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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka

Stat System Overhaul (help me) Sticky

A topic by fishlicka created May 11, 2021 Views: 11,433 Replies: 96
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I would like to just name a couple hard points that I have in mind on the subject, since others have the discussion part down pat:

-I like the attribute system idea. I would however like to request that the skills/abilities as we know them each remain - and that we can still manually level them up.

For the levelling system, I would like to defer to a diamond-in-the-rough in the world of gaming: The levelling system in Mount and Blade Warband. Each attribute affects what you do in a passive, small way, that can make a difference in the long run. However, to really bring out the power of that merit, one must level up skills as well as attributes; the skills and the attributes collaborate to make a powerful character.

The skills as we know them, I think should still be levelled up using Juice Fountains

Maybe you could "level up" when your stats reach max. It gives them a higher max but resets them.

why not a juice thirst system if u get too low juice u start loosing health but if you have too much juice you get a boost on all stats

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Actually, that sounds like a fun gameplay modifier; you have a separate juice meter that isn't connected to the juice you use for upgrades, but still gets filled by Juice you collect. It drains pretty quickly, and when it's full all of your stats are boosted by a few levels, but when it's empty you take damage over time. I think it'd be a fun way to force the player to be aggressive or move quickly, to make sure that the bar doesn't run out, but it'd be better if it was something the player could choose to do rather than having it forced onto them.

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and u can like make it  go down slower using the fountain and when your juice is depleted maybe like your stats go down by a few and die slowly

I could really see this as a gimmick of a dungeon, would be really cool if that is where you get a "berserker" (don't know how to spell it, and sadly too lazy to look it up) where you can have the gimmick outside of the dungeon. I think that would be a really cool (and deadly) experience to play something like that in juice galaxy! (If I try to flesh it out I will edit this message with a link to it)


Maybe you could "filter" juice into different types. Red would be for arm power, Green for flight and movement, and blue for health and stamina.

I definitely think that making the magic system separate will help stretch the game longer while feeling better:

Being able to do all the books at the start kinda feels overpowered on the various runs I done, especially being able to get them from the crates at the start in the school (which feels weird because I thought the school was supposed to be some pocket from the rest of the galaxy). Being able to "unlock" the ability to use spells by using juice in a more tiered manner would feel nice and add more variety to the leveling system. This could be done with two ways-

  1. A more player controlled approach, with them basically learning to "read" the book by spending juice, this could be done for every weapon by giving the books each debuff and buffs depending on how good the player can "read" the book. Giving it half damage at a low tier and then giving a "crit chance" or "greater damage percent" would help not make it to where one stat controls all the magic, which would probably be liked because people also like being able to tweak the various physical aspects of the characters, so why not the magic system?
    1. Don' know where they would spend their juice at, perhaps a different fountain or a new NPC?
  2.  Giving books a "unlock more power by completing certain tasks" which would make it more story/tasked driven. You would probably have to make it more of a binary system with just "you can't use this because you haven't explored/killed/helped [X] yet" (or a more subtle hint what to do).  
    1. This could encourage exploring or progressing the story, but it may make it feel to gated.

HOWEVER implement anything like these two things would make a lot of extra load with every new spell added; with the first approach suggested, you have to make tiers for every spell book and judge what would be the proper costs for each; with the second approach suggested, you have to make story beats and/or tasks kinda connected and judge what time accessing the spell would be that complements the average gameplay.

Really you can just ignore this because it would make a catastrophic workload for you, but with how the spells work now just shows me that it needs to have some limiting factors from the get-go and that it needs more tweaking of it's properties like how you can tweak your swing speed and damage with melee weapons and how you can tweak your movement with jump, fly, and movement speed.

I'm still going to be happy with whatever direction the game takes though with its iterations, hope the game-making process goes smoothly for you! (it's your project after all, not mine) ((also sorry for the horrible grammar and run-on sentences))


That is a ton of changes. I would love to see stat changes be more beneficial, but I am not sure that doing it ALL AT ONCE would bode well. Try doing pieces at a time so that you don't have to redo a whole bunch of stuff.

