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A member registered Dec 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Are those the Lob Corp. Yin Yang?

Cute game with a nice and sweet story and good art to go along with it. Amazing!

I got to say though, the difficulty spike went vertical a bit starting from Flandre (I played on Lunatic). But bomb spamming everything got me to the end so I can't complain that much. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

There are two of them now?!

I could really see this being a greater game with more polish and time. The art is nice and the concept has potential there. One thing about the game is that the sound effects are too loud. Other than that, I would like to see what's up with the both of them in the future! Good work!

And thanks for letting us borrow Yui. Greatly appreciated.

Very charming game. I love the art and the music in this game so much. Would love to see the full version in the future. The only thing I can notice that could be a problem is the camera during the boss fight stutters quite a bit and it is a little disorientating sometimes.

Keep up the amazing work!

I played for quite a bit here and there during the jam period but still couldn't manage to beat Mizuchi(?). She catches up to you so fast that you barely have any time to respond. This does reminds me of those old games I used to play as a child tho. Keep up the good work!

Ah... I was revisting some of the old Pride Jam games for research to write our own game for Pride Jam 6 and I got to say: This hits hard to me, even more so two years later.

You guys did a good job. I teared up.

I played the web version, don't know if it was the updated version or not but I did experience the hitbox mismatch that appeared to have been fixed, so that's good news.

Other than that, this is a very charming game. I love the switching of the mechanics due to body swapping but having some indicator of where the screen ends on the danmaku section could be a very nice addition to the game.

Cheers to us, Mizuchi jam developers!

I am a very big fan of Downwell and this is a really nice take on the idea. Loved the art a lot and the sounds are quite nice as well. Having to wait for the enemies' bullets to pass you put quite a pause on the flow a bit but the gameplay otherwise was nice.

Amazing entry, keep up the good work!

This was a very wild game. Very neat. I was admittedly a bit confused on how the game works but more on me than anything.

Nice entry!

Great concept. The start where the reactor blew up was very funny. I really liked that.

As for the gameplay, some of the patterns are so fast that it's not feasible to dodge them. Utsuho fires constantly so there little room to get in and make use of the graze bonus to shoot her. Having checkpoints after each boss would be nice.

Overall this is a great attempt. Keep up the good work.

Thank you! I found the stream. I got to mention how you're the only one to notice the Project Moon texts. Awesome.

The vision cone not disappearing does make it a little hard to navigate the stage a bit. Planning your way through each room is quite fun! Keep up the good work.

Sweet little game. Very fun. Nice job on the entry!

At first I was wondering why the controls are in WASD, but then I got my answer. Phenomenal concept of gameplay, although I do wonder if the multiple windows are needed for this mechanic to work as it felt a bit clunky dragging the windows sometimes. The story fits so well and the music is also very nice. Amazing work!

Lovely concept! The collisions are a little wonky but that's to be expected for a jam game. The art and music are really good as well. Nice entry!

Very unique and creative mechanics! I got the hang of it after a while but I gotta say, the pentagram sound effect is very grating to my ears quite a bit. I would also like to see an actual objective instead of just survival (If there is one i missed it.) The detection was good most of the time, I didn't have a problem with it. Overall, a really nice entry! 

That was a nice two hours spent and I only have to look up the solution to two stages! I love the plot of this game, very creative. Nice entry!

Very cute, also very horrifying if you think about it too much. The bodies are small enough that you need a couple of them to create a stable platform, but it's cute so it's fine. Nice 3D entry!

Existential dread in such a small screen.

I finished this game wanting for more. This is very great, the voice acting is phenomenal, and the game did account for me falling off the map so bonus points for that. Amazing entry!

This is a very fun and cute game. Love the way the upgrade also adds a fairy and I managed to play the whole thing without knowing you could right click haha. Mokou is a little slippery and that makes it hard to dodge sometimes. Really good entry, nice job!

This is a very well polished jam entry, I really like it. The controls are very satisfying and the stage is very well designed. I also love the style of the game. Although the spikes on the cannon took quite a lot of lives for me to see that it's even there haha. Very well done!

Charming game. I really love the art and the animations. I forgot you could actually move the character during the chase segment funnily enough. The music is nice but it stopped quite a bit before the end so I was just running in silence. Good entry!

I love the aesthetic, reminds me of the PC-98 games. I did not catch what triggered the ending while playing so it was a bit hard to gauge how I was doing. Otherwise, a really nice game!

Very cute art. I love how mildly annoyed Mokou looks. This game gave me quite a bit of a challenge. The first trap jump got me stuck for a while. Nice game!

The art is cute and I adore the music in this game. It was very fun trying combinations of food. I didn't manage to get them all but I could probably spend hours on this. Amazing!

Very neat! It's still very impressive you managed to do all this with all the projects you are in. Big respects.

Cute little game! Unfortunately I don't have someone to play with but the AI does seem well programmed. It's definitely quite hard to see over all the bullets but overall you have a nice little game here. Good job!

You've got a good concept here. Exploring Akyuu's past lives is something that could be very interesting. Keep up the work!

The art is really cute! The dialog was also nicely written and the game gave my dim brain a bit of trouble figuring out where to go, which is nice. Amazing entry, good job!

Love the pixel art on this one. The text is a bit hard to read and the camera could show a bit more of where you're going. Keep up the good work!

The boudler should roll down if you stop clicking for a while.

Interesting concept you've got here. Some of the stages you can play in are pretty unfair as the enemies can shoot you but you can't reach them, and the lasers linger for a bit too long. You're doing great, keep it up!

This entry reminded me of my Kaguya game from jam 5 with all the dashings and collecting notes. I love the pixel art in this game and the controls feel quite nice. The white text on the white stars in the background does hurt readability somewhat but that's a minor problem. Good job!

Spent 2 hours to get a 4 death no spirits run. Worth it.

Got stuck in corners sometimes.

Nice danmaku game! I felt like the bullets are a bit samey until you throw the curvy laser at me! Really nice to see an Enoko game. Wonderful!

This is a very lovely story, and I can't even begin to decide which path is the better of the two. The art is stunning and I love that you provided checkpoints for the decisions as well. Amazing!

I really love the story of this game. Seeing Marisa age both in gameplay and in the dialog is a really nice touch. Sadly, I wasn't able to get all the endings for now since the game crashed but I can't wait to see the other endings once I have the time to replay the game. The only gripe I have about this game is how it takes quite some time to restart after death, although you've mentioned it's because of time constraints. Good work overall, love it!

This could do with a brief explaination on how thing works but once you get into the groove of things it's pretty fun trying to see which option would be best to pick. I did get quite a jump  from seeing the enemies' health going so high each time they died though.

The Biten sprite is really nice. You've got the Terraria style down pat as well! I've never thought about how a bullet heaven game as a 2D side scroller would be pretty fun. Gotta give extra points for the [BITEN BLAST] as well although it doesn't feel as powerful as the staff. The world gen mechanic doesn't really do anything for the game although I know you were experimenting with enemies that interacting with the terrain which sounds like a cool concept. Overall great work!