point? If so - congrats on making a deep existential game!

Surprisingly it took me less than 5 seconds to understand how to play it. It has the vibe of putting together a jigsaw puzzle, which was nice.

Bit low on the challenge side of things though. I would love o see something that would force me to make a choice, like some-kind of static element on the board that interacts with the pipes, or maybe having a little bit more pipes than I can use so that a bit of trial and error is necessary.

What a fun puzzle game! Building and platforming combined in such an original way!

The audio and visual parts work great together. And there was never a moment where I didn't know what to do next.

Took me a while to get the controls, but once I did... I over spent my rating time quite a bit...

Frantically strapping scavenged parts while dodging incoming bullets is so much fun! Definitely coming back to this one after the voting period to see how far I can get (level 14 is my record so far).

Great game! Pixel graphics and classical music were an unexpected pairing, but everything works together extremely well. Starting with a cut-scene as a way to set the stage is something I never considered before, but I definitely want to try it out in my next Jam game after seeing how well it worked in your game.
The cables also deserve a mention - the way they move feels amazing.

The polish! The UI! The art!

And above else - the original Pokemon vibes!

Amazing submission!

The player controller feels very nice. Especially after you unlock double jump - just getting around is very enjoyable!

Far more fun than my first attempt at GWJ back in 2019. Throwing computer parts on the floor is actually quite hilarious :D
Thanks for making a submission to the jam! The bugs were not that bad!

Great design and composition. The music works great with the circus vibes.
Leaving the debug UI on isn't that big of a deal - but not getting the improved movement  into your submission on time (which I guess happened from reading other comments) is a real shame, since movement feels like the most important part of the game.

Amazing art and mini-games! The range of emotions expressed by the main character depending on what's currently happening adds so much character!

I like the strong flash game vibes.  The dialog was surprisingly well written, and the quick time events were cool.

I didn't understand the intricacy of the train assembly part of the game, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the game. Death to the snow flakes!

An amazing experience filed with humor and personality. I loved the sound and graphic design. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the font selection, as I found it hard to read at times.

Thanks for playing our game! And congratulation on beating the game in a self-imposed hard mode :D
But we should have done a better job communicating what the player can do in-game. Sorry about that.

As I grabbed the paper on the very end to the right, I got a notification that I can hide. I thought that I can use it against the flowers, so I purposely died to the flower while using the ability (thinking I would be immune). Once I re-spawned, I could still use the ability, but I could not pass the beetle. I grabbed the paper again, and tried to leave the room with the flowers, but each time I left the room I re-spawned as if I died. That's the best recollection of the glitch from what I recall. Hopefully this helps.

I'm glad I came back after the voting period to finish this game - the victory tune is a real banger!

This is an underappreciated master piece as far as I know. Great job!

Very cool mechanic. The artwork works unexpectedly well - it's simple, but I like it.

And the music is amazing! Where can I get the track that plays when the turtle dreams?

Amazing. Great story telling - the bed flying away was an amazing bit :D. And the boss's graphical design was breath taking. The gamepad support was a nice touch too!

The only major issue for me is the doorways between levels - definitely needs a bug fix.

A fine chill game. And the map is huge. Almost got the last gear box, but I managed to fall down a crater :S

The only thing that I didn't like was the constant sound crackle... though no one else mentioned it so it might just be my sound card being silly :/

You mad lads! You actually did it! You made an RTS for a game jam!

Got to the end, bit glitchy now and there, but has a lot of charm!

The art is raw, but it works. Sound effects got a bit repetitive after some time. Maybe consider pitch shifting on hit/attack sounds?