I am all for the no capacity stats, but add like a code with an exponential equation that increases the level up cost per each stat level. Like "LevelUpCost(x){ x^1.5}" where x is whatever the current stat is.

Something is charming about flying to monster level 50 and juice farming. Making stats purely use-based is a lot less fun, and also lessens the need for juice farming. If you want the infinite terrain to be a thing, you should also have the infinite stat to be a thing.

As you go farther, monsters gain size. What if you added size as a stat so we could actually reach monster hit boxes more effectively? Or size could increase residually as you gain more levels.

If you want to add a gets-better-as-used thing though, maybe apply it to weapons. Like weapons gain levels with each hit they get or something and have a max level depending on what rarity you found them with.

I think there is little use for jump height but spirit would be an absolute plus. Like extra spell damage or pineapple, rubber ball cannon, or frizzX damage. 

What you have done so far is really cool, fishlicka. Everything can always be improved, but I personally would not like to see the game changed so drastically.

as somebody who is off to necropost(?) i present to you this, why not both, in a sense. Hear me out, but there'd essentially be two difficulties, one with the new system in place, and one with a modified old system in place. The new system would level up over time as normal, while the old system will have all the individual stats level up seperately and still have a cap. You could instead increase the cap using juice. More work to level up and with a cap to work with, it could lead to more challenging battles, especially if there's a hard limit on how high the cap can go. Since this game is so physics based, it would be cool to see this as a more skill based difficulty, where you'd have to focus on dodging and strategically striking enemies, and managing your juice for increasing the size of weapons and budgeting them for stat cap increases, since ultimately, no cap to skills ultimately means somebody can grind for high stats


Yes, I think that is the plan~ a choice between Classic and Journey modes, and possibly some other challenge modes. It is the best way to avoid suddenly altering the game and destroying players' old ways of life haha. Journey mode will be more difficult and you'll spend more time on foot killing monsters as opposed to killing the three bosses and getting max stats in about half an hour.


that sounds awesome quite honestly, and it gives me an excuse to play again after wasting all my juice on big sword and copy weapon lmao

what if you could infinitely spend/recover juice at the juice fountain to change your stats? similar to how you can enlarge/shrink weapons, sure there's "no maximum amount" but with the juice cost going up as you increase you may not want to go to infinity

however once you get to a "ugh everything costs too much so there's no point to any upgrades anymore" level, it'll run into the same issues as the current stats with there being not much to do late game

it's not flawless and honestly you're "level as you play" approach seems more fun, im just giving my little bit of feedback to my tired brain can come up with, hope it makes sense and i hope when you make the stat update you can be proud of it, because i sure will be!

I know you've had this thread up for a while; I may as well give it a cent or two.

I for one would like to suggest a slight upgrade chance for each stat- be they the new basic ones you've suggested, or more detailed/derivative ones- if they predominately or exclusively are invested in at the expense of others.

For example, if I invest entirely in haste, while neglecting all the other four stats, then after reaching a level with haste, haste from then on would rise a little faster with use, and/or be proportionately more efficient to "buy" via points. From then on, I can increase haste further, faster, whereas the other stats must be hard-pressed-for as always.

By contrast, if I were to balance my character, keeping haste in a stone's throw of each of the other stats, then no bonus (or penalty) would apply and the levelling system would work as it does by default.

Lastly, in this system I imagine, the more specialized the stat is, the greater the bonus for future levelling becomes. For example in the above... example, focusing solely on haste will give it a better bonus than, say, also investing closely in muscles; but, raising just those two would still give each a bonus if they can significantly outpace the other three stats. In turn, raising muscle and haste would give each of the two, when they get high enough, a bonus better than if I were to raise, say, muscle, haste, and sense together. Still, raising these three would incur a slight bonus if made high enough.

