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Cool concept, I really liked how I could move without seeing me, so I had to position myself in the right place, look at the enemy and time it right to get past. 

I think I couldn't really think ahead in this game, as I couldn't see as much as I thought I would. I would like this better and would have finished to the end if I could "see" through an enemies path when they weren't there, so for example in the first key level, if I could look right and see the key when the enemy wasn't between me and it. I don't know if that made sense, but I still really like the game!


Thank you very much!

Don't worry, it makes sense! I had to make a choice early on. If, using your example, the player could see the key when the enemy isn't in between, I thought the player would feel safe to just go right to grab it, when in reality there's this bad boy that could intercept them. This could cause the player to feel the game "isn't fair" and just abandoning it in frustration. So I decided to let the player see the whole enemy's path, so they could deal with it in a "fair" way, even though you're right that this means there's no thinking ahead. This "I don't know what's next" feeling plays well too with the mildly unsettling atmosphere that I was trying to convey.

I'm really happy you liked it! Thanks for playing and giving feedback! :D


At first I kind of thought the same thing, but that's a bit of a double edged sword. If the player can see past an enemies path, then they would have no knowledge of an enemy being there unless they were directly in front of the player, significantly increasing the difficult to a potentially unplayable state, all while making the player feel cheated when they die seemingly randomly.