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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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"Did you like your son?"


I liked the art. The game could use some sound effects and maybe music but I enjoyed solving the mystery. Nice work!

I don't know why this felt so violent. It kinda broke and there was no portal on the second level but I enjoyed playing. Nice job!

Suddenly getting caught and shot at shocked me an unreasonable amount literally every time. I could genuinely not get used to it. Excellent job!

the incredibly compressed low quality text actually made it better. I actually never raged while playing it and smiled all the way through. That might be because I gave up at the second hill but uh yeah good job :)

Really nice game! I like the slippery floor mechanic. I only wish there was some sound effects and that the fish were animated (although that would be very difficult for so many fish types in such short time).  Nice job!

I wonder if fish actually do think they are getting a warm bath before they go into my tummy.

Anyhoo I love this game, especially the utterly baffled expression on the fat fish. The music and SFX are top notch, I only wish that you could decrease the noise effect on the game (although I did like it)

Excellent job overall!

Amazing animation and sounds! I like how most games you make are just slowly building up ecaroh lore. I like how quickly I switch from relaxed to terrified every time I see an angler fish. Great work!

I really like the retro color palette! I cried a little bit inside when I accidentally killed my fishy with a laser. He will never be forgotten... Great job!

Finally, I got to live my dream of scamming a guy by advertising a fake malware detector! Thank you.  The voice acting and music were great. The UI could be a little better but I had fun nonetheless. Nice job!

The art and Animations are top notch! I had a lot of fun with this one, just wish there was a little more complexity. Excellent work!

Was there a specific object in the game that was behaving jittery? I’d like to fix it after the jam if it’s causing issues.

Amazing art and animations! Breaking stuff feels super satisfying. The player controller could use some changes (the falling is kinda floaty) but it's still awesome. The sounds are epic too. Even with such a big team it's pretty impressive this was made in a week! Amazing work!

(1 edit)

Great music and graphics (except for the fact that there was no floor, that kinda took me out of the game) but the controls feel really nice! I was kinda confused but I had a ton of fun. Excellent job!

Ahhhhhhhhhh... nothing like a good o'l top down shooter.


I really liked the sounds (however I wish there was an enemy death sound) and I really liked the visuals (however I wish that there were some particles or something when a bullet hit a wall) The rooms are a little bit boring looking but the enemy designs are top notch. Excellent work!

I love the sound effects and the art! I feel really happy when I get two hostages and I feel a twinge of pain when one dies. I've never actually played minesweeper so like many other strategy game jam games I trusted my intuition and tried to play the probability strategy. Nice work!

I actually really liked this! The art is good, the sounds are great, it's simple but engaging! Great work!

I have failed. I could not protec door. I will not fail again. REVENGE SHALL BE MINE.

I'm glad you explicitly said in the description that you cannot interact and you learned too so yeah I'm still happy :)

The art and music are top notch! Some suggestions would be:

1. Acceleration. When the player starts holding down a movement button, the character should start off slow and speed up over time. Without it, the player moves too fast to be precise.

2. Smaller hitboxes. Barely touching a spike kills you, creating a hitbox smaller than the sprite would make the game feel better.

Other than that it's pretty good!

(1 edit)

The fact you didn't call this Chadventures is very disappointing and I will sadly not be able to rate you. The gameplay was very smooth and I liked the dash mechanic, however the camera movement was very jerky and needs some damping.

You could've at least named it Giga Advenchads, and you didn't even do that.

control + W didn't actually make me exit the game (idk if its because I'm on a mac or because I was playing on chrome) It's a really cool concept and it felt pretty polished! Some music would've improved it a lot. Several months ago I made a stealth game where the enemies have giant red lasers so I'm glad the genre still lives on. All in all great work!

"Started off with the theme, ended without it"

Thas a good quote, and I have done the same.

I'm not like a huge fan of clicking games but flipping the coin actually felt really good! The sounds were pretty decent too. Nice job!

No please, thank YOU for thanking me for playing the game. The graphics were nice, the gameplay was fun, and the crunching of the tables exploding was satisfying. Great job!

(1 edit)

tbh losing was more fun than winning. Who ever picked out the dataset to train that ai on deserves a raise. I wouldn't really call it "a game" but it's an interesting experience.

1. Are they using people to make hot dogs

2. Was I murdered

3. Did I become a hot dog

4. I liked the art, although it was kinda depressing

5. Did the hot dogs at least taste good

I really like the color palette! The slime battles were occasionally a bit glitchy and I was a bit confused at first, but overall it felt really good to play. Great work!

