Fun little game! Recorded my playthrough
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Nice pack! Hard to pick just one, I used one in my emulator os theme!
I released a pomodoro timer for the Playdate with these, thanks so much!
General feedback incoming, but first a screenshot:
I played for like 45 minutes:
The biggest issue is the slimes going outside the room, I’m sure you’ve seen that. Some thoughts in no order:
- The combination of Isaac + Hades + Brotato (or any of the other Bullet Heaven games) feels really good! Nice enemy variety too, even if the slimes are plentiful lol
- The wizard looks like Ralsei from Deltarune, also a plus
- Some of the upgrades are 😬 Coffee makes you do so much more dps than the 0.5% damage upgrade.
- Item descriptions could be obfuscated a little, instead of saying 3% chance to drop heart, say chance to drop and allow some balancing behind the scenes. I know in Isaac harder enemies have a higher chance of dropping a heart, that might work here too
- The dragon boss was fun!
Overall I enjoyed it! I haven’t done a Kickstarter in a while, but I signed up for yours 👍️
I had the free pack for a bit, was okay. Got the premium pack and WOW! worth the few bucks 😄 The free option is nice to see if the game fits the style, but the premium pack is both higher quality and easier to use.
What’s the license? Was thinking of making some modifications to sprites, mostly just color replacement or decorations for different villagers. Prototyping a Rimworld type game, some variety would be nice. And does the upcoming update include more interiors? Maybe other wall connections, so houses can be non-rectangular.