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Rescue the FrogView game page

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Submitted by Cristie King — 9 hours, 13 minutes before the deadline
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Game Title
Rescue the Frog

Developer Name
Gamevate Studio

Short Promo Blurb
Frog is the Future Human Being!

Full Description
"Rescue the Frog" is a strategic game where players control different frogs to jump away from the heat wave and save these endangered frogs lives. Here’s how it works:

•1. Bounce to Safety: Seize the time to control the frogs to jump on lily pads. Click the left mouse button or press the spacebar to jump.

•2. Cool Down: Press random WASD to change the background scenes to 'change the story' of human activity to make earth a better place to live.

•3. Balance: Trees will be collected or planted according to the distance players jumped and the accuracy of these WASD keys.

•4: Unlock: Players can unlock new endangered frogs to know about them when get enough trees in the game.

•5. News: In the game, climate issue headlines and extinct animal reports appear on the right, highlighting severe impacts and creating a sense of urgency for players.

The challenge is to rescue the frog before the weather gets too hot. This mechanic symbolizes real-world efforts to mitigate global warming and overcome challenges in climate action.

Promo Image(s)

Promo Video

Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
"Rescue the Frog" leverages the theme of climate change and "changing the story" by providing an engaging and interactive experience that highlights the importance of environmental conservation by the well-known metaphor of the boiling frog. Here’s how we incorporate and find inspiration from these themes:
Compelling Aspects of the Themes:

1. Environmental Awareness: Climate change is a critical issue that affects everyone. Highlighting this theme helps raise awareness and encourages players to think about their impact on the environment.

2. Active Problem Solving: The idea of "changing the story" emphasizes the power of individual actions in making a difference. This resonates with the gameplay, where players must strategically control the different frogs to jump away from the heat.
Incorporating the Themes:

1. Metaphor of the Boiling Frog: The concept draws inspiration from the metaphor of the boiling frog, which is often used to illustrate the dangers of gradual climate change. This metaphor became the foundation for the game's core theme, emphasizing the urgency of taking action before it's too late.

2. Documentary Inspiration: Watching "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore and "Earth 2100" by ABC provided significant inspiration. Both documentaries highlight the severe consequences of climate change and the need for proactive measures, which we translated into the game’s narrative and mechanics.

3. Gameplay Mechanics: Players control the jumping frogs to get away from the heat while colleting more trees to cool down the earth. This mechanic symbolizes real-world efforts to mitigate global warming and overcome challenges in climate action.

4. Educational Elements: The game subtly educates players about the importance of reducing temperatures and removing barriers to protect ecosystems, represented by the endangered frogs.

5. Time Sensitivity: The urgency to rescue the frog before the weather gets too hot, reflecting the real-world urgency of addressing climate change before it becomes irreversible.

Development Summary
At first, our original idea was to use ice cubes to hit a glass which is boiling the frog to rescue the boiling frog, because it is a metaphor of how the climate change is going to effect all of us. But along the production, I find out that the jumping system of the ice cubes are wierd, because it should be the frogs that do the jumping, for they are famous for their jumping ability. So considering the overall readbility of the game, I changed into contorlling the frogs to jump on the lily pads to escape the heat wave that is chasing the frogs closely. and players can type the correct WASD when the quick time events like this happens to change the background scenes of the enviornment to 'change the story' of the living conditions that those frogs are living in. And in addition, there are some news popping up at the right to showcase the players how bad our plante is now. We try to create this kind of intense feelings so that they can feel that it is already a very urgent thing to do, and helping these frogs are only one step, they need to collect trees along the way, to really unlock and cool down the plante to create a better living condition for these frogs. We only have 2 people in our team. I am the game designer and my partner is in charge of the coding and the music. Although we know there are still a lot for improvement for this game, we do learnt a lot by doing it. I think the hardest thing is keep trying, sometimes, the game design can be fun, they just need some cooperation with other systems. So keep faith in doing it is the hardest thing. But for me, I think every step is invaluable for gaining the experiences.

Release Plan
We are not going to release it now, for there are still a lot to improve. But I do love this concept about climate, I never thought about adding the concept of the climate change into game design before. I think by doing this project, I have learnt a lot about the urgency of the current climate issue and lots of the hidden truth about it. I am very happy that I attended this. Thank you, indiecade, for organizing this activity. I will alway s keep the climate in my mind not only in daily lives but also future game designs.

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The overall playability of the game was great. It was a simple jumping game and the timed key presses were a great addition to keep it a little more interesting. I liked the idea of the facts on the side but never really had an opportunity to read them. You made great use of your time in producing polished mechanics by making the style of the game thru images rather than 3D models or handmade sprites. If anyone is continuing this project I would rethink the facts,  make some soundtrack tweaks, and overall just add more replayability. Good job :)


I'm a fan of the game's core jumping mechanic, and it is programmed super well; what I think could be rethought is the text popups on the side of the screen. When I was actively focused on the jumping, I didn't have time to read these messages.

Submitted (1 edit)

I made a few jumps but I could not press a button on my keyboard fast enough. The music was very stressfull and reading all those push notices while playing was hard. Maybe you could reduce the amount of information in the game while playing? Also the frogs left back leg looks like it is broken.


Hi, I love the music and frog selection design, but I seem to be stuck at the "press WASD to change environmental background" part and couldn't proceed further. I pressed the keys and nothing happened. Is there a solution to this problem?