This kinda reminds me of Nuclear Throne a bit. (okay a lot) The graphics were awesome and the screen shake was nice and juicy! A simple music track would've made it even better tho. Overall awesome job!

I honesty am not a big fan of clicker games like this but I for some reason played for a lot longer than I thought I would. The music is actually amazing, and arguably the best part. The font was kinda plain and I wish it was a bit more stylized or something. Overall a decent submission!

I have actually never played a finite runner before, so this was a cool new experience! I really like the dragon art and the music is quite nice too. Great job!

I really like the music the dragon art! Some simple animations would be great. Also some more juice when you hit ships (like maybe particle explosions) would make it way better but good game nonetheless. Nice submission!

1. This is a deep and poetic game. Innocent at first with it's charming visuals and relaxing music. It disguises itself as nothing but a chill way to goof off with a random number generator. However the "More Greed" button offers the enticing option to increase your winnings each spin, at the cost, of costing more. Eventually as the player progresses, they become blinded by greed, risking everything for the chance at fame and profit. The game sheds it's true colors, not as a chill slot machine simulator with nice SFX and a cool flower petal background, but a metaphor for the hopeless agony of uncontrollable addiction and ironically, greed. The color palette only serves as a cozy blanket to hide the subtle but dark undertones of losing your family, your life savings, and the trust of the ones you hold dear, all for the sake of one more spin. 

2. How did the #1 guy on the leaderboard get that much how how

The 3D models are really nice! I liked the music and sfx too. I'm able to see all of the UI and stuff when I'm in fullscreen, however it is incredibly laggy. Playing without fullscreen is a lot smoother, but covers up some UI elements so I kinda just only did fullscreen when I was buying something. It was really fun though and I played for quite a while. Great submission!

Thank you for the feedback! What browser did you play the game with? I'm curious if that may be the issue.

I really like the color palette! Gameplay is pretty simple but enjoyable. The music is kinda sad but I guess that's reflecting the player's internal thoughts. Some kind of scene transition might be nice too. Good work!

Gotta love poo jokes. But seriously, this is really good. The sound effects, the absolutely amazing art, the UI. This was insane. The little soldier dudes didn't do anything to take the dragons and it always just killed them instantly, so I'm not sure if there is a way to lose. This feel really polished for 3 days. Bravo!

Nice, simple endless runner! I think the music was a little intense for the rather chill gameplay but it was fun nonetheless. I think with some more polish this could be really good. Nice work!

The art is beautiful. I honestly have no idea how to avoid the archers but I had a ton of fun playing. Great job!

This is really really sad.

Like really sad.

The art was pretty decent though!

Some music would be good.

I'd like to imagine that in the afterlife the dragon gets to eat some nice juicy venison and is surrounded by other deceased villagers who appreciate him for his kindness and comedic talent and don't hate him for his horrific facial features.

I'm pretty sure this is an analogy for some deep, societal issue, but I honestly don't know what.

I'd also like to imagine that in the post credits scene the dragon appears to be dead but emerges from his cave to reveal he has 2 extra heads, alive and well. As he slowly walks out, the camera zooms out to reveal the burnt remains of the greedy villagers. He then spreads he massive wings and lifts himself off the ground. Dust blows everywhere as he flaps up and down. Slowly at first, but he quickly gains speed and then soars off into the sky. The golden text appears on the screen "Bargain the Dragon will return..."

Good job.

Awesome art! The dragons look amazing. As for gameplay I kinda gave up trying to identify eggs and just cooked them randomly, which turned out surprisingly well unity day 7 when I was utterly crushed by enormous debt. Nice sound design, the small things like music playing when you hatch dragons really add a lot!

Now that is some juicy game juice. The particles, the thundering, the spinning, bleeping, the flashing, the coining. Good stuff! I managed to do the rolling thunder thing without the mouse button by spinning my mouse on the table really fast too, which I was unreasonably proud of. It was pretty nice of the wizard to be open about his nonexistence just to tell you how to play. The art did look strange when you zoom out but I'm guessing you used some kind of pixellating camera so I'm not sure how you could get around that.  If you add stuff like damage and enemies this would be epic. Keep up the good work!

Awesome game! The controls were kind strange against the wall but I had a lot of fun. The game itself is really good but the dragon art seemed a little out of place next to some of the other sprites like the coins and fire. I think a more consistent art style may look better, but individually the sprites were all very well done. The sound design is  pretty decent and it actually felt very intense at certain parts. Nice job!