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A member registered Sep 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well, the browsers go only into 3 categories:

- Chromium based on Blink (Chromium, Chrome, Opera, Edge, Vivaldi, Brave, ...)
- Chromium based on Webkit (Safari)
- Gecko (Firefox)

I am a web developer and when I export game for web I test Safari, Firefox and Chrome. In most cases the game works in all or is not working well in Safari or Firefox. Chrome is the only one always up to date.

Use Q to switch to sword

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Oh my goooood, that shadow/darkness is sooo stupid ... I love this! I had to replay it so many times! Super fun game!

Also, found a bug ... it spawned there and got stuck. Had to restart whole game.

Alsooooo ... I just spent 4h playing your game ...

Your Mac version is not correct. You uploaded only the data file, not the app file.

Having the ability to use mouse to control the player would be nice. Overall pretty cool game.

Good start. With more interactive objects, real light that can burn you instead of a shape that can just push you away, animations and better mood it can be actually a good game. Right now the best part of your game is the music. I had it playing for like 15mins on a loop :D 

I had problems to play it. Your sizing settings were probably not tested properly for large monitors and retina/zoom settings. I have a 4K monitor set to 2K (Retina, Mac) and this is how it looked.

You should probably check these settings.

Fairly interesting game but sadly very bad screen/display settings. 

This is how I saw the game on 4K screen set to 2K (retina).

Next time check the Window settings.

(4 edits)

OH MY GOOOOOOD. Really? The game probably worked all the time but the menu on the side is so small that I could not see it. I was wondering why nothing reacted ... because the game didn't start. This is how I see it on a 4K screen zoomed to 2K (Retina). I kinda read the controls, the menu looked like some stats, it was so small that I just ignored the rest.

Next time look into Display settings for "Window Width Override", "Window Height Override" and "Stretch Mode".

Not rude. Honest review. The parkour at the beginning did not bring anything useful to the gameplay. I already explained more in the deeper comments.

Fairly good game but you are missing 2 things:

- Correct light. Currently you can shoot at wall and it kills everything in a radius. There should be some logical way of blocking the light so it does not go through was. With Raycast you can then check which enemies were visible.

- Performance. I died, after few seconds I had a swarm of black thingies on me and even my MacBook Pro M3 Max showed me a tab memory warning and the game was super laggy.

Very interesting game. It was fun and challenging experience.

I just tried with a controller and it's also very bad. The walking is very fast like on keyboard but looking is now super slow. On mouse you rotate very fast, on controller you look very slow. I tried setting my mouse to absolutely slowest mode (Razer DeathAdder V2 Mini). I already use it on one of the slower modes by default. I was able to reach the second level. There was the jumping from the hole. That was another breaking point where I decided to stop playing.

Dark Souls is really challenging game but you still feel like you have your character under control. The jumping feels way too "floaty" and sometimes didn't react properly, walking kinda slides, mouse is limited to what user can set on their mouse, and so on. As a concept it is good but in the first 2 levels I saw a work for one person that can be done in 3 days. You were a team of five (by JAM page) and even thought the game looks interesting and has good music, it feels like an early prototype.

I don't mean to sound rude or throwing your game or your team under the bus but I really tried to play this game and I feel fairly disappointed. Hope the post-JAM version is going to be more playable. Good luck guys.

Amazing idea, sometimes tricky controls but still super fun and challenging.

First game ever where I gave 5 stars in ALL categories. Absolutely amazing work and gorgeous graphics.

(1 edit)

Currently my second highest rated game in this jam. It was not ease to beat your game. Really good job!

I use Whiskey, it's an enhanced Wine = Windows runner on Mac OS. So, it might still be just a Mac OS issue.

After almost 15mins of trying to pass the stupid parkour at the beginning I decided that I won't rate this game. I was unable to pass the second jump after the first corner. Very frustrating.

Few notes:
- the mouse speed was just bad ... not being able to change the camera speed is a sin, I could barely use the mouse
- the movement was, I would say, a bit too fast and not easy to control
- the jumping didn't feel comfortable

Not sure how to rate this game. I tried the Mac and the Windows versions and both are stuck on a white screen after the initial text message.

