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A member registered Dec 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Well, for a game with cute graphics and nice sounds, that got dark quickly.  Really fun.

That was a fun little game.  The difficulty ramps up a ton after the first wave.  

Oh, that was a cool little game.  I love the feel of the melee attack.  So satisfying, especially when you get two enemies with one stab.  Great game!

That is weird that you never got any power ups.  I usually get them 2 or 3 tanks in.  They also show up on the minimap as little green dots.

Music and sound are what I consider my biggest weakness, so I'm glad you liked them.  There was a lot of experimenting with BFXR and Bosca Ceoil for this jam.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, but it's way better with power ups.  I hope you try again.

So nice to hear you enjoyed it.  I was aiming for arcade style, big, bombastic fun with loud guns and louder explosions.  

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  

I was not expecting a text adventure, but this was really interesting.  I'd forgotten how fun this style of game can be.  And that music was GREAT.  Good job.

NICE!  I'm generally really bad at shmups, but I enjoyed this one.  Maybe it was that music, it was great and weirdly relaxing.  

Great Job, that's a fun little shooter.  The mechanics are actually very similar to what I made.  I love the way you obscure the scene with the debris, that's something I wanted to do in mine but couldn't come up with a good way to do it.  And the music is perfectly nerve wracking!  The tiny arena also adds to the tension in a really interesting way.  Again, GREAT JOB!

Thanks for playing!  I'm glad you appreciate the explosion, but it has to be the most polarizing aspect of my game.  Wow. 

Awesome, glad you liked it!

Hah, thanks.  I'm glad you liked it.

I do not do music.  I opened up Bosca Ceoil and managed to make a 7 second loop that wasn't making my ears bleed.  BUT, having a 7 second loop repeating the entire time you're playing got really annoying after about 21 seconds, so I took it out.  I do enjoy trolling my players when I make jam games, but I really don't want to hurt them by making their ears bleed.

Hah, great concept.

Awesome, thanks for playing.

I need a better response to this.  Something like, "If the explosion is too big you're too old!", or "Go big or go home!"  But honestly, the explosion was an experiment to make it hard to see on a battlefield, but I will definitely do it differently next time.

Awesome!  Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it.

The rapid fire really just gives your finger a rest.  

You should always fear explosions!  Thanks for playing!

Hey, glad you liked it! 

Yes, the minimap is just a render texture that shows sprites instead of the 3D models.  If I had more time, I would've loved to have added more powerups.  

I'm glad you liked it!  The obscuring of the screen was one of the ideas I had going in to make it feel like a war zone.  If I had more time it would have been smoke.  Level 11 is pretty good.  At some point you learn the patterns of the enemies and can just keep going indefinitely, so after about 10 levels it starts to get a little boring anyway.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it.

Awesome, glad you liked it.

Glad you liked it!  There are 3 different kinds of enemies and the rate of fire, rate of movement, and range they fire is higher with the more yellowish ones.  Before I added the ability to zoom out, they would snipe you from off screen, which was kind of cool, but not much fun.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!   

Due to my tight schedule, 90% of this was done in 2 days and kept as simple as possible, thus the whole arcade style, high score type of game.

I was going for a confusing, chaotic battlefield where it was hard to see and a lot of screen shake.  So in version 2, they'll probably be rigid objects instead of a particle effect.  I love the idea of trash piling up on the battle field that can be pushed aside or blown up.  But maybe not for a jam game.

Thanks for playing!  I wasn't sure I was going to get more than the first weekend to work on this, so 90% of this was done in 2 days and kept as simple as possible.

I toyed with the idea of not letting the enemies kill each other, but I was influenced by Berzerk and how I loved the way the robots would shoot each other and run into walls.  

The particles weren't quite how I wanted them to be, but I was going for a confusing, chaotic battlefield where it was hard to see and a lot of screen shake.  Next time around I'll probably spawn debris and smoke instead of exploding cubes.

That was a fun little game.  I wish you had gotten the new spawning enemies working.  I could see this turning into something fun.

Boy that's quick!

Reminds me of old arcade games where you stood behind a plastic gun and kept shooting with a little bit of Plants VS Zombies thrown in for good measure.  The placement of the camera and the main guy made it hard to know if something was chewing on me, but otherwise, pretty solid.

I.... I just.... what?

I kinda want to know what all the "on-screen elements" are.  I clicked on one that gave me a heart purely on accident, it happened so fast that I didn't see what I clicked on.  Very cute.

Battle Royale, roach style.  Nice!

That was so dumb it was fun.  I'm pretty sure that egg with the mustache flipped me off...

I loved that you can pet the dog.... but I also felt like I was missing something.  Does it just go on and on forever?

It's like the Doom music kicked in!  Wild.

Fun little romp.  I was beginning to think it was too easy and then bam, it ramped up hard.  Great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks!  I was trying to keep it super simple because I ALWAYS over-scope my jam 2 days in I was done and just kept adding particles and screen shake for the rest of the week.  

Thanks for playing! 

(1 edit)

Here is my entry into the Game Jam with a them of "Last Stand".

Gameplay video here:

Fun little pick your own adventure, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you used a certain Dialogue System for Unity.  

Why didn't you link to you LD page at the top?  

Hah, you don't need that frustration,  but thanks.  I hope to see more from you in the future.

Interesting premise and design choice.  It's fun to play and it would feel right at home as an app on my phone when I felt like killing 10 or 20 minutes.

Very nice graphics and that's some intense music for a game about growing seeds.  It made me concentrate more on my order of operations than I've needed to in a long time.

The game didn't fit on my screen and resizing my browser didn't work because the on screen numpad didn't scale the same as the rest of the game, so I was forced to keep scrolling up and down to see the problems and type the answers.  Also, my numpad also didn't work.  My number keys on the top of the keyboard worked fine though.

This is fun and would be a great little coffee break roguelike to have on my phone.  I was never a Bomberman fan, but making it turn based seems to make it more fun, at least for me.

Ok, this is great.  Is it a roguelike?  Is it a puzzle game?  Who cares, it just frick'n fun!  And that music sticks in my head like a nasty Velcro mind worm.  Great Job!