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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thats interesting to hear, i never tought that the game will be even close to being fun :D much appreciated :D

Art looks fantastic, juicy, polished, great usage of effects, fun to play, but man... the sounds :D The gun sounds are anti-climactic, but overall a really solid game.

I enjoyed the game, last level was trippy and annoying but fun :D The art style felt incoherent, many different styles at the same screen( outlined / no outline ), it was detailed, and i feel you put work in, if its your first-ish game you should be proud! Overall decent game. Keep 'em coming :D

Very clever interpretation of the theme, felt very polished and juicy, looks good, feels good, plays good, good work :D

Loved the game, i tought i could be smart and kill the snail but, other snails snitched to the police :D

too bad it didnt saved progress so i had to play it from the start, it was fun, keep it up :D

Glad you liked it :D

(1 edit)

the "survival" track sounds really good as a menu music imo

I really had a blast playing this game, visuals/effects on point, sounds are fine, it has replayability, I like the detach to get more ammo stuff. Very good job :D also, my HighScore is 1675, but that's probably not great. It was a lotta fun regardless me being rly bad, keep making games :) Looking forward for more stuff!

Hey, I appreciate your feedback, I understand why you maybe find it that way. :)

Hey, thanks a lot, first when I saw your name, I thought I was tripping that my own game commented :D

Very cool puzzle game that plays nice, it's wholesome, loved it.

Yeah, I feel like too much UI stuff could overwhelm ppl, but at least you pulled it off!

I absolutely love the art, i never played a game like this until now, I had fun. It has atmosphere. Although it lacks a tutorial (or im just dumb af), you made a great game, good job!

Looks cute, quite interesting mechanic, it's fun but needs a bit more polish, well done tho, loved it!

Humorous game, I like the visuals, gives off some theater vibes, I enjoyed it, nice work!

For a 2-day jam game, this is absolutely well made, it's polished, looks good, the idea is interesting, it's well-executed. I had fun good job :)

Graphics are awesome looking, puzzles are very clever, music is quite chill, I liked it, good job

Solid game, the take on the theme is pretty clever, and not the usual 2 tied togeher or move together. Good job.

Solid game, the take on the theme is pretty clever, and not the usual 2 tied togeher or move together. Good job.

Feels well polished, satisfying to play, looks absolutely stunning, I love the pixel art. Good game :)

The art is very stylish, the concept is interesting, feels smooth to play. Good job :)

Yeah, maybe the scripted extra spawning was a little overkill

I really love the art, the gameplay is also interesting. I just love the art its so good :D

Wicked idea, with great implementation, art reminds me of Blackthorn's style, this is definetly a banger. Great job!

Hey, thank you for your kind words :), also I really love the idea of the flickering effect, that is a 10/10  suggestion.

Thanks :) I've checked out yours as well, and they are also great, keep making games! :)

Feels polished, the art is really great-looking, it's well put together. I loved it!

Reminds me of Goat Simulator for some reason, Feels polished, it's enjoyable, the mechanics are interesting, good job!

Really clever take on the theme, I really liked it, it's a jam game I get it, but it could use some polish! Good job :)

Thanks for the toughtful review, glad you liked it!

Feels good to play, the art is pretty solid, clever take on the theme. Loved it, good work!

The pixel-art looks stunning, gravity feels a little bit low, an interesting take on the theme. Good work!

Very clever design, interesting take on the theme, keep it up. Good job!

Needs a tutorial, great puzzles, the art is good, good game!

The mechanic is pretty cool, it's polished, loved it. gj

The best "control 2 characters at once" game I played, the art is very appealing. Good work!

Hey, glad you liked it!

Lacks a death screen, but it's a pretty interesting take on the theme.