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A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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This looks very interesting. Many years ago I've worked on a MMO with a similar style, but the company went bankrupt.

Can we use our own assets in this tool?
How about RPG rulesets? (character attributes & leveling)
Creating our own Spells?
Day & Night cycle?
Designing your own UI/Menus? (coming from Unity, I'm a bit spoiled)

This is really interesting for me, because I'm a worldbuilder and always looking for tools to provide a way to explore my world in an interactive way.

I hope you can also improve stability of the editor. Looking forward to the further development!

Your game experiments are really interesting and funny! This one is too stressfull for me to be honest, but the animation is so cool. Looking forward to your next projects!

What a cute idea! I instantly had to try it, it's so funny. Found your game via your video on youtube. What an adorable desktop companion.

This is a really really sweet little game! Thank you for sharing, I love the character and story and enjoyed playing it. Well done everyone! :)

Ooops ... I guess it's fine. I forgot that I had to disable auto rotation ~ first to make the navigation work. I was confused by the double assignment of "W" for toggle and navigation, but after ~ I was able to navigate as expected. Sorry for the confusion.

And thank you for sharing your creative and unique experiments with us!

Your tools are so awesome! For some reason though the viewer doesn't accept any of my keyboard input anymore. Only mouse clicks and movement have an effect. As far as I remember it has worked before.

Nice one. The visuals are just right for a game jam and I like the idea for the setting. In the end I died though. :D

Huh, why haven't I commented here? This is SUCH a lovely game and so well done. The intro feels a bit long, but otherwise it's a really nice one. Looking fotward to the updated version.

Nice work so far! I played the web build until level 10 and did survive without problems so far. Just stopped playing because I have to do something else now. Wish you the best for the further development of your game. Keep it up!

Unfortunately I haven't played any JPRGs, so I don't know the classic reference. :( (only the modern one, VS)

Auch wieder wahr. :D

What a beautiful project! I'm not sure if I'll be able to play it (mostly because of finding the time ...), but I love what I see here!

Stimmungsvolles kleines Adventure mit niedlichen Charakteren. Natürlich sind Katzen besser als Hunde. :D

Awesome soundtrack and cute character design! The game worked fine for me, I reached the end without stumbling upon any bugs.

Thank you! :)

I like the atmosphere of this game, especially in the first room. :) Nice intuitive gameplay, too. That portal is awesome.

Same here.

I haven't playtested this one yet, but the whole idea is so adorable. I fell in love with it on first sight. For me these goblins feel a bit like clowns in a good way (in their heart - like really trying to accomplish things but living in a difficult world that's not made for them).

If you were wondering about ableism: I found a note in the book about that, and the whole game isn't meant to be ableistic. It's not only but also about loving people as they are, as I see it. I hope I'll be able to play this soon!

So then I give it a second try as well:

(1 edit)

I've just managed to upload a standalone build of mine and hope it wasn't to late to get accepted (I've put the link in this thread before the end of the deadline, but before only a WebGL version of the game was available).

Every single one is worth it.

I would also like to contribute to such a bundle if it was created by itself.

Thank you, CP-Dimensions. You described exactly what I was aiming for with this little game experience, so I'm happy that it works. :)

Thank you very much, CP! This impression was exactly what I was aiming for. :)

Thank you for your nice feedback! Developing this small game was fun and I hope I'll find the time to give it a proper ending soon.

I haven't finished it yet - found several objects (don't want to spoil anything here) and still not sure about the use of a certain object. So I'll have to give it a try another day and just rated what I've seen so far, for now. Hard to say if it's too difficult - I haven't played Myst or Myst like games, so I'm not that used to that kind of game navigation (orientation), which always confuses me a bit. Like "have I been there ... where was that scene again ...). So I guess experienced Myst players would definitely have an advantage here. By the way, I like that unique hand-made graphics style of yours. It is inspiring and I hope I'll find the courage & energy for making such a true "handmade" style game too, some day (in my own style, of course, not copying yours ;-)).

(1 edit)

Haha, about the gloves: Maybe I will! I've already got an idea. Thank you for the nice feedback. With some time, I want to add a proper "ending" for the game, but since there wasn't thaaat much of a concept either, I just made sure to meet that requirement first and maybe think about that later.

But I think the player who waits until the 5 minutes of playtime are reached should be rewarded somehow. Recording the sounds was fun, especially since this developed very organic and simultanously. Like "mmmh, I want to have that object in the game. Ok, it needs some sort of sound." So for me, the scene came first, then came the voiceover.

(1 edit)

Best credits ever! I like how you used that 5 minutes restriction but still put so much content in it (especially compared to mine). When I first played it, I thought I'd lose the items I found if I don't manage to finish the game with the first try. It feels much fairer as it is.

Great sound design and obviously according to the restriction, but I didn't expect anything else here. :)

The idea of this game has some China Miéville vibe. Nice concept! Moving the life/ammo meter down sounds like a good idea. I also wasn't sure what those collectibles actually do.

I didn't manage to kill that end boss with its infinite minions. But I liked the overall setting and visuals. Guess this might also work as kind of an endless runner game with varying (maybe procedural) levels.

Lovely sound design!

(1 edit)

Such a funny idea! I like the setting, it feels more immersive than I expected. :D Very inspiring, too. I guess I'll never reach the moon, but it is a game I can like although I'll never "win" it.

I've learned a new word today, thank you! :D

I'm really looking forward to this unique game! :)

I get a "Stage3D error: Context3D not available" error in the browser on this page, but I'm curious about this tool and will try the downloadable version.

Awesome update! :)

Very good storytelling and interesting worldbuilding. And oh, so sad ... The soundtrack is perfect, good pacing overall. I'm amazed that you managed to even have voiceover in your game inside the jam timeframe.

Out of curiosity: In the credits it's stated that you used Blender. What did you use this for?

Why do I always forget to leave a comment on It was really nice to follow the whole Francium series so far. You've created a nice little world there with a unique, bright style that lets the player forget the darkness of the real world for a while. Thank you! :)

It's so funny to see that we are using the same fonts :D Looking forward to play your game!

Merci beaucoup pour ton gentil commentaire!

Thank you for your honest comment!

Yes, the game looks empty - I guess even a nice animated gif preview wouldn't help much there. Players have to fill it with their thoughts. :) It makes me very happy that the game could convince you after you made that first step and gave it a chance!