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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you so much! Yes, that is a good point about the colours. 


That's a good idea! 

haha, oops! Sorry, didn't realise without trying it with someone else. 

"The Operating System Of The Future" Hahahaha! Love the nostalgia and the humour in here. Plays really well too - Heretic made in Wolfenstein 3D style. Would be nice to have a run/dash button.

This is an awesome idea and well executed too! I like the humour as well! Great work!

I like the random level generating and the sprites are nice too! Found it pretty challenging to be honest though.

Thanks a lot! I think the jump and switch sounds are different but perhaps too similar. You're right though, it's important that they can be distinguished.

I really like the system, although I sometimes lost track of what Slime was doing what. So if there was some way to make each Slime's task a little clearer visually I think that would be a big improvement.

Nice work. Looks nice and some of those puzzles are tricky!

The Tamagochi+Pokemon thing works really well. This would be a nice mobile game! Shame about some of the grammaring the fights though (sometimes it should be "uses" instead of "use") but I assume that's a problem that comes from the game logic.

Man, this game made me laugh out loud! I'm actually thinking to return to it later to play some more! Great work, please keep working on it. Also, I think it's nice that there's a SFW version - if possible I think it's good to offer players that option.

This is great! Really polished and fun, plus lots of levels and a nice tutorial. Great work! It would be nice if the Bosses were a bit more distinct - perhaps they could be humanoid slimes that have appendages which break off as they take damage?

Potentially a really good puzzler here. Just need some more levels and maybe a rating system. Like "Get 3 stars for completing it in X moves" or whatever. 

Nice idea! I wish I had some other people to play it with! Haha. Definitely looks like a fun game to play with a group. Maybe it would work well with a co-op/team V team element too.

Great idea. I really felt pressured in each of the levels. It might be nice to give a count of how many slimes get saved at the end of the level, rather than just end the level as soon as you save 5.

Nice idea but I found it a bit frustrating at times. I think this could work well as mobile game.

Nice idea. Reminds me a bit of the Japanese board game, Go, except less intense.

Cool! Thank you so much! Glad you liked the tutorial system. 

Thanks a lot!

Thanks! That's a nice idea. Perhaps it could be a kind of coloured countdown. Like a pink/blue/green bar. Along the bottom of the screen that drains as you get closer to that colour slime. 

Like real llife.

Thanks! Glad you enjoy it! 😁

Oh my god, this is SO useful! Thank you so much! My system has been to manually add each item to a custom Collection. I run Linux so for now I'm just ignoring anything that's Windows-only (I'll go back to those at a later date). Your spreadsheet makes this process much easier!