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A member registered Jun 14, 2016

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Jam has started and no theme revealed yet? Maybe running late or something  been 5 minutes past start 

I did a recorded play of your game !

Grats on submitting!!

I have not played any of the two games that this game seems to reference ... portal an bindin of issac. I was totally lost. I had no idea of what to do and how to progress. It looks like it would be a fun game but i dont know i was totally lost. :( looks like maybe more instructions maybe.?

I did a recorded play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

It looks like a really nice concept . i wish you had more time to work on it. would like to see it completed in the future. 

I did a recorded play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

It was good. i liked it. maybe a little more instructions at the start but it wasnt to hard to figure out what to do.  was a pleasure to play!

I Played your game and did a video of it!

Grats on submitting!!

i liked it. just wish i knew the bomb was an end all option  lol 

grats on submitting!!

IT was fun but ended up getting to a white screen and couldnt see anything ... maybe 6-7 levels in.

grats on submitting!!

i liked it played for about 15 minutes but couldnt make it to far lol

grats on submitting!

It seemed it would be fun if you could get some friends to play i was playing solo and couldnt get past maybe 8-9 ships. 


did a recorded play of your game :) 

Grats on submitting!!

I liked it. i made it to level 8 i think. the difficulty curve was pretty high to me  lol but fit with the theme of the game. liked the graphics. music default level is a little loud. 

hope you continue to work on this project. 

Recorded play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

I liked the concept. A few bugs but i think it could be a fun game once they are worked out. i hope you continue to work on this project. 

I did a record play of your game. 

Grats on submitting!!

I liked the concept. It looked good. I personally just could not get the hang of the controlling 2 players with different controls at the same time  :( 

I played your game and recorded it.

Grats on submitting!!

I enjoyed your game. Some of the puzzles were hard.  I only have 2 issues with it. The text bubbles didnt seem to go to the end :-(  

I WANTED more levels .... lol a good issue. 

Did a play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

I liked it played for a bit. Only problem i had was with the difficulty ramping up so quickly.

Posted a play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

Posted a play of your game.

Grats on submitting!!

posted a play of your game. 

Grats on submitting!

Same here

Kept getting null exception errors and couldnt really do anything. :( 

Looked nice and looked like it would be interesting. 

grats on submitting!!

Congrats on submitting!

Liked the game looked good sounded good. Hated the controls something was just off on them trying to turn mouse would just switch monitors and loose focus not sure what that would be. 

congrats on submitting!

Was fun made it to level 3  but did manage to glitch myself threw wall on second platform where it said to climb up. 

Congrats on submitting!

I played it a few times liked the art style. 

biggest issue was restarting it many times with the r key resulted in it crashing. 

Congrats on submitting!

I liked it. Switching bodies and using the current host to advance in the level.

Congrats on submitting!

I liked the riding the previous attempts mechanic.

Congrats on submitting!

Using player death as basically a check point was good idea. 

Should update and add a way to exit the game at the end. If there is/was a way i missed it. 

Congrats on submitting!

I couldnt figure out the attacking . Seemed to just run into the enemies and kill them. 

Congrats on submitting!

Liked the mechanics of using old body to solve puzzles. 

Congrats on submitting!

I liked the mechanics of using the devil and animals.

I got stuck on level 3 couldnt figure that one out lol :( 

Congrats on submitting!

I liked it. Staid with the theme.  The  investigators was a nice addition.

I found the level times to be pretty tight though :( 

Congrats on submitting!

Liked it.  mechanics were fun. 

I got stuck on level 3 i think it was the one with spike pit in middle and two pillars before it with acid pit. i couldnt get over fast enough to get the body over to the right only thing i could do is pile bodies up in center spikes high enough to jump to exit.

Congrats on submitting!

I couldnt make it past the first time you exit the body maybe i was missing something not sure.

Liked the idea of body hopping. 

Congrats on submitting!

I played the game for a while. Married 3 times so yea lost three times lol.

Only thing i didnt like was that my attacks were only doing 1pt per point of damage, maybe if you could scale the damage with how many times you rolled the dice some how. 

Congrats on submitting!!

I over all liked the game.  Looked as if the crabs were going to eat him at the end lol. 

i did have an issue with going down into the pipes... maybe the collision was hanging up on the corners. 

Congrats on submitting!!

Nice retro theme to your game.

I was overwhelmed with enemies quite fast. Never did find an exit to the starting area if there is one. 

Congrats on submitting!

Looks Great! Sounds and music seemed to work together with the graphics.

I liked the art style chosen. 

It was a little hard for me to get around some of the obstacles.  Bottom right corner a little too dark i think i didn't even realize i could go there until one of the candies spawned there. 

Congrats on submitting!

Looks good. If you had sound it was not working for me in the web browser version. 

Congrats on submitting! 

Game played good, i didnt have any issues with web playing.

Scoring of some sort would of been nice. 

Great set. Thanks