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A member registered Nov 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey, I have removed this from the game jam simply because games have to have a free version to be included in the jam. If you submit a demo then it's totally cool (and if you want to charge for the game after the demo that's totally OK as well).

Yep! Any images you find from my streams or of my hawk you can totally use!

I hope so!

I personally like to credit everyone who has had a part (even if they themselves don't require it). But to be safe, at the very least those that require a mention, do so. And I'd just credit them like however they request it.

That is 100% ok. The main purpose of this jam is to have fun!

(1 edit)

You can redo old projects, but you cannot take an old project and start updating it.

This was a lot more entertaining than it had any right to be

I was a bit lost in the story and plot, but everything else was really well done.

A little confusing at times, but the art is always exceptional

I'm not good at dating piggies. 

Honestly...this is not out of character for Roger LOL

I think I found it...

You make some AWESOME games

This was great until the ending. Still, I hope for more soon!

Stop gaslighting meeeee

This was tough as HELL when I played it, but I can't wait to try again.

Honestly, there were some issues, but this was a treat to play

I was terrible at this game, but it was cute and funny

I love this Exit 8 clone

The winner of the game jam AND FOR GOOD REASON

Honestly, there are worse ways to go than my own creation rising up against me.

You always make the saddest, but most wonderful, games.

What's better than a good murder? A GOOD BOOK AND A SMOKER'S VOICE.


Honestly, the ending was my favorite part XD

This was one of the cutest and funniest games in this whole jam <3

Thank you for giving me a rockin' bod LOL


Unnerving, but cool!

Not bad! Could use a little work, though.

For those who wish to include the logo in their game for whatever reason, here it is:

LMAO. Damn you.

This was brilliant.

(2 edits)

Hawktober Horrors 2024

Submissions are open from Sept. 24th to October 22nd.

Every year, I run a horror-themed game jam for my community and livestream all the submissions (as well as put them all onto YouTube). This year, I'm trying to get a wider area of influence and interest, to hopefully bring some new blood to the jam! The past couple of years have produced some AWESOME games, but the amount of submissions has started to taper off, so I'm hoping to change that.

I've tweaked the name, revised the themes (usually I do a more complex one and have the community deduce hints to reveal it early, but this year will be a little more approachable!), added challenges for the first time, and am going to put my favorite game on high prominence on both my Twitch and YouTube channels.

The Theme this year is to pick from one of my favorite horror genres and create a game around that! Several of the challenges include incorporating dialog I wrote, using horror tropes to cast your game's characters, and more!

There are no monetary rewards, but besides special Discord roles in my server for the winners, I will also be picking my favorite game to become the showcased video on my YouTube channel as well as a Channel Trailer on my Twitch channel.

Thanks for checking it out!

It is now the far future. Where is the sequel?!

I am so bad at these kinds of logic puzzles, but the game was worth the frustration lol