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A member registered Oct 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am actually working on that, but i am the slowest developer on this planet so you'll get gta 8 before you get that... :/


Unfortunately this game can't be downloaded onto an nes, mostly because the nes can't download anything.
Even if you made a counterfeit nes cartridge it wouldn't be able to run the game since it was made in GDevelop wich doesn't run on the nes.
The graphics however would be reproduceable and so is the logic of the game so in the widest sense of a stretch...


I am actually very close to finishing, it's just that there are more bugs than on a dead horse's body... Once I've got a version that is playable it'll be published. I can't give an acurate date but probably before july 14th. Maybe. Hopefully...

It would not be as great if it did not look this stunningly amazing!

It is a rather generic bullet hell, but it does not need to be anything more. This is very simple but immensly effective nd manages to entertain for a longer timespan than some even more suvvisticated entries.

The idea and graphics are well thought out unfortunately a bit to complicated.

If the mechanics where a little bit simpler, this would easely be one of the better entries.

Am I the only one who thought that was a basketball?

The evil basketball is an amazing boss to fight against. Especially if the game feel is as great as this! The entirety of this game is just so well thought out, even the music fits perfectly into the concept and it's just brathering!

Very, very, very, very, very creative concept! I also adore the transitions between the levels. The music and sfx are also brathering.

There's just absolutely nothing negative I could possibly say about this!

I love the aestetics and music. Unfortunately the gameplay has some shortcommings... There are some sfx missing for hitting the enemy or shooting. But I do really like the piano 3 21 thingy!

This guy is amazing! He makes the joker look sane.

I really like the aestetics, it manages to do so much with so little. The hahaha dud also just looks amazing. The animations look super polished while maintaining that same simple quality!

The only thing I can really say about this is gud gam

Simple concept. The shooting feels like it's oing nothing and some constellations are pretty impossible to dodge.

This type of game can be great, but it is very hard to pull off.

Holy fuck this is amazing!

My first thought was that our entries were kinda similar, then I realized yours is eons better! The graphics look incredible, the controls feel snappy and well planted and the animations and feedback are juicyer than orange juice!

The beam sometimes feels a bit weak, I would've liked if you had a faster fire rate or did a bit more damega.

The music fits well with the atmosphere and the fact that there are levels rather than just one goal or infinite enemies makes everything feel more accomplishing than other games!

This is the 69th game I've rated... nice!

I do not care about anything, the burning and dieing animation is the single most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life!

The dash is a very interesting ability. Press space and it'll das you to everywhere from two tiles to infinity and beyond! Apart from that, your game is amazing! The controls feel good and the animations are juicy. Unfortunately my speakers just broke so either your audio was so awful they've decided to commit suicide or I can't say anything about it.

Amazing game nonetheless.

How does this not have more attention?

The patterns are a bit repetetive, It would be more comfortable having more than one hp and it would look just a little bit better if the player sprite wouldn't rotate. That's it with my critique.

This game looks absolutely breathtaking! The music fits perfectly in the theme and the entire colour pattern is just...

I'm gonna join the masses in telling you that this game is fantastic! The adorable racoon also really helps with that.

The only criticism I have is that the hitbox is a little bit to big wich makes it hard to dodge patterns that you really should've survived!

You also could just spam spacebar whilst aiming for red bois and almost always get the good ending... If you want to!

What do you mean by game over music clipping? Is it starting to early?

Also I've heard the ones about the hitbox and sfx a lot, I'll definitely be looking out for them in future projects!

This is probalby the first game I've played for this jam that I've actually finished!

I have a strange affection to this game. I don't know why, maybe because it reminds me of ghostbusters... I really love the shlong shooting thingy, it is the perfect refreshment from all the other shooty shooty bang bang games. The atmosphere is also actually creepy. Not I shit my pants creepy but there's definitely tension.

If you added some juice especially to the menus this gam,e would be literally perfect!

Glad you liked it!

The healthbar is kind of a huge fuck up on my part. It actually does work, but you're dealing exponential damage. So n the beginning you're dealing 1 damage and in the end 150. So the healthbar shows you dealing 1 damage, wich does absolutely nothing at all...

But thanks for your thoughts! This will help me improve my future projects.

I was constantly afraid the game was to quiet and kept turning up the volume, turns out I went a little overboard... :/

I like that you can destroy everything!

I like to destroy everything...

That is kinda confusing...

I really like the art and I think I like the concept... Unfortunately I do not understnd what is going on. You probably went for a "limited controls" approach, wich is a good idea, but it was a very glitchy expirience.

The artstyle is beautiful tho!

I'm usually not that big a fan of grid based games, but yours has awaken something in me... This game is definite brain candy and I love pretty much everything about it!

Polish is kinda hard to define, you know if something is well polished if it is but it's also hard to call yout something specific to polish. I'd recommend just toying around with stuff like this and see if you can create a result that is just a little bit juicier!

You're very welcome! The game is still absolutely incredible, so I hardly doubt that this will spoil anyone's expierience!

This game is amazing and underrated.

But it is a bit demoralizing getting hit all the time. It would've felt so much better if the note could move faster, even just a little bit.

Apart from that, this is a pretty solid entry! It is very well polished and definitely more interesting than most entries!

I could obviously tell you that this game is incredible, like everybody else in the comments but you've already heard that. If you want to know my thoughts, just read all the other positive comments!

I am instead gonna tell you that I've managed to somehow bug out of bounds... I don't know exactly how it happened, but I was able to recreate it using a mix of dashing and geting hit at the same time.

Did I mention that this game is amazing?

A generic bullet hell, sold as advertised!

Yet you still managed to make a great game, as generic as it may be...

The binding of isaac meets doom eternal, I love it!

I love the aestetics! I genuenly cannot tell if this is 2d or 3d.

I would've liked it if there was a crosshair since with all the effects can make it a little bit hard to see where you're aiming.

I really like the multiple shot types, the music is fitting and this is generally well polished.

It is a little bit annoying that you can't move while attacking...

Apart from that, this is not a bad game. The graphics look good, the music is good and I personally really like top down games.

By the makers of sharknado?

Soda frog...

This looks amazing! And as a fellow Gdeveloper I do appreceate that a lot!

However, it is quete confusing at times. I don't seem to find any indicator of how much health I have left. Apart from that though, this is an amazing game! It's got amazing graphics and is very well polished.

One thing I'd like to ask, if you use Z as an entry method, please also map Y to the same function to accommodate for different keyboards.

This game is so juicy, it qualifies as a smoothie!

The controls feel super balanced, the sound effects are incredibly well incoorperated considering you were using sfxr and the music fits incredibly well.

I'd ask you to please play my entry as well. I've seen some of your comments and they're always super constructive and I'd like to improve. thx


If you told me that this game was a full indie title released on steam, I would've believed it! I love every pixel! From the paper esque graphics over the juicy sound effects to the creative concept, this is probably the best game I've played this jam.


This is the embodyment of simple yet effective. This has just the right anmount of polish to feel super professional but with gameplay so simple and addictive. The difficulty is also at the perfect level and the incorperation of the theme is very creative.

You should probably limit the top speed, I became so fast that  the player sprite just disappeared... Apart from that I do like the idea, but spongey controls and enemies just appearing right infront of you make it a confusing expierience.

Add some polish and make the entire game slower and you'll have a pretty solid game!

Fun and addictive title, but the online version doesen't load so maybe people won't play it, not realizing they can download it...

This game is incredible!

I love the thing you did with the additional arena that gives you upgrades, it just makes the game so much more engaging and interesting than other games. It does need some polish and feedback but the handling is right at the sweetspot.