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A member registered Sep 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Excellent game!

This one is really good!

Sublime graphics

The tutorial seemed to be a bit broken at first (it wouldn't progress after I selected the cube), but after fiddling around with it for a little while, I was able to play the rest of the game, which was very good!

This is really cool!

Great game!

I really enjoyed the gameplay. Just the right amount of challenge for a game jam game!

I saw this in the share progress channel on the GMTK Discord. I thought it looked fun! The game's alright but I fell through the ground when walking over one of the hills...

I first saw this game in the GMTK Discord when you were sharing progress. I think it's a very original concept!

Nice game! I feel like you could've made the visuals fit the theme better though. You already have cubes, and there is rolling involved.

I enjoyed this game a lot. Played for quite a while. Nice work!

(1 edit)

On the contrary, I have a fairly high end computer running Windows 11.

Edit: upon closer inspection, it's actually running correctly once I enter full screen. I couldn't tell that it was working as intended because it crops a large portion off the screen when it's not in full screen.

Nice game! This might actually be one of my favorites I've played so far. It's a very creative use of the theme as well. Excellent work!

I like this game. I think it's very creative!

Excellent visuals!

Nice! I wish there were more effects though.

Nice game. Bummer that the browser version didn't work though.

Cool to see a game made with pico 8!

(1 edit)

Nice game! Always happy to see a game promoting Scamcoin. That currency really doesn't get enough love.

Fantastic visuals!

Nice game! Took me a while to figure out what I was supposed to do though.

Not enough microtransactions

Finally, the long awaited sequel to Minecraft RTX

Good game overall

I don't usually play nsfw games but this one's pretty good

At first I found it difficult to understand it what was happening because of the perspective (even after rotating the camera), but it looks very pretty!  Overall a nice game.

Creative idea! Very well made!

For legal reasons I have to inform you that that was a joke

Thank you very much. We always strive to push the artistic boundaries of video games. Dance of the Penguins is but a mere pebble in the great river leading the world towards a brighter future. Our next game will be a flappy bird clone.

Hi! We just released our first game, developed from the ground up using C++ and OpenGL without the use of an existing engine, and Blender for the models and animations. It's a little  game about penguins and ice skating, in it you collect candy canes while evading the penguins and their shenanigans. Here's a bit of gameplay:

You can get it for free here:

Hope you enjoy!