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A member registered May 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your review and for organizing the jam! I agree the text has a blur which makes it hard to read. Will try to fix this. The game is hard. Success is based on a combination of jumps using trampolines, walls and double jumping. To get the note by the water you need to go up on the platforms on the left side of the level and then down on the right side.

This is a hardcore game. No, seriously - sorry about the poor instructions. Thanks for playing!

Very funny but no so scary horror game. The poor 3d models are perfect. Maybe you could add more hints of how to play the game during gameplay, like a tutorial?

No, sorry, you cannot. You will be kicked out of the jam.

The data virus killed me! Should never have opened that CD...

By the way, the game needs a restart button.

The buttons for the time speed selector work fine but the time is not moving forward. I will try the game again, and unpause it!

About the colours, most game artists use mood boards to set a tone of the game. Since you didn't seem to use a mood board there is no specific mood. However, I'm not an artist myself so I cannot provide much help.

An adorable little game! The combination of lots of text and a font that is hard to read is not ideal. If you have a long story to tell I would prefer longer chunks of text. It becomes very tedious to click forward after a while. Still, a very well made entry with great pixel art and sound.

I tried the game on Firefox and Chrome but it didn't start on my Mac.

Ambitious project with an advanced UI, menus, buttons etc. Looks like it could be fun, but a lot is missing, like for example a tutorial. I didn't understand what to do in the beginning and there are no hints.

 Some countries cannot be selected, like Sweden and Italy. Maybe the selectable countries could be highlighted? 

I would avoid bright colours in the map, and not use black for the contours. Perhaps a brown and green colour palette would look nice?

Is the game in real time or turn-based? My guess is that is is real time based on the time speed selector in the top right, which didn't work, by the way.

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Super cute graphics! I liked the sound too. You should add a fullscreen button. For a point and click adventure there was little to click on. I clicked randomly on some answers, then I was able to advance. The text was a little bit hard to read.  I would appreciate another type of font and more space.

After some walking and talking the mission was complete. Not very hard. It was fun reading about Mary and Timothy. Very interesting history.

Interesting but I didn't get very far. It was hard to understand how to play, and I could not find out how to play again. The Wilhelm scream was fun. The loading was a bit too long. Maybe the memory size can be reduced?

(1 edit)

Thank you! I agree that the start button at the bottom right can be hard to find. Yes, it is a rage game. Sadly, I cannot play it myself anymore due to poor anger management, but it is possible to finish the first and only level. The goal is to find seven pieces of information.

Thank you! Sorry about the frustrating levels. If you need help with some level, please let me know.

I still have no idea what this game is about. Anyway, great job on the graphics and the sound!

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Thanks a lot! There is definitely a retro touch in this game, but since the game is very simple there is no point in having advanced graphics.

As pointed out before the level design could be improved. Smaller levels or checkpoints would have been nice since the jumping still is hard even though a jumping meter has been added (thanks!). Still, it is a very well made game with pretty graphics and a lovely music track. However, collecting trash is not clearly related to fighting climate change in my opinion.

Fun farm management game. Unlike most management games it is not about making money, but instead the goal is just sustaining the farm. This means there is not really any point of the farm, besides staying alive, which turned out to be pretty hard. There is no clear connnection to neither climate change nor the theme. Unfortunately, the game does not work on Firefox and Mac. So I tried it on Chrome instead, where it works fine.  Sound and graphics are effective but limited.

Thanks. Yes, I agree! The new version with an improved reset function will be available after the voting has ended.

Thanks for trying our game. I will add the missing game over screen. Here is a link to a video with the solution to level 1:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM

Beautiful but confusing. The audio and graphics are both impressive. Happy to see someone use PlayCanvas for a change. However, the game is not easy to understand. The missions could be more clearly described. Now I feel like a drop floating around in an ocean, which might be fun for a while, but not in the long run.

Very ambituous project which unfortunately is a bit hard to understand. I had difficulty connecting the buildings to the electricity and water. There was no clear explanation of what went wrong. Anyway, great job getting this far!

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I got this error on the web build (Firefox and Mac):

abort("both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed") at jsStackTrace@





Happy you appreciate the game. I agree the reset button should take you back to the same level. In some levels water is not needed, and these levels probably are the easiest, so maybe they should be the first ones. By the way, the levels are not ordered by difficulty.

Thank you. Here is a link to a video with the solution to level 1:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM

The fireman has some super human powers to be be able to fight the fire alone. For example he/she can spray and pump water super fast. Hope this makes sense. No seriously - you are right -  I just don't wanna change the mechanics since then I also have to redo all the level design.

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Thanks! Happy you like it and I can give the solution for level 9 if you like. There are some additional rules that are not clearly stated in the instructions. It is hard to know how much details is needed when explaining, but I think this shows that the instructions need to be updated.

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I made a few jumps but I could not press a button on my keyboard fast enough. The music was very stressfull and reading all those push notices while playing was hard. Maybe you could reduce the amount of information in the game while playing? Also the frogs left back leg looks like it is broken.

If you use the water gun you can beat the first level, see video:!AuNhMoQpgKq7gaJ5FWK1yyHNuN6ySw?e=PLBKlM

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Thank you! Please try to explain, because I haven't noticed any bug. By the way, I forgot to answer your previous comment in the production sprint. You wrote about problems when holding a button. Unfortunately the game has not been built to handle this.

The game isn't really finished. For example you can walk outside the room into thin air. Still, a nice beginning of something great!

Looks and sounds very good. Great arcade feeling. Unfortunately the game is very hard from the beginning and I never even finished the first level. Things are flying around at a high speed and there is almost no chance of avoiding them.

Very nice clicker that loads quickly. I like the idea of shifting focus from individual to collective actions as a way to reduce feelings of guilt. The only bug I found was that some options disappeared at the bottom of the screen when new ones were added at the top.

Where have all the flowers gone? I looked around but could not found any to eat. Besides, I don't think flowers is the primary diet of the muskoxen, but this is only a minor remark. Finally, I could not see the point of making this a 3d game since all the action takes place in 2d, but of course 3d looks cooler.

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I could walk through the buildings. Maybe some work remains... Besides the game was hard to start, and the buttons did not respond. Anyway, looks like a good start on a beautiful game.

Thanks! We agree and will try to add mouse control.

Thank you for writing. The solution for level 1 is below in the comments. You need to use the water gun.

This could be the solution however I was not able to make it full screen. If you add a full screen button to the page in Itch it would be easy.

I am using a Mac. Maybe that's the problem :)

The game does not work properly in Chrome or Firefox. There are no cards. Only empty card slots and piano music.