This would allow, and encourage, players to specialize a character in a particular way, if they choose. If anyone wants to make a juggernaut meathead that moves like a turtle but can take any hit and smash anything, including out there in the 300.0+ level fog, they may do so more easily; if we want to make a speed demon who can run from the graveyard to the cabin in about five seconds, and who simply runs circles around whatever threat comes along, we can push for that goal; and I don't know what "sense" will be about, but whatever it is I would like to try it and make a game mode/character exclusively revolving around it. Maybe you can do for this "sense" what Bethesda neglected to do for Illusion and Alteration in TESV. I certainly trust you more already.

Hi, big fan here. I like this idea! There should be some sort of critical hit mechanic. Except it should be called like Juicy hit. I don't know. Also add some sort of thing that makes it so you don't get hit rapidly when touching a monster. It kills me really quickly.

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I can understand the idea, and it would definitely work in an otherwise too-predictable game where luck could be a good way to mix up the gameplay. Juice Galaxy, however, by its signature floppiness, already 'mixes it up' with the sheer floppiness; the on-screen mechanics of how things move, in and of themselves, make unpredictability, the the countering of which with skill is the exception instead of the norm.

I will, however, say this: Tying in with the forum subject we're on now, one of the "perks"- or possibly more than one- afore-suggested could be increased bonus in the case of particularly successful, optimal uses of the momentum. I for one would love for non-combat gameplay to be explored, but if one were particularly eager for crits, the current bread and butter could be given damage boosts for when the player gets the momentum just right.

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y si tomamos el koaladog como mascota y podría atacar a los monstruos mientras y tambien podemos mejorarlo

and tame other monsters


so does that mean that eventually if the player uses flying a bunch (like most would) it would cause them to at some point fly extremely fast? or am I losing my mind here?


I think another big issue with the existing "endgame" is the fact that you can't actually farm drops from high level monsters, since they instantly get sent flying by the monster's body or buried by floppy ragdolls.


I've had this problem too, it is really frustrating.

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you should add defense like armor, resistance stat and maybe shield

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and add teleport station cuase why not? by unlocking new area!


I like the idea, but it would be cool if that were integrated into the current system. Also, juice can probably be used as a currency (which can help create interesting player situations) but I think the current system is great and should be integrated to the ones you suggested. If the player scales, so should the bosses to keep it difficult. Also, I like the difficulty bar.

it's probably already been considered, but maybe a luck stat?

Returning player here, I  do not know whether that was said already or not, but I think walking speed, flight and jump need to be tweaked a bit. Maxed out flight is faster than Signy's wheelie. Jump, I am not sure why it exists since there is flight, but if the jump was consequent it would probably be a lot of fun just to propel my character around and it could realistically be a pseudo-dodging mechanic. Walking speed is very sluggish, even at max.

I really love the new biomes and the way they make the game feel more desolate and alien. I don't know which update introduced them, but they're a great addition. No more of that drab mossy cobblestone floor. :D

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jump gives a big boost right off the bat, no acceleration times, and since it is cheap, it can be used as a tool to gain, or lose distance from or to enemies in the early to mid game and is reliable in the late game also. the only problem is how it propels you into the air, so you still have to put at least 1 flight for every 5 jump for it to be the best, unless your a melee character, because you can just use a grapple plunger.

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I think you should go with a class system, in the menu, you should have mage, warrior and ranger, and it should affect the price, or effectiveness of skills, and some other things, ranger will deal more damage with ranged weapons and upgrading damage and walk speed is better, warrior deals more damage with melee weapons, and upgrades swing force and health better, and mage deals more damage with runes and upgrades stamina regen, and stamina better. also, maybe each class has a special ability, like warriors having passive damage resistance, archers turning invisible when below 25% health, and mages having a spell casting familiar that can be equipped with runes but the spells do 50% damage and the stamina pool is half the size of the characters.


you could add a new game plus mode



meant having a new game plus like Dark souls


pets in juice galaxy?

