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A member registered Mar 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I lost my first 2 tries because I didn't realize the pentagon was fuel and also I didn't realize you had to trade your supplies with the alien by dragging your items into the trade box. Maybe put a title "Trade" over that box?

Also, with the pentagon, you could add a spout to make it look like a gasoline container to get the idea across. I don't think you need a long tutorial, but something like an overlay that labels the main elements and basic instructions before stage 1 begins.

Interesting crafting system, but the game could use a tutorial. Also, I liked your scene transition effect.

Thanks for the detailed critique! I agree and I wanted to implement a lot of the things you said, but I ran out of time.

Thanks! I did a bunch of research in the beginning on different types of pastas lol

The cube building mechanic is really unique and works well. The difficulty ramp was also nice. Well done!

Pretty neat. I got stuck somewhere in Chapter 2. Also cool to see someone using Love2D

If I press Play or try to craft something, it crashes with this:

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shader_PSX_UNLIT D3DXCompile failed - result at gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_72
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_72 (line -1)
I have a GTX 970 and i5 4690K

It's kinda unintuitive and I couldn't make anything. Also the menus display really small on a 4k display.

The world looks nice and the controls are responsive which is good, but I wish there were less long empty corridors and a longer time limit. I also couldn't find where to use items or how to craft, partly because of the time limit, but also because I couldn't tell what the items were supposed to be/do from the sprites.

The graphical style and concept is really cool. I got a light saber and slashed the door to escape a second time and got the game-over screen, but the next playthrough I couldn't get the key under the potted plant.

Thank you!

Thanks :)

Thanks! I'm glad you liked the theme.

This is a really interesting weapon crafting system. Great work!

This is really well made. I wish I could see the grid before I play a card so I could plan my movement better. Also, sometimes I have to use up all my cards to get to the exit because I had no movement cards left. I wish I had a "redraw hand, discard one" button, so I didn't have to play the rest one by one. The visuals and music are really great too.

You might want to mention that you need to click the inventory item and then the hotbar button to equip the item. It took me a long time to figure that out.

(3 edits)

Pasta Planet Main Page

Jamcraft 5 Submission Page

Pasta Planet is a 2.5D platforming adventure game I created for JamCraft 5. You crash landed on an alien planet that is inexplicably pasta themed. You can collect different pasta shapes and craft weapons out of them.

I used Godot, Blender, Krita, Gimp, and Bitwig 8-Track. It runs on most browsers, Windows, Mac, and Linux and has some support for controllers.

I'm still new to 3D game dev and this is my second game jam, so I ended up spending too much time making graphics and spaghetti coded the thing in the last 3 days. I'd love to hear thoughts and feedback.


I spent my first day coming up with ideas and the next 6 days making and animating 3D models (baking a texture atlas in Blender was a huge ordeal that took half a day, though it was my first time doing it). So for the last 3 days I was in a rush to program everything and it is a hideously tangled nest of spaghetti code. I don't think my game came out great and there were more features I wanted to add, but in all it was a good learning experience. Working under pressure of a deadline really helps me work harder.


(1 edit)

In this game, you play as an angel tasked with healing humanity from a disease. 

It's a top down action game where you win if you heal all the infected with few casualties. I wanted the graphics to look PS1-like, for ease of making assets and because I like the style.

This is the first 3D game I've ever made and probably the most content I've ever put in a game. I started making this game for Corona Jam and I'm pretty satisfied with what I've made. I used Godot, Blender, Krita, and Bitwig 8-track.

It is free and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux (Linux version untested).

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Thank you!