Sadly I was unable to run it in any browser on my $6000 MacBook M3 Max. Not sure how to make it work but it shows error about shader memory. Perhaps adding Win/Mac export might help.

Project setting "rendering/limits/global_shader_variables/buffer_size" exceeds maximum uniform buffer

Unable to play in browser. Console is full of errors. Tested in multiple browsers. Please talk with JAM team and upload Win/Mac versions.

Well, I am WSAD player and having Q as the toggle was forcing me t use arrows to be able to switch quickly. The jump distance was either short or didn't feel like I had it under control. The fly and fall speed were too fast to be enjoyable. So in other words, the game is nice and fun but the platforming is not as enjoyable as I wish it was.

Very nice game!

Sadly it rendered as 2x2 grid where menu was stuck on left/top and game on right/bot part of the screen. No fullscreen or some size fix available made it hard to enjoy.

Great game!

Fairly expected idea for this jam's theme but still you managed to add some twists and nice features. Very well done game. Somebody here said that the controls were very responsive, for me actually no. I felt like that controls were way too fast and unforgiving which made the game not so pleasure after a while. Perhaps a slower speed while not grounded might be a nice touch.

Very cool concept. I could see this as a full game.

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[Error] USER WARNING: Project setting "rendering/limits/global_shader_variables/buffer_size" exceeds maximum uniform buffer size of: 16384 ... Safari on Mac

Works in other browsers

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The WEB version of the game didn't work properly. Couldn't do anything. Menu didn't work. Character didn't load.

Mac version worked fine. Fairly interesting. Couldn't see the theme much.

Fairly simple game. Not sure about the theme but I can see what you tried to make.
Btw, the music volume was super low.

In that case I was right :)

Very unfinished game but at least you managed to do something playable. I had a similar idea. Check my entry for this jam. It's a very basic prototype done in 8h before the jAM end. You game was playable but daaaamn the camera control was terrible. Super fast camera.

Platformer is always a good starting point. You can learn a lot. This prototype can be made in like a day if you are really bad. I'd expect more features even from your first project. Definitely try to do more. Finish the video/course/series you were watching and add more stuff. Godot is a very simple game engine and for sure you'll learn fast. Good luck

I totally hate this kind of games ... but I loved yours! :D 

Thanks for testing. As noted on the game page ... this is a very rough prototype made in 8h before the JAM end so ...

I have planned ways how to extend it into a full game but I had not time. I'll "finish" the game after the JAM :)

Thanks for testing. As noted on the game page ... this is a very rough prototype made in 8h before the JAM end so ...

I have planned ways how to extend it into a full game but I had not time. I'll "finish" the game after the JAM :)

Hi! Thanks for trying this fabulous mess :D

It's a very rough prototype. I had just 8h (before the end of JAM) to work on it, so, well, it looks and works as expected.

You understood the game pretty well. You even got the same ideas as I had ...
Making the humans slower is a simple NPC speed variable change. The point of collecting the potions was indeed to use the blood as your stamina/health. By collecting you should regain your health. You should also have the ability to sacrifice some of your health to dash forward which should be rewarding if you managed to dash on an NPC. Sadly this was out of my time.
On the game page you can see a list of planned features. I will definitely finish it after the game JAM so it is a simple infinite catching/dashing mini game.

Thanks for playing. <3

I have a new design in progress, full keyboard controls, pause menu, moving camera with the cube, bridges and falling platforms ... new levels are also coming. You can check it out on the 3 Gnomes Discord.

I have more plans with it. It's very simple game and it looks like people like it so I decided to work on it more :D

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This could be useful for you :)

Skill & Action Bar - RPG System Design - Godot 4

I agree. Sadly this was my first game and I was very busy so I spent like 4 days on it with little sleep. I wish I had more time for the sounds and more levels.
On the game page you can see a list of upcoming features. I already have some working. I'll release right after the voting ends ;)