dang, if i ever get my normal computer back (its a long story, im using a school issued chromebook to type this) i'll have to livestream this game again. my past streams with it didn't do so well but it's been a year and, surprise surprise, i still have like no sub count (i dont give  crap) but honestly i might just figure out how to play this sooner just for myself because i remember this game being absolutely amazing

Deleted 1 year ago

id say maybe like 10k-15k calories in an alligator

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What will be the purpose of collecting juice in this post-stat-system-changed world? A lot of this game's identity comes from this mechanic and I think it would be waste to remove game mechanics which revolve around spending acquired juice so it follows that I think there should be some equally important game mechanic focusing on the exchange of juice. So perhaps you could keep the fountains in-game but heavily nerf them? They may provide additional stat boosts that the player gets to spend their extra juice on in order to further juice their character out. It seems like you could manage this alongside your new system by making fountain upgrades become much more expensive much faster so that the player will have less economy to work with (but still an economy nevertheless); making subsequent upgrades more expensive will also stretch fountain use out over the course of the entire game. You will also now have multiple ways for players to interact with the new stats as well. By adding your new stats to the old juice-fountain-stat-pool, players will be able to "demo" different builds by reallocating their juice economy into different stats.

My vision of the game assumes that the 'end goal' of the player is to become absolutely maxxed out. An end-game player will have experienced all content in the game and then some in order to max out their juice fountain and be able to play with any weapon class they choose as a consequence of solving the game with whatever strengths they initially built.


I would also venture to say that a stats system isn't actually important to this game. The game's charm comes from exploring this crazy surreal world, finding unique items, interacting with interesting NPCs, surviving ludicrous situations (Dream Eater reveal was so cool), and you get to do this while listening to a kick-ass sound track (don't sleep on Sleepy Slithers y'all).  Stats are merely the means by which the player is able to experience this content. I think that a perfect Juice Galaxy would be a game that focused more on creating these unique experiences and then creating a stats/weapons/whatever systems and mechanics in such a way that moving from experience to experience and interacting in each experience is fun. I'm not really as interested in infinite scaling if there aren't infinite experiences. The game must end eventually and Juice Galaxy has the potential to do something beautiful with that


i hope there will be a inventory upgrade mechanic! :)


i don't really think this is a good idea as a veteran player and i think that it would be even more confusing for new players because it makes stats confusing about how they level up. maybe removing the cap would work but i think that the juice fountains or something of that nature where the juice is used and its all in the players contriol is the the best option because it is very clear and easy to understand. it also reflects on teh gameplay and not vice versa, so you know exactly whats happening.

unrealated but so many things are so common now i feel like non of the monsters are really adding new things, like the flower and bosses are unique but every other monsterr just walks at you, and they all drop the same loot. i wish things like hats and weapons like the draginslayer should be obtainable in one way only and be special in some way, i know this would require some re work to the boss since the draginslayer would be kind of useless if you can just go get a better longswrod from a big stroll fiend but it would really make the story better and make things feel more impactful instead of random 

something like removing the cap of levels would be really nice since i like seeing how far out I can go.


Working on uncapped levels now!



This is probably gonna come off as somewhat rude, but just know that I like the game, and these are just a few things that I didn't personally like.

My input:

While, yes, I do believe that levels should be uncapped, making them based on how much you use them would make the juice kinda pointless, so, instead of unlocking the perks through things done in-game, you should instead have the player purchase the perks with juice. Health, health regen, stamina, and stamina regen should also still be purchasable by juice, and they should be the only stats you can increase by drinking juice *shudders in health stat grinding in OSRS*

Swirly-D needs to be a boss battle instead of a cutscene where he kills you, or at least, have him replace the clog if you ever return to the toilet world, with a different outcome if you manage to defeat him, the bat should also be either a friendly NPC, or a boss, he seemed way more important than he ended up being.

Ms. Slitherss, who I've heard is supposed to be the final boss, is a big pushover, she needs to have more health (or at least be smart enough to evade attacks, a few shots from the pineapple gun kills her in under a minute) and deal more damage. 

