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Thank you! All animations were Mixamo. I used some in-engine systems to tweak them. The art was fun. I need to optimize everything, but I'm happy with its current state. Thank you for playing!

Very fun. I agree with the update on some minor UI to really add to gameplay. But I think you got a solid start from the 10days. I hope you keep working on it. Thanks for submitting! 😊

I love the passio!! I don't remember the engine, but if you used UE. Feel free to hit me up on discord, SergeantStrongBeard, if you want help. 😊

You know. I didn't consider the escape button to be an issue the way it has, haha. It'll be the first thing I fix after this jam. And the tree leaves weren't calculated well. I will have to fix that too! The last rune was poorly placed in crunch time. Thank you for trying so hard. I appreciate you playing my game and giving a thorough run through 😊

I had the door idea from the beginning of the project. Then I thought of that scene and I had to do it. Thank you for taking the time to play! 😊

Solid advice! I'll look into making adjustments! Thank you for that. I appreciate you taking the time to play 😊

I have been coming up with an epilogue while taking a vacation. Thank you for playing! 😊

(1 edit)

Fun, interesting, cool design. I did okay, but maybe a another try might help. 🤑 I enjoyed myself. Thank you for submitting! 😊

It feels a lot of play testing went into it and I appreciate that. It moved very fluidly. Thank you for submitting!

Very fun. I felt all powerful. Adorable graphics. Thank you for submitting!

Thank you! I found your game to extremely fun! I appreciate the kind words 😊

Thank you! Your game was very impressive, so I appreciate the comment! 😊

Very fun. I read your bio. Congrats on all the success with the pivot in roles! I bet y'all learned a lot! It's a fun concept. Thanks for submitting and trying my game out! 😁

Thank you. I spent too much time creating the art. I kept changing my vision. I appreciate you taking the time to play! 😊

Hahaha, thank you. I wanted to actually make a whole dragon and have to need to recapture them, but alas! The time slipped away! Thank you for playing 😊

Thank you! I do agree that UE doesn't really fit gamejam vibes. But I am glad you enjoyed the game. I appreciate your time 😊

Oof! I have been there. I packaged my project right at the start, then half way through just to be sure nothing got buggy. Sucks to hear. Thanks for fixing the bug! 😊

This all sounds very right. The spaghetti code that follows the rush of a deadline is painful, haha. I hope you had fun and learned some stuff from the project. 😊

Cool take on that ninja game. I enjoyed it. The model is cool too. Thanks for submitting. (I wasn't good)

Always love a squirrel defending their honor, but I could never believe they would be throwing away their acorns so freely. But alas. If it is what must be done to rid themselves of the human pest that I am calling "Kyle" then it is what must be done. Thanks for the submission. Very entertaining

Very funny. Thanks for submitting. I got a good laugh when the vehicles came crashing into zombies. I had some collision issues with the projectiles hitting tree hitbox, but overall. I enjoyed myself a lot.

Really funny way to get troops, but I am here for it. I think autobattler takes a little too long near the end, but overall I think it was executed decently enough! I enjoyed myself. Thanks for submitting!

I liked the escape design. Great job utilizing the mannequin with animation retargeting. The ceiling was a bit low for jumping on the platforms. I just ended up running across the lava essentially. Couldn't tell if the enemies were killable. Overall I think you did a great job. Thanks for submitting! :)

Cool game. I always like a tower defense that has upgrading of towers and their ability to level. I broke it some how by accident on level 12 when I went to upgrade a tower. Whole thing froze. But I liked the game until that point. Thanks for submitting!

Very cool characters for the art style. I would love to have a little bunny hop to pass the time as I went from collection to collection. Cute little game. Thanks for submitting!

Could be a cool take on a hack and slash. I think the enemies are way too strong though. Thanks for submitting!

I am very bad. This was a fun take though. Love a good stand-off. Thanks for submitting!

Great art style and music. I love pirate games. Thanks for submitting!

Cool style creating a randomizing tile-set dungeon. Leader board is a fun idea. Combat was difficult. Thanks for submitting.

Yeah, the regular camera didn't really give a good view of the door and its crystal, so I wanted to be able to allow the player to experience the art effort. But I understand the feeling. Thanks for taking the time to play.

Yeah, the web builds is a big deal to a lot of people, which I get for convenience. Thank you for taking the time to play it

Very cool. The hints for the cards were well hidden/indicators well placed. It took me 6:15 to finish. I enjoyed this. Do make more. Thanks for submitting!

Great job. I liked the abilities. Holy was my favorite. I only made it 90 seconds. Those tree sprites are a good shot. Thanks for submitting!

Where is my desk, more like, where's the printers. Am I right? Fun game honestly. I was very entertained. If I am being honest. I never found my desk. But I found many desks, and I have chosen to claim them all. So I take that back. I DID find my desk! Thanks for submitting. Polish this up. Put in some AI roaming script and a simple path guiding system and this would be very very entertaining.

Dang. Lost right on level 9. Art direction was great. I enjoyed the world that was built. The tower choices were solid, though I am partial to cannons. It was well polished. Thanks for submitting!

Really cool. I enjoyed the use of UI and cameras. I think there is more polishing required for optimization, but I found myself enjoying the entire game. Barely survived with 2 hearts left. Thanks for submitting!

Thank you. I wanted to do so much more with the journal, but alas! Thank you for taking the time to play 😊

Thank you for taking the time to try out my game! I appreciate the kind words 😊

Very cool. I liked your layout and the concept. I think I would have liked to be able to traverse the area a little easier, or something. Felt like it took me a short time, but also a long time to get from crystal to crystal. Idk, but very cool. I hope you keep working on this project after the jam is over. Thanks for submitting!

I would have loved to see more from this game. I think you got something here to start. A small art recommendation for a personal POV. Put smooth shading on all your models you created. They will look better than seeing all the hard edges. I couldn't seem to figure out what comes after the first wave of enemies. Overall. Come back to this and do more. I think it could be fun! Thanks for submitting