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Raymond VS The Party SnatchersView game page

Bark at your own risk...
Submitted by Amaakir — 6 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How did you choose to implement the Theme: Alien Infiltration in your game?
Aliens are infiltrating a party in an effort to overwhelm the rest of the party guests by midnight.

Did you implement any of the optional Bonus Challenges, and if so, which ones?
I did no.1. Wanted to implement all 3 but ran out of time

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Honestly, it took me a few to understand what to do to get 'test' people if they were Alien or not, but once I did I had a lot of fun with this. Really cool and unique concept.


This was great - charming and unique, the game just had a fun vibe to it.  I also like how the game made you discover the mechanics naturally (like barking to sus out the aliens), though I didn't end up working out what to do with the knife or boombox did. There were also a few minor bugs, but overall great stuff (& I found myself playing a couple times until I got the good ending)


Thanks so much for playing and your feedback!

I originally wanted to game to have an opening cutscene to tell players about the mechanics but I ran out of time. The whole mechanics with the items have to do with the guests reactions or animations, usually a human would be afraid of a knife or dance to the boombox's music, but an alien impostor might react differently, a bit repetive though haha

I'd be very interesting in knowing what bugs you found so I can patch them up for an update.

Thanks again for playing!


Ha yep I get that, overscoping is my superpower haha. And ahh that makes sense, I completely missed those but on replaying that's a nice touch!

And sure thing, so the main one was when you first pick up the knife, the two options that appear are 'E - hold to attack' and 'E - interact', which I assume is a bug as whenever you pick it up after this, the second option becomes, 'R - drop'. And the other bug was in the game over menu but I wasn't able to reproduce it. But yeah, nice one!


Man this was great! I wasn't quite able to figure it all out, but I want to go back and play some more of this later. My constructive feedback would be:
Menu was awesome, I loved the effects and just how well it fit the game.
The concept is excellent. Funny, fun, engaging. Well done!
The controls themselves felt good.
Art was great, hilarious using the same faces. 

Cons (just a little tweaking could easily fix):
It was a little hard to tell what options you had other than just attacking the guests. I didn't even know there were humans in the room until after attacking about 6-8 characters, since I would attack them and then they'd catch up to be and get me. 

I have two monitors and during the game when the mouse disappeared  it was still moving in the background. Every time it went to the second monitor I lost control of the game. I also had that happen with the menus, sometimes if I clicked next to the button the mouse would disappear making it hard to select something. Nit-picky, I know. haha.

Overall, I loved it. Well done!


Thank you for playing and for the great feedback! 

Yea, the gameplay itself lacks a bit of variety and there's not much in the form of a tutorial. I want to try adding something in game that will clear up the players objectives. And the two monitor bug is most interesting, I will for sure be looking into it. Thanks so much again for taking the time to leave your impressions!


Love this, it’s a creative and concise idea for a game! A bit laggy on my end but we can probably chalk that up to my 10yo laptop haha. Great work!


Thanks for playing and leaving a review!

Hahaha It's all good, honestly, I built the web build real quick and dirty so it is not optimized at all, I'll make sure to upload a better build soon if you ever wanna give it another shot, thanks again!


Very funny but no so scary horror game. The poor 3d models are perfect. Maybe you could add more hints of how to play the game during gameplay, like a tutorial?


Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Yea,  having a tutorial was something I had to leave out of this build, unfortunately. After the voting period ends I'll be uploading an update with a mini tutorial to help players out :)


Really nice presentation! The idea of a dog using it's owner to beat the crap out of aliens is hilarious, especially because of the dialogue in-game. I also really enjoy the multiple endings as it really increases replayability!

I really liked the visuals and animation in particular, it sells the 80s low budget alien movie vibe and lowers tension, even while being chased by an alien.

I did wish there was a need to use both of the items though, I ended up winning with the good ending only by going around to each human and using the boombox. I hope, if you continue to develop the idea, that you might add an alien that requires the knife to find, right now, I feel the night passed a little too slowly because of the simple mechanic.

Hope you develop the idea to add that little "oomph" to the hunting. Otherwise, I really liked this one! Congrats!


Thank you for such an awesome review and feedback!

Yeah, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, difficulty balancing was something I had to postpone because of the time limit, but I am thinking about working another month or so on the game and I share the same thoughts as you. I also want to have aliens converting humans to aliens so it follows on the whole snatchers theme.

Thanks so much for playing and taking the time to leave feedback!


A good boy must help the owner find the aliens so that he can knock them out with one punch. The game looks very stylish, the models and animations are cool. The gameplay is interesting to find out who the alien from guests. Not all of them respond with the sound of a dual-up modem. Some of them simply have suspicious animation that does not immediately identify an alien.


Originally I wanted to have more interactions and ways to find out which ones were aliens or not, but I ran out of time :P

Thanks for playing and leaving a review!


Really cute idea for a game! I loved the 'Dog Vision' setting too :)


Hahaha so happy you tried out the dog vision! It was a silly thing to add but I wanted players to have a giggle and fun with it. 

Thanks for playing and leaving a review!


Fun and re-playable


It's a cool concept, nice art, but more cute than scary.


Yea, I relied a lot on inspiration from Mars Attack and They Live so it ended up being a little more whacky than scary. Thanks for the review!