Speaking of the pineapple gun, melee needs a serious overhaul, I happened to get the pineapple from breaking one of the crates in the beginning of the game, and I used it until I was forced to use the plunger to kill the Clog. When fighting the Dream Eater, I switched to the worm gun, because the bigger projectiles helped me make easy work of Dream Eater (which is the only time in the game that the worm gun was a viable weapon, that thing needs a buff).

I'd also like for there to be some sort of reward for feeding the flowers, I was kinda hoping that one of the flowers would turn into a giant, optional flower boss, and I'm gonna say, I was actually somewhat disappointed when I gave one over ten thousand juice, and it didn't turn into a boss. 

Keep up the hard work, though, I think Juice Galaxy can go from being a good game to a great game with a few tweaks. 

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I wanted to go over a couple things about the primary slot but i wanted to preface by saying that I really do love the game and have been having fun with it for a while.

Firstly, they're pretty useless compared to spells. I feel like spells get higher in damage (i think they scale in damage with the monster level you got it from) much quicker than weapons and I think its mainly due to the fact getting higher weapon damage is more luck based (including finding hard juice because that's really annoying to find, at least for me).  What I mean by luck based is you need to have good damage rolls on the weapon. At higher monster levels I feel like the weapons just become like accessories and whichever has the highest modifier levels are the best, instead of using them as actual weapons. Also, melee in general needs a buff, I feel like I can at least use a projectile weapon with a good damage roll but if I get a melee with a high damage roll its feels lack luster. Btw the derptera is very fun to fight, I think its sick how they fight other enemies. also i really like how they slap things instead of just walking into them.

sorry if this is just rambling

will the size of your character have a impact on the muscle stat (health, arm strength, meele damage)?

hey dev, when is the next update im very curious

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so. a few players have posited the terrifying concept of limiting the stat growth system.

 i would like to hop on to the pile of people who are actually all for infinite scaling, as well as being an enjoyer of the variety of fun stats such as arm strength and flight speed

I think the stats are fine currently, but I think removing any cap would be nice. I've 100%ed everything in the current version and I like to open it up and keep playing sometimes, but it would be nice to have that dopamine incentive to keep investing long-term.


swrly d has awaken



my head hurts

oh also not keeping juice after death might be good

I actually do like how the game works now, but removing the cap on the upgrades would be nice, but of course that would get a little op so i would personaly add enemy scaling based on your stats, with enemies getting stronger based on what you upgrade. (enemies do more damage the more health you got, enemies having more health the more damage you deal, ect ect.)

it would also be cool if bosses after defeating them for the first time also get difficulty scaling to make sure they arent a joke the second/third time through.

Enemies scaling off of the stats you have is not a good idea, as it makes stat progression meaningless.

I'd instead propose a "world level" in which enemies' base level increases based on what your current world level is, and maybe you could spend Juice to increase it, which would then increase your progress rate. This should also effect bosses as well.

I also like the idea of using "Core Stats" to improve them (Such as Muscle or Brains), while you could still invest Juice into advancing any of your "Minor Attributes" such as (Health, Health Regen, or Melee Damage).

The idea of a world level and core stats sounds really cool

 I think that "world level" should increase based off of how many bosses and enemies you kill (like in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom (some may not have heard of this- it's a hidden number)) because spending juice to increase world level instead of stats would make people avoid doing it (so that they can just get super overpowered and pwn everything in sight instead of actually gaining difficulty).  I love how this whole thread is basically everyone just suggesting mechanics from different games.

cam you add a black hole boss it spawn ML14 (my idea is kinda dumb) if it eats it grows and you have shoot at it explosves for it to shrink?

I think that new stats would be difficult to logically place in the game without some sort of  new system for upgrading them (think Cult of the Lamb- corresponding bosses and characters drop/give items that let you upgrade them). For example, perhaps the Wawsp Queen drops an item that lets you upgrade Spirit.

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