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A member registered Dec 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is a cool idea for an autobattler, I definitely like the concept of resource gathering and building while your units defend. As others have said, the balance between resources felt a little off and I always felt like I had too much ore than I knew what to do with and was constantly trying to find time to cut the closest trees for extra wood., but I know firsthand that it's tough to get balance right in a jam game (or any game, really). I did have a fun time with your game though, nice job!

This game is very dark but funny. The odd character models kind of add to the atmosphere, and the music was on point. Nice work.

Thanks for playing!  I saw your game is using Godot, this plugin should work for you.

You did a good job with the enemy AI, interesting mechanics with them sometimes attacking you instead of the dog. I also thought the sound effects were pretty funny. Nice work!

This is such a funny idea for a tower defense game, and that intro was hilarious. My only complaint is I was hoping for more waves to come!

Thank you all for playing our game and for the lovely comments, we've been floored by the response! We are doing our best to play all of your games, there have been so many cool ones this jam.

Felt crushed when I got to the hospital and couldn't afford it. Too real haha. Nice work!

Really nice game with a lot of emotional impact. That's super tough to get in a jam game, but you did a great job.

Ah man, that's so cool of you! I watched your playthrough, I'm glad you liked it! Always great to actually watch other people play your games.  Thanks so much!

This is a really cute project, very funny and it's awesome you made it as a father-son thing. I also really like the mechanics, sort of like tower defense but a lot more active. Nice work!

Thanks for trying it out anyway! We knew it would be hard on a trackpad and I hoped the mouse sensitivity option would help that a little bit, but it's definitely intended to be played with a mouse.

Made it to Day 19.  I got cocky, thought I had it figured out, but I definitely underestimated the next siege.  Cool game! As others have said, a skip or speed up button would be nice, that being said I think the transitions are nice and the slow pace matches the music and vibe. Nice work.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! We were having issues with direct mouse control while hiding the cursor in the html5 build, so in the current game it's actually just taking mouse x and mouse y as an input and applying it based on a multiplier, which is why I added the mouse sensitivity option. I never actually tested it with keyboard controls but I suspect it would make the game significantly more difficult. 

Still, I'm bothered I could never figure out how to get the mouse cursor to disappear at the right times without the user clicking to recapture the mouse to the app (which is why sometimes the mouse appears off of the pterodactyl). Unfortunately documentation for html5 in this old version of unreal is sparse so I just couldn't polish that part to my liking. 

Anyway, thanks for playing! We both really liked your game.

We're considering doing some more work to it and porting it to mobile, I agree a vertical aspect ratio could be cool, we just wanted to make a full screen pc game for this jam. Thanks for playing! 

Can't go wrong with Tetris. Kind of cool that you can just vibe and use Last Stand a lot if you just want to chill, but if you're going for a high score you get punished for it.  Nice work!

Cool game, I always appreciate a tower defense game where you can setup the barriers. Nice work!

Pretty difficult but fun game!  My only minor issue with it is the audio gets a bit glitchy when too many sounds are happening at once, but the shooting is satisfying and I played a few times to get further, though I didn't get anywhere near the bottom leaderboard position so clearly I'm not very good.

This is definitely one of the funnier takes on the jam theme.

Will do!

This game is really fun and the shooting is really satisfying.  The sound effects in particular are A+, really add to the experience, and it looks great as well. Nice job!

Really fun game, surprisingly addicting. Played the first couple fights on manual, but once i got better upgrades it was kinda fun to just blast through on auto.   Nice work!

Really impressed this is playable in browser, and it's a cool game too! Great atmosphere and sound, and the mechanic is simple but the input required to keep on top of things is complex enough that it doesn't get boring for the whole 5 minute timer.  Fantastic work, I had a lot of fun playing it!

Nice job, this game is well put together, the animations are satisfying. My only complaint the way the movement input works. I'd expect it to prioritize the last directional input pressed rather than the first if you have multiple pressed at the same time, I think that's why other people here have said the input feels weird.  Overall though this is a good jam game, great work!

For sure, well thanks for playing! We're glad you liked it and 5k is a great score,

(2 edits)

Oh no! Did it give you a confirmation message? I'm so sorry about that. If you DM me I'm happy to manually add your score.

Edit: Realized there aren't DMs on Itch lol. In any case, you can let me know if it matters to you.

Beautiful game, you nailed the aesthetics. I think the health is bugged, it was working as expected for a while, but after the first cutscene where you drop down the cliff it never felt accurate, with the full leaves blinking in and out, and I was unable to use the root ability after a while even with full leaves.  There's a lot to like about this game and I think you did some incredible work, but I wasn't able to complete it due to bugs (unless I'm misunderstanding the mechanics).

This is a really cool mechanic with well built levels around it. The animations are also really satisfying and well polished. Awesome job!

This game was pretty fun! I was a little confused at first, it would be nice to have a tool tip over the different buildings or something, but I was able to figure it out pretty quickly and won on my first try. I really liked the aesthetics, the game looks really nice.  Nice work!

I'll be totally honest I read the instructions several times and I'm still not sure if I was playing right haha. I do like games with odd mechanics, but it was genuinely hard to figure out what was going on even after reading the instructions. I do appreciate that it's something different though and I think with a little polish there could be something here.

This is such a great take on the theme. Pretty simple, but I think the mechanics are well polished, and it was consistently funny with the voice lines.  I really like the aesthetic too, very unique. Great work!

I'll check out your game. Here's ours:

Solid work for one person in 5 days. I appreciate the thought behind the dice mechanic, I think it could work well with a bit more time put into it, and it's not something I've seen in games like this before. Nice work!

That's great to hear, thank you so much!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! I tried for so long to get the mouse cursor to disappear and reappear at the right times but HTML5 games in Unreal are tough in that regard.

Thanks so much! We worked hard to make the sound effects satisfying so I'm glad you liked them.

Thank you for playing and for your kind words! We knew this game would be tough on a track pad, I hoped the mouse sensitivity option might mitigate that a little bit but it is what it is, glad you enjoyed it anyway.

Crazy amount of polish here. I can't believe you made all that art in 10 days, extremely impressive. I kept thinking there's no way there's more enemy types, and then another one would appear. Very satisfying attack and dash mechanics. You could honestly put some more time into this and release it as a full game. Fantastic work!

I love the black and white vibe, I almost think it could be darker, so you have to find the enemies by their gunshots. The RMB attack didn't feel very good to me, since both of the attacks kill in one hit and that attack is slower. I think the difficulty could probably ramp up faster as well. But in any case, great job!

Personally I think it's OK for jam games to be hard, I wasn't really critiquing, more just commenting :) We all only spend a brief amount of time with each other's jam games and I prefer to be challenged quickly than to keep going endlessly, especially in a jam game where there isn't going to be as many mechanics to build towards as there is in a bigger game.