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A member registered Nov 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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a game from a fictional retro past.... coming to steam in about 30 hours :)

really like this, it would capture my imagintion. it oddly organic :)

POO PUSHER : (We humbly ask you to wishlist on Steam if you care to support)

POO PUSHER: You can help by wishlisting it on Steam, It would be most appreciated :) Happy Pushin'

i have enjoyed playing and experiencing stories in games made on it. sometimes im just charmed how the dev has managed to do so much with so little. its a really great scene. i suspect the limited but vivid and fun system makes for some unbridled creativity.  and i dunno... i just feel good playing them ;)

Collide-O-Scope VR:

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ill try to fix that but in the meantime i can give you a PC install version :)

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very charming models, as someone with no 3d modelling skill i love the approach you take. quite rare to find low poly models which are so characterful. if i can ever help you out with any programming let me know :) If your game i can try to implement one of your models in my game, if it stays i can credit you and link to your page. i fully understand if you would rather not tho. 

no problem, its for a 3d asteroid racing game:  

your models are really cool :) keep up the good work

hello :) i have followed you for a while and im wondering if you might be interested in collaborating on a project (which has the gameplay already programmed). let me know and i can send you some details. love your 3D models

love the progress here, thanks for sharing :)

oh come on its not that bad



Played this on Asus ROG Ally handheld. Looks and sounds great. Loving the smooth blasty chaos. Great game for Ally, steam deck etc

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love the look here, will download and have a play.

pew pew the player ship is so cute. love it.

i appreciate the cover art being as grand as the old games. nice touch.

that's very nostalgic to me, being old enough to remember games looking like that. it looks great and has much vibes IMO.  very cool

im gonna work out how to make that happen tonight, must be a setting on UNITY for the browser version.

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its been awesome. if you get involved in the community with jams, forum and actually playing games and leaving feedback/ideas its a very powerful site.

also i have always been treated nicely even when ive screwed up on forum rules etc.

love this place. its the only place i can really call home for my creativity.

have been lucky enough to get involved in jams and make it onto a popular anthology.

its all amazed me to be honest. i am an old, simple person lol. This place has helped me find my creativity.

nice to see you are doing Jams, BudaSurtado :)

until you are suitably maddened. it has no end.

fair warning.. read the comments before you play it.

Its not horror its just a psychedelic mess.

you dont :)


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i truly loved playing this.. Ill have warm memories of playing for a long time.

glad to have found you on itch.

thanks :)

im considering putting something like that together. 

i have one entity made which is quite unusual, you can experience it in the browser here:

im sorry its taken so long to respond, but yes.. i would gladly help you :) if you still need it.

yes, look forward to hearing from you :)

stunning tbh

yeh in mot convinced either ;)  some of the other VR remakes look of more modern mario games look good tho

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well. despite there not really being any reason to i removed my comment, its wasnt meant to mean anything. but if it somehow offends you id rather it wasnt there.

what you posted is interesting, i hope you find something good here.

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if you have not seen this, have a look at this software for  making zines to be hosted on here in a book page style: 

Electric Zine Maker:


might be useful. 

ive got some audio sample packs up.

i think is great for music sharing, love that i can embed bandcamp albums neatly OR even make a custom player as webGL to run on the project page. couldnt ask for more power for sharing the content.

If anyone wants to try the bandcamp thing, just get the embed code for your album then paste it into the description field when you edit project page. it looks great. you can center it if it suits you better.

as a side note, theres a good amount of audio/zine/other based jams to take part in.

will check out your zines, good luck :)

its hard to reconcile the focussed intensity of creativity with the next part, which is way more ominous,abstract and full of possibilities.. releasing something into the world.

You probably feel the way you do just because you care about what you do. its a good thing to feel.

Dont forget, a great part of software is that you can kinda keep something AND give it away.

as opposed to, for example painting art, where if you have to sell it in an unadulterated form, it cant be fully duplicated and you literally have to part with it forever.

I used to make some one off electronic devices and sell them. killed me every time i had to say goodbye to one :(

game devs have it easy in comparision IMO. its great to being able to share something and keep it, to work on some more, at the same time.

bit of a rant there hope it makes sense :p i dunno its late.

hope everything